P. 14

                        Friday 29 June 2018
            Harold Rasmijn – Caribbean Employee of the Year Award 2018

            EAGLEBEACH  ―  The  staff,  ity skills.                   Harold  was  the  proud  re-
            management  and  owners                                   cipient  of  the  highly  cov-
            of  the  Manchebo  Beach  A  special  celebration  was  eted  2017  AHATA  Excel-
            Resort & Spa are very proud  held  at  the  resort’s  Beach  lence Award for Employee
            that  Harold  Rasmijn  has  Pavilion  on  Tuesday  after-  of  the  Year  of  the  Aruba
            been  awarded  the  2018  noon,  June  26,  upon  Har-    Hotel  &  Tourism  Associa-
            Caribbean  Employee  of  old’s  return  from  Miami,  tion. This spring AHATA and
            the Year Award during last  during the weekly Manag-      Manchebo  Beach  Resort
            week’s CHTA Chief Confer-    er’s Cocktail Party together  &  Spa  nominated  Harold
            ence in Miami. The annual  with the resort guests, staff,  for  the  Caribbean  Award
            award  of  the  Caribbean  management and owners.  which he got awarded this
            Hotel  &  Tourism  Associa-  There were special words of  past  weekend  in  Miami  in
            tion   (CHTA)   recognizes  praise  and  a  champagne  the presence of Patrick van
            outstanding      hospitality  toast to Harold’s major ac-  den  Berg,  assistant  resort
            employees  who  exemplify  complishment.                  general manager and Tisa
            above-average  technical                                  Lasorte, AHATA’s CEO.        right  at  home.  His  exten-  today  Harold  takes  won-
            competence and hospital-     On  December  1,  2017                                    sive knowledge on menus,  derfully  care  of  both  our
                                                                      Harold started his restaurant  food, wine and service was  One  Happy  Island  visitors
                                                                      career over 30 years ago at  obtained during a dedicat-   as well as the many locals
                                                                      the famous Talk of the Town  ed career in the restaurant  who  join  him  at  his  The
                                                                      Hotel on Aruba. Harold did  service industry for over 30  Chophouse  at  Manchebo
                                                                      so  under  the  guidance  of  years.                      Beach  Resort  &  Spa  on
                                                                      legendary  Aruba  hotelier  Throughout  the  years  Har-  Eagle Beach for a culinary
                                                                      Ike Cohen, who was the first  old worked himself up from  dining   experience   pro-
                                                                      recipient of the CHTA’s Ca-  busboy  to  assistant  waiter,  viding  top-notch  service.
                                                                      ribbean Hotelier of the Year  waiter  and  captain”  says  Harold  is  probably  most
                                                                      Award in 1978.               Edgar  Roelofs  the  resort’s  renowned  by  his  guests
                                                                                                   general manager.             for  his  fabulous  table-side
                                                                      “Harold  is  renowned  by                                 dish preparations including
                                                                      his  many  repeat  guests  as  On January 13, 2017 Harold  the  banana  flambee  and
                                                                      well  as  his  colleagues  for  was  bestowed  the  “2016  crepe suzette preparations
                                                                      his  wonderful  and  fore-   Employee  of  the  Year  as  well  as  the  table-side
                                                                      most  authentic  dining  ser-  Award”  of  the  Manchebo  carving of the famous Cha-
                                                                      vice making his guests feel  Beach  Resort  & Spa.  “Until  teaubriand”. q

            Hai Kobe at L.G. Smith’s Steak & Chop House

                                                                      steak.  What  is  a  trend  at
                                                                      various  renowned  restau-
                                                                      rants  around  the  world  is
                                                                      now  also  available  in  Aru-
                                                                      ba.    Kobe  meat  comes
                                                                      from  the  Japanese  beef
                                                                      breed Wagyu, from the Ta-
                                                                      jima  cattle.  The  cows  are
                                                                      fed ‘to perfection’ accord-
                                                                      ing  to  the  Hyōgo  system,
                                                                      established  by  the  Kobe
                                                                      Meat Marketing and Distri-
                                                                      bution  Promotion  Associa-
                                                                      tion.  The  capital  of  Hyōgo
                                                                      is  called  Kobe,  therefore
                                                                      the name ‘Kobe’, which is
                                                                      now popular in the culinary
                                                                      world.  The  famous  Japa-
                                                                      nese  steak  is  known  for  its   Tataki,  made  from  Kobe  and  various  other  special-
                                                                      flavor, tenderness and well   Beef  Tenderloin,  which  is  ties, including their famous
                                                                      marbled texture.             then  sliced    into  thin  slices.  ‘rack  of  lamb’  and  fresh
                                                                                                   In  addition,  the  customer  seafood.
                                                                      LGS  offers  a  unique  expe-  can choose how the main  LGS  combines  the  steak-
             ORANJESTAD  -  June  –  LG  natic can enjoy the famous   rience  every  Friday  from   course  is  served.  It  is  rec-  house  mentality  with  a
             Smith’s’  Steak  &  Chop  Japanese Kobe Steak.           6.00  pm,  where  the  ten-  ommended to try the Kobe  modern and chic look. Af-
             House  (LGS)  is  known  for                             der  Kobe  meat  is  paired   Beef  Tenderloin  (4  or  8  oz)  ter  dinner,  the  vibes  con-
             offering  steak  and  wine  Innovation    has   always   with exclusive wines. These   or  the  Kobe  Ribeye  Steak  tinue until 6am at The Mid-
             lovers  an  exclusive  expe-  been  part  of  LGS  and  the   wines  can  be  ordered  by   (10 oz) next Friday.   night Lounge, an extension
             rience, whether it’s brunch  Hai Kobe Night is no excep-  glass  or  by  bottle.  Visitors                         of the LGS restaurant with a
             or dinner. And this time it is  tion. The famed restaurant   can choose from an starter   LGS is the ‘# 1 Steakhouse  view on the Crystal Casino.
             no different: from this week  at  the  Renaissance  Aruba   such  as  the  traditional  tar-  in Aruba’ according to Tri-  Are  you  ready  to  make  a
             on every Friday from 18.00  Resort & Casino is the only   tare - prepared with Kobe   pAdvisor  and  is  known  for  reservation?  Call  523.6195
             it’s  Hai  Kobe  Night  at  LGS,  one  on  the  island  to  of-  Beef  Tenderloin  -  or  the   their  USDA  certification,  or visit our website www.lg-
             where  the  real  steak  fa-  fer  the  famous  Japanese                              their  ‘aged-prime  steaks’   q
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