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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 29 June 2018

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            Gunman kills 5 in attack at Maryland newspaper building

            Continued from Front         have  used  a  shotgun,  ac-  “I’m  a  police  reporter.  I
                                         cording  to  a  U.S.  official   write about this stuff — not
            Authorities  said  they  also  who was briefed on the in-  necessarily  to  this  extent,
            found  what  they  believed  vestigation  but  not  autho-  but shootings and death —
            to be an explosive device.   rized  to  discuss  it  publicly   all the time,” he said. “But
            Phil  Davis,  a  reporter  who  and spoke on condition of   as much as I’m going to try
            covers courts and crime for  anonymity.  The  gunman      to  articulate  how  trauma-
            the  paper,  tweeted  that  was not carrying any iden-    tizing it is to be hiding under
            the  gunman  shot  out  the  tification, authorities said.  your desk, you don’t know
            glass door to the office and  “The shooter has not been   until  you’re  there  and  you
            fired  into  the  newsroom,  very  forthcoming,  so  we   feel helpless.”
            sending people scrambling  don’t  have  any  informa-     Davis  told  the  paper  he
            for cover under desks.       tion  yet  on  motive,”  Anne   and others were still hiding
            “A single shooter shot mul-  Arundel  County  Executive   under their desks when the
            tiple  people  at  my  office,  Steve  Schuh  said.  “To  my   gunman stopped firing.
            some of whom are dead,”  knowledge,  there  was  no       “I don’t know why. I don’t
            he wrote.                    verbal  aspect  to  the  inci-  know why he stopped,” he   Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley speaks with reporters near the
            Davis  added:  “There  is  dent where he declared his     said.q                       scene of a shooting in Annapolis, Md., Thursday, June 28, 2018.
            nothing   more    terrifying  motives or anything else, so                                                                     Associated Press
            than hearing multiple peo-   at  this  point  we  just  don’t
            ple  get  shot  while  you’re  know.”
            under  your  desk  and  then  Anne Arundel County Act-
            hear the gunman reload.”     ing  Police  Chief  William
            The attacker had mutilated  Krampf     confirmed    five
            his  fingers  in  an  apparent  deaths  and  said  several
            attempt to make it harder  others  were  gravely  hurt.
            to  identify  him,  according  At  least  two  hospitals  said
            to  a  law  enforcement  of-  they  received  three  pa-
            ficial  who  was  not  autho-  tients, two of them with mi-
            rized  to  discuss  the  investi-  nor  injuries  not  caused  by
            gation and spoke on con-     gunshots.
            dition of anonymity. Anoth-  Police spokesman Lt. Ryan
            er  official  who  also  spoke  Frashure said officers raced
            on condition of anonymity  to the scene, arriving in 60
            said investigators identified  seconds, and took the gun-
            the  man  using  facial  rec-  man  into  custody  without
            ognition technology.         an exchange of gunfire.
            The  shooting  —  which  About  170  people  in  all
            came amid months of ver-     were  evacuated  from  the
            bal  and  online  attacks  on  building  as  a  multitude
            the  “fake  news  media”  of  police  cars  and  other
            from  politicians  and  oth-  emergency  vehicles  con-
            ers  from  President  Donald  verged on the scene. Peo-
            Trump on down— prompt-       ple  could  be  seen  leav-
            ed New York City police to  ing  the  building  with  their
            immediately  tighten  secu-  hands up.
            rity at news organizations in  The  newspaper  is  part  of
            the nation’s media capital.  Capital Gazette Communi-
            At the White House, spokes-  cations, which also publish-
            woman  Lindsay  Walters  es  the  Maryland  Gazette
            said:  “There is no room for  and
            violence,  and  we  stick  by  In  an  interview  with  The
            that.  Violence  is  never  tol-  Capital  Gazette’s  online
            erated in any form, no mat-  site, Davis said it “was like a
            ter whom it is against.”     war zone” inside the news-
            The gunman, whose name  paper’s  offices  —  a  situa-
            was  not  immediately  re-   tion that would be “hard to
            leased,  was  believed  to  describe for a while.”
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