P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
            Actress Quvenzhane Wallis taking new on a new role of author

            By CHEVEL JOHNSON            a  trade  association  repre-  definitely  see  myself  doing
             Associated Press            senting over 300 bookstores  more of this in the future.”
            NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  in  Florida,  South  Carolina,  Qulyndreia  Wallis,  Wallis’
            Quvenzhane  Wallis,  whose  North  Carolina,  Georgia,  mother,  said  the  process
            stunning portrayal of Hush-  Louisiana, Alabama, Arkan-   proved relatively easy.
            puppy  in  “Beasts  of  the  sas,  Tennessee,  Kentucky,  “We basically told them our
            Southern  Wild”  earned  her  Virginia and Mississippi. “It’s  interest  or  story  line,  what
            an  Oscar  nomination  at  something  I  would  want  we wanted the books to be
            age  9,  is  launching  a  new  everyone to do, especially  about and how we wanted
            career path.                 teenagers my age. I don’t  to  get  her  message  out,”
            The now 14-year-old is add-  think  we  read  as  much  as  she  said.  “Then  we  found
            ing author to her resume.    we should.”                  Nancy,  who  helped  fine-
            On  Oct.  3,  through  Si-   Wallis  said  she  doesn’t  re-  tune her thoughts and put
            mon  and  Schuster,  Wallis  ally have a favorite author  it  together.  From  there,
            is  releasing  two  children’s  and usually reads all types  we  would  proof  read  and
            books:  “Shai  &  Emmie  Star  of genres. She said she es-  make  sure  it  was  said  in  a
            in  Break  an  Egg,”  which  pecially  enjoyed  coming  way  she  would  say  it  and
            chronicles  the  lives  of  two  up  with  the  concepts  and  the books were formed.”
            best friends at a performing  working through them with  “Break  an  Egg”  is  the     In this June 26, 2016 file photo, Quvenzhané Wallis arrives at the
            arts  school,  and  “A  Night  co-author  Nancy  Ohlin,  first  in  a  series  of  chapter   BET Awards in Los Angeles.
            Out with Mama,” a picture  who helped with the writing  books  set  for  release  by                                            Associated Press
            book inspired by her experi-  on the current projects.    the south Louisiana native,  determined.  “I  really  hope  tour  scheduled  Monday
            ence at the Oscars.          “The  stories  have  a  few  who  weaves  her  creative  that people my age enjoy  through       Wednesday      in
            Wallis said writing is a natu-  things  that  I  like  and  en-  and artistic life into typical  reading these books,” Wal-  New York. In addition, she’s
            ral extension of her love for  joy.  For  instance  there’s  a  teenage activities like play-  lis said. “I’m excited about  scheduled  for  a  signing  at
            reading.                     part in the first one where a  ing  basketball  and  volley-  experiencing  new  things  the New Orleans book fes-
            “Reading  is  one  of  my  fa-  character  is  talking  about  ball  and  participating  on  and  sometimes  it  gets  to  tival on Nov. 11.
            vorite  things  to  do,”  she  her  book  bag  and  it’s  tur-  her private all-girls school’s  the point where I might get  As  for  acting,  Wallis  said
            said  during  a  recent  ap-  quoise,  my  favorite  color.  dance  team.  The  second  a little obsessed with it. But  there’s nothing currently on
            pearance  in  New  Orleans  So  there  are  small  details  book  is  scheduled  for  re-  I  really  enjoy  writing  and  I  the horizon.
            at  the  Southern  Indepen-  in there that come specifi-  lease in January and a third  can’t wait to do more.”     “Just the books and school
            dent  Booksellers  Alliance,  cally from me,” she said. “I  has  a  release  date  to  be  Wallis  has  a  mini-book  and sports,” she said.q
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