P. 32

                 Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
            Dubai dreams of flying taxis darting among its skyscrapers

            By JON GAMBRELL
             Associated Press
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-
            ates  (AP)  —  With  a  whirl-
            ing buzz from 18 rotors, the
            pilotless  helicopter  gently
            lifted  off  the  ground  and
            soared  up  into  the  after-
            noon  sky,  the  spire  of  the
            world’s  tallest  building  vis-
            ible behind it.
            The    recent   unmanned
            flight by the German-made
            electric  Volocopter  rep-
            resents  the  latest  step  in
            Dubai’s pursuit of flying tax-
            is,  which  would  not  seem
            out  of  place  among  the
            Gulf city’s already futuristic
            skyline  —  imagine  “Blade
            Runner,” with less rain.
            Dubai already has invested
            in  another  model  of  a  fly-
            ing,  autonomous  taxi,  and
            is  working  to  design  regu-
            lations for their use. Putting
            more  passengers  in  the
            air  could  free  its  already
            clogged  highways  and
            burnish  the  city’s  cutting-
            edge image of itself.
            “It’s  public  transportation   In this Sept. 26, 2017 photo, a Volocopter prototype flies in front of the two hotel towers during a test flight in Dubai, United Arab
            for everybody, so you can    Emirates. Dubai is hoping to one day have flying, pilotless taxis darting among its skyscrapers.
            use,  you  can  order  it,  you                                                                                                 Associated Press
            can  pay  for  the  trip  and  swapped in as needed.      pilotless  helicopter  is  just  the  head  of  the  RTA,  told  hammed  bin  Rashid  Al
            the  trip  is  not  much  more  “I  believe  (the)  urban  air  the  beginning.  Unpiloted  a  conference  in  February  Maktoum,  says  he  wants
            expensive than with a car,”  taxi will contribute an inter-  passenger  flights  represent  that  the  Chinese-made  25 percent of all passenger
            said  Alexander  Zosel,  Vo-  esting addition to the exist-  a  new  frontier  for  regula-  EHang  184,  a  Volocopter  trips in the city to be done
            locopter’s  co-founder.  “If  ing  transportation  modes,”  tors.  Dubai’s  Road  and  competitor, would be regu-   by  driverless  vehicles  by
            you  build  roads,  you  build  Volocopter  CEO  Florian  Transportation   Authority,  larly flying through the city’s  2030.  The  city  has  a  deal
            bridges, it’s a huge amount  Reuter  said.  “There  are  which  has  invested  an  un-  skies  by  July,  though  that  in  place  with  Los  Angeles-
            and it’s always much more  certain  routes  that  are  just  disclosed  sum  in  Volocop-  deadline came and went.  based    Hyperloop    One
            cheaper to have a system  extremely  beneficial  if  you  ter, says it will work the next  The RTA did not respond to  to  study  the  potential  for
            where you don’t need that  can go to the third dimen-     five years to come up with  a request for comment.        building  a  hyperloop  line
            infrastructure.”                                                                                                    between  it  and  Abu  Dha-
            Driving  in  Dubai  already                                                                                         bi, the Emirati capital. That
            makes  one  yearn  for  the                                                                                         technology  has  levitating
            open  skies.  Rush  hour  on                                                                                        pods powered by electric-
            Sheikh  Zayed  Road,  a                                                                                             ity  and  magnetism  hurtle
            dozen-lane  artery  running                                                                                         through  low-friction  pipes
            down the length of the city,                                                                                        at a top speed of 1,220 kph
            alternates  between  dense                                                                                          (760  mph).  For  now,  the
            gridlock and sports-car sla-                                                                                        Volocopter’s  brief  flights
            lom. Over 1.5 million Dubai-                                                                                        in  Dubai  drew  VIP  crowds
            registered  vehicles  ply  its                                                                                      and film crews making ad-
            roads,  not  counting  those                                                                                        vertisements. But its execu-
            crowding  in  from  the  Unit-                                                                                      tives  say  after  rules  are  in
            ed Arab Emirates’ six other                                                                                         place, they will be ready for
            sheikhdoms.  The  Volocop-                                                                                          mass  production.  Already,
            ter’s designers envision the                                                                                        Volocopter    has   drawn
            electric,  battery-powered                                                                                          the  interest  of  automobile
            two-seat helicopters taking                                                                                         manufacturer  Daimler  AG,
            off and landing from pads                                                                                           which  was  part  of  a  con-
            set  up  across  the  city.  The                                                                                    sortium that put up $30 mil-
            prototype  used  in  Dubai   In this Sept. 26, 2017 photo, a Volocopter prototype is being pushed by their operators before it   lion in capital for Volocop-
            has a maximum flying time    sets for a test fly in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017.  Associated Press   ter.  Even  Airbus,  a  major
            of 30 minutes at 50 kph (31                                                                                         airplane  manufacturer,  is
            mph),  with  a  maximum  sion.”                           laws  and  develop  safety  Still,  Dubai  remains  at  the  looking  at  building  its  own
            airspeed  of  100  kph  (62  In   practice,    however,  procedures.                   front  of  the  pack  when  it  flying taxis. “We’ve proven
            mph). Batteries charged in  there’s  a  long  way  to  go.  That’s a longer time frame  comes  to  embracing  new  that it works,” Zosel said. “At
            climate-controlled   areas  Convincing white-knuckled  than  initially  offered  by  technology.                    the  end  of  this  five  years,
            near  the  pads  would  be  flyers to get into a buzzing,  Dubai.   Mattar   al-Tayer,  Dubai’s  ruler,  Sheikh  Mo-  Dubai will be ready.”q
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