P. 31
PEOPLE/ARTS Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
Wyclef Jean enjoys ‘global gumbo’ in ‘Carnival III’ release
By DAN GELSTON my winner, wore a NASCAR
AP Sports Writer jacket Sunday inside a mo-
DOVER, Del. (AP) — Wyclef torhome for an interview
Jean had a song named with The Associated Press at
in his honor and worked Dover International Speed-
with producers on his new way. Jean, a NASCAR fan
album who were just kids who is friends with former
when he released his de- driver Brian Vickers, gave
but solo album, “The Car- the command for drivers to
nival.” start their engines.
At 47, tributes from today’s It was a short drive to the
hip-hop stars and a surge of Delaware track for Jean.
young producers had Jean He still lives in New Jersey,
deciding to call it a day on where his family moved
“The Carnival” saga. “Car- from Haiti when he was just
nival III: The Rise and Fall of a young child.
a Refugee,” is the last one “I feel like the Haitian Bruce
under that banner. Springsteen,” Jean said.
“This is the trilogy. This is it,” In an interview with the AP,
Jean said. Jean, talked his future, The
Jean’s first full-length al- Fugees, protests and “Car-
bum in eight years was re- nival III,” shortly before he
leased Sept. 12 by Legacy bellowed to the crowd it In this Nov. 20, 2016 file photo, Haitian-American musician Wyclef Jean talks to the press upon
Recording, and coincides was time to start the NAS- arrival to vote during elections in the Petion-Ville suburb of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
with the 20-year anniver- CAR race. Associated Press
sary celebration of the AP: What does the new al- bum done before Carnival ducers like Supah Mario, I’m from a different gener-
Grammy winning “Carni- bum mean to you? which is still not finished. the Knocks, the Wavy ation. The idea of digging
val.” Jean would collabo- Jean: “The best way to ex- That album was the winter Gang. It’s sort of the gen- into the crates and discov-
rate with Santana, cover plain this album is, it seems of Stockholm when I got eration movement of this ery was very important. I’m
Bob Marley and snagged like a tastemakers album back from Haiti. Me and album. When I worked with always like, when I sampled
a cameo from Bob Dylan right now. The buzz of it is Avicii got together and the Santana, you could feel the Bee Gees, my whole
over the years, a thrill for building internally and in energy was so strong that that Wyclef/Fugee genera- thing was, don’t forget if
him to work with and honor the underground. That’s a we ended up doing 20, 25 tion and the Santana gen- you take a piece of some-
some of his musical heroes. beautiful thing. It’s been songs. It’s not finished yet. eration merging into one one’s material, they’re go-
These days, hip-hop stars like nine years, I think, since We were just talking about things.” ing to listen it. When I cre-
pay homage simply by the last one. I think the it on the phone the other AP: You worked with your ate something in my brain,
naming a song after The theme of the entire album day before he went to Burn- musical heroes. What does it’s my creation. So who
Fugees co-founder. is, I call it global gumbo. ing Man. He was like, ‘Yo, it it mean after 25 years to the hell is going to make
“When I first heard the re- The playlist is a playlist of would be a shame for the be in demand by the new it better? That’s always in
cord (I heard) new music, unity and of culture. We world not to hear this.’ I was generation? my brain. That’s why a lot
Wyclef Jean. I was like, could go from hip hop to like, ‘Yo, they’re going to Jean: of times it’s hard to clear
this is not my song,” Jean gospel to salsa. I guess it’s hear it. We’ve got to figure “The kids are making re- it. But “Wild Thoughts” is
said, laughing. “It was like, the thing that reminds us of it out.’ As we move to the cords about you. Even amazing. Khaled’s amaz-
no the song’s named after unification through music. future, there are like two al- “Wild Thoughts” is “Maria, ing, Rihanna’s amazing.
you.” That’s how I know that an bums past this Carnival.” Maria” sampled. So when We called Santana and it
Young Thug indeed named album will be called Carni- AP: What does mean to be (DJ) Khaled and them was a 1-2-3.”
a song “Wyclef Jean” that val and this will be the final held in such reverence by called and was like, yo, AP: Do you think you’re go-
included the line, “Okay, chapter.” today’s generation of hip- you’ve got to clear the ing to run for president of
my money way longer than AP: The last one? Is there hop stars? sample for me. A lot of Haiti again?
a NASCAR race.” more music ahead? Jean: “This album cel- people don’t like it. Santa- Jean: “We ran for the ur-
Jean, a three-time Gram- Jean: “There was an al- ebrates the younger pro- na don’t clear samples. But gency. q
Sarah Bailey’s ‘Dark Lake’ has solid character development
By OLINE H. COGDILL mate look at police detec- Gemma and her police Her sometimes reckless be-
Associated Press tives. partner, Detective Sgt. Fe- havior also puts Felix’s mar-
Some high school memo- Gemma investigates the lix McKinnon, delve into riage at risk and could turn
ries remain into adulthood, murder of Rosalind “Rose” Rose’s fractured family, her his three daughters against
returning to haunt you Ryan, found in the lake seemingly adoring students him.
about the person you used behind the private school and her aloof personality. Gemma’s flaws make her
to be — a situation that De- the two had attended and Gemma’s insight as a de- immensely human —
tective Sgt. Gemma Wood- where Rose taught. tective directly conflicts and her struggles relatable.
stock is uncomfortably re- In high school, Gemma with her messy personal life. Readers may occasion-
minded of in the enthralling was a bit obsessed with She lives with her partner, ally want to shake Gemma
“The Dark Lake.” Rose, a popular but private Scott, and their 2½-year- and tell her to get her life
Sarah Bailey’s debut deliv- teenager from one of the old son, Ben. together, but they are al-
ers a multilayered police wealthier families in Smith- She wants to be a good ways on her side.
procedural with strong son, Australia. mother and companion, Bailey uses solid character
characters whose emo- The case also makes Gem- but ennui roils off her. development and supe-
tions both assist and inter- ma remember her high Her affair with Felix con- rior storytelling, rather than
fere with their work. school boyfriend, Jacob sumes her, although she violence, to fuel “The Dark This cover image released
by Grand Central Publishing
“The Dark Lake” also bal- Mason, who left her for knows it could ruin their ca- Lake,” and she is off to an shows “The Dark Lake,” a nov-
ances an intricate story of Rose, and the secrets that reers as well as her life with excellent start in this launch el by Sarah Bailey
a community with an inti- swirled around his suicide. Scott. of a series.q Associated Press