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PAGINA 12                                                      DIARIO                         DIAHUEBS 6 AUGUSTUS 2015

Aruba ta di tur esnan cu taOpinion publico: stime, respete,
                                contribui y traha pe!
ORANJESTAD (AAN)                bon trabao na Aruba, ta per-   Hulanda, tambe na Merca y      no ta bon. Esnan cu e hen-
-- Redaccion di DIARIO          sonanan cu si no ta e tata ta  den paisnan di nos region.     denan cu ta duna opinion na    pa denuncia hasta un obli-
a ricibi diferente reaccion     e mama no a nace na Aruba.     Con e mayornan lo a sinti si   radio conoce cu ta haci mal-   gacion ta, si nan ta mira nan
di personanan no naci na        Con esnan cu ta generaliza     den e pais unda nan ta biba    dad na Aruba, ta derecho di    ta bende producto di cas pa
Aruba, pero cu tin hopi aña     ta kere cu e profesionalnan    y traha duro, y hasta kier     e pueblo pa identifica nan     cas, ta drumi bao di palo pa
biba akinan, cu semper a        aki ta sinti ora hende ta pa-  lanta un famia ta discrimina   cu nomber y fam, y kico nan    no gasta nan placa, of ta ac-
traha honestamente y cu         pia asina malo riba stranhe-   nan pasobra nan no a nace      delito tabata of ta. Tambe si  tua sospechoso den bario.
cada pipita di aroz cu nan      ro na radio? No mester lubi-   den e pais ey?                 e pueblo ta mira cu tin asina  Pero critica pa critica sin
ta pone riba mesa, ta cum-      da tampoco cu hopi hoben       E desaroyo aki di generaliza   tanto hende ta permanece       un base concreto y hinca tur
pra cu sudor di nan frenta.     local cu ta bay studia afo ta  y mustra rabia riba tur hende  ilegal na Aruba, logico cu     hende cu no a nace na Aruba
Nan ta personanan cu ta         keda afo, y no solamente na    no Arubiano biba na Aruba      ta su derecho pa reclama y     aden, ta un caminda robes y
sinti malo di scucha con al-                                                                                                 no ta husto tampoco.
gun persona Arubiano baha
riba stranhero, hinca nan tur   Our client, the Gemeenschappelijk Elektriciteitsbedrijf Bovenwindse Eilanden (“GEBE”) strives to be a
den e mesun saco ora nan ta     customer-oriented company that provides reliable, cost-effective, quality electricity, water and waste
generaliza y bisa cu Aruba      management services to the island community of Sint Maarten. GEBE aims to provide these services in
ta di Arubiano so!              a safe, environmental-friendly, sustainable and innovative manner. To help realize the newly formulated
                                strategic ambitions, where reliability and customer service play a central role, GEBE is looking for suitable
  No Shonnan. Aruba ta di       candidates for the position of:
tur esnan sea naci of no na
Aruba, cu ta stima e isla aki,                            CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER
cu ta respete, cu ta contribui
cu nan trabao y cu pago tur     The position
belasting y cumpli cu ley y     5IF$IJFG0QFSBUJPOT0GěDFS	İ$00ı
cu tur obligacion cu como       controlling of all departments within N.V. GEBE reporting to him/her. The COO manages activities to
ciudadano nan tin. No por       ensure that the core business of GEBE is conducted economically, reliably, safely and in
kita afo cu e ultimo lunan-     compliance with policies. The COO is skillful in creating a framework of support for innovations in
an a drenta hende di mas        the N.V. GEBE organization.
na Aruba y podise hopi di       The candidate
nan tin e intencion di keda     The COO provides the leadership, management and vision necessary to ensure that GEBE has
mientras cu no tin suficiente   the proper operational controls, administrative and reporting procedures, and people systems
pa mas mucha, salubridad        looking for a candidate that will accomplish this through a respectful, constructive and
su fondonan ta hopi preta,      energetic style, guided by the objectives of the company. The candidate should meet the
etc., etc. Pero pa controla     following criteria:
esaki tin autoridadnan na       ľ .BTUFSijTEFHSFFJOBUFDIOJDBMěFME
imigracion y policial y tam-    • Technical management experience at Board Management level in medium- to large
be ta berdad cu ilegalidad
no ta trece nada positivo pa               sized organizations;
un pais.                        • Ability to think and formulate strategic (technical) objectives and translate these
Pero no por huzga tampoco
sin mas comosifuera cu no                  objectives into operational actions;
tin ni un stranhero na Aruba    ľ *OEFQUIVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGUFDIOJDBM
cu ta bon. Esey ta hopi leu
for di berdad, y ta hurt e                 social challenges and their interrelationships;
curazon di hopi hende cu a      • Knowledge of the regulatory conditions for the supply of drinking water
pasa den duro, den pasado,
prome cu nan por a esta-                   and electricity;
blece na Aruba. Hopi di         • Skilled at organizational development, personnel management, budget and
nan a cana un caminda di
cruz y esey e temponan cu                  resource development, and strategic planning;
Aruba mes a habri porta pa      • Excellent intra- and interpersonal skills
hendenan di nos region bin      • Results driven leader with a decisive attitude
traha akinan, cu e boom cu      • Exhibits integrity, credibility, and commitment to the organization;
e turismo a crea.               • Excellent oral and written command of English and Dutch;
No lubida cu hopi di e pro-     ľ "GěOJUZXJUIUIF%VUDI$BSJCCFBODVMUVSF
fesionalnan cu ta haciendo      Candidates that meet the requirements are invited to send their resume with
                                a cover letter, before August 19, 2015, to KPMG Advisory Services B.V. to the
 Telefonnan di                  attention of Ms. Nathalie Cannegieter via
                                phone at (+5999) 732-5100. A psychological test may be administered as part
    582-6747                    of the application procedure.
 Fax 582-8551
                                Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in Aruba.
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