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P. 25
U.S. NEWS Saturday 8 auguSt 2020
Continued from Front temporarily shutting down
But economists worry that the economy would de-
the next leg of job growth feat the virus, after which
will be harder to achieve, businesses could quickly re-
particularly as the virus open and call back laid-off
dampens confidence, workers. But the resurgence
leaving much of the coun- of the virus in much of the
try only partially reopened, country has reversed some
most travel on hold and re-openings and made it
millions of employees work- harder for many people to
ing from home. The num- get back to work.
ber of people unemployed In addition to the rising
for longer than 15 weeks number of longer-term un-
jumped in July to more employed, the proportion
than 6 million, a sign many of Americans who are ei-
of the unemployed will ther working or looking for
have to find work at new work slipped last month to
companies or even in new 61.4%, down 2 percentage
occupations, a potentially points from February. That
lengthy process. suggests that many out of
Constance Hunter, chief work see little prospect of
economist at account- finding a job.
ing firm KPMG, noted that And the number of Ameri-
many jobs in hotels, sports cans who say their job loss-
stadiums and the travel es are permanent was flat
industry probably will not last month despite the rise
return until a vaccine is de- in hiring.
veloped. Cassy Menon, 36, was fur-
"When are you going to loughed March 17 from
be comfortable again be- her job arranging travel for In this July 8, 2020, file photo, a "Now Hiring" sign sits outside a Ross Dress for Less store, in North
ing in an air-conditioned university students, faculty Miami Beach, Fla.
room with 400 people?" she and staff, and was original- Associated Press
asked. "There are whole ly told the layoff would last
parts of the economy that 90 days. She was initially sey, golf club. The talks between the two outbreaks have been par-
will remain unemployed able to keep her health in- His Democratic opponent, sides are on the brink of ticularly large.
until we have a much tight- surance. Joe Biden, was quick to collapse, even though they In the meantime, some em-
er control of this virus." "After I stopped crying, I im- blame Trump for the poten- had hoped to strike a deal ployers are adapting to the
The jobs report emerged as mediately updated my re- tially faltering recovery. as soon as Friday. pandemic by doing busi-
new infections run at about sume," she said, and began "It did not have to be this "A lot of households will run ness with fewer workers.
55,000 a day. While that's looking for work. An ad- bad. We are in a deeper out of money in the next Peter Klamka, owner of the
down from a peak of well ditional $600 in unemploy- economic hole than we few weeks," said Eric Wino- Blind Pig restaurant in Las
over 70,000 in the second ment aid from the federal should be because of Don- grad, an economist at Al- Vegas, is now concentrat-
half of July, cases are rising government helped her ald Trump's historic failure lianceBernstein, an invest- ing on pickup and delivery
in about half of the states, and her husband stay on to respond to the pandem- ment firm. "If government orders. His restaurant's reve-
and deaths are climbing in top of bills, and her health ic," Biden said. does not make up that nue plummeted along with
many of them. insurance helped pay for Many economists are urg- income, those households tourism.
In other virus-related devel- the anti-depressants she ing Congress to extend will not be able to consume Klamka is using data gath-
opments Friday: began taking. various forms of economic in a way that supports the ered from online and mo-
— New York Gov. Andrew But in June, she was told aid to sustain a recov- recovery." bile ordering to fine-tune
Cuomo announced that that as of July 1 the job cut ery. A supplemental $600 Some companies that his menu and prices. He
schools can bring children would become perma- weekly federal unemploy- are hiring complain that knows, for instance, that if
back to classrooms for the nent. After applying for 300 ment payment expired last the generous unemploy- he drops the price of a piz-
start of the school year, cit- jobs, she has had two in- week. House Democrats ment benefits have made za by $2 on a Friday night,
ing success in battling the terviews, both in mortgage have voted to extend it it harder to attract can- he will attract perhaps 25
virus in the state that once banking. Both would pay through July, while Senate didates. But several eco- more orders. That knowl-
was the U.S. heart of the much less than her previous Republicans want to re- nomic studies suggest the edge allows him to tweak
pandemic. The decision job. duce it to $200. An eviction benefits have not been a his inventory and staffing.
clears the way for schools Friday's report suggested moratorium for federally disincentive. Yet he doesn't expect to
to offer at least some days that high unemployment subsidized housing has also Mike Parra, CEO for the do much hiring. He is oper-
of in-person classes, along- and shriveled incomes for ended. Both sides have Americas at DHL Express, ating with just five employ-
side remote learning. many households will re- agreed to another $1,200 said his company is seek- ees, down from 25 before
— Russia boasted that it's main an issue through the stimulus payment but are ing to fill 1,700 jobs. But the the pandemic.
about to become the first November elections and deadlocked on whether to resurgent virus has slowed "There certainly isn't suffi-
country to approve a CO- a potential threat to Presi- provide more aid to state applications in California, cient business to bring any-
VID-19 vaccine, with mass dent Donald Trump's re- and local governments. Texas and Florida, where one back," Klamka said.q
vaccinations planned as election prospects.
early as October using Trump quickly celebrated
shots that are yet to com- the report with a pair of
plete clinical trials. Moscow tweets, including one that
sees a propaganda victo- read "Great Jobs Num-
ry, but scientists worldwide bers!" But aides are nervous
say the rush could backfire that the recovery is still frag-
if the vaccine is neither ef- ile. The president remained
fective nor safe. out of sight Friday, begin-
Back in the spring, the ning a three-day weekend
widespread hope was that at his Bedminster, New Jer-