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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 8 auguSt 2020
            India surpasses 2 million cases as health volunteers strike

            By EMILY SCHMALL                                                                                                    "But  ASHA  workers  don't
            Associated Press                                                                                                    have masks or PPEs or even
            NEW DELHI (AP) — As India                                                                                           sanitizers," she said.
            hit another grim milestone in                                                                                       She  added  that  although
            the  coronavirus  pandemic                                                                                          the work has increased and
            on Friday, crossing 2 million                                                                                       become  more  dangerous,
            confirmed cases and more                                                                                            their  salaries  remain  static
            than  41,000  deaths,  com-                                                                                         at  roughly  2,000  rupees
            munity  health  volunteers                                                                                          ($27)  per  month  And  the
            went on strike complaining                                                                                          families of at least a dozen
            they  were  ill-equipped  to                                                                                        women who she said died
            respond to the wave of in-                                                                                          from the virus didn't receive
            fection in rural areas.                                                                                             compensation  from  India's
            Even  as  India  has  main-                                                                                         federal insurance for front-
            tained  comparatively  low                                                                                          line  health  care  workers
            mortality  rates,  the  dis-                                                                                        because their deaths were
            ease  has  spread  widely                                                                                           not recorded as COVID-19
            across the country, with the                                                                                        deaths.
            burden  shifting  in  recent                                                                                        Manisha  Verma,  a  spokes-
            weeks  from  cities  with  ro-                                                                                      person  for  the  Health  Min-
            bust health systems to rural                                                                                        istry,  did  not  immediately
            areas, where resources are                                                                                          respond  to  a  request  for
            scarce or nonexistent.       Health workers put on a protective suit before screening people for COVID-19 symptoms at a   comment.
            The  Health  Ministry  re-   residential building in Dharavi, one of Asia's biggest slums, in Mumbai, India, Friday, Aug. 7, 2020.   In  Mumbai,  the  capital  of
            ported 62,538 cases in the                                                                         Associated Press  central  Maharashtra  state,
            past  24  hours,  raising  the                                                                                      cases had plateaued after
            nation's  confirmed  total  to  Life  cautiously  returned  to  India were reimposing lock-  being roped in to help with  months  of  steady  growth.
            2,027,074.  It  said  886  more  the streets of the capital of  downs  after  sharp  spikes  contact  tracing,  personal  But rural parts were seeing
            people had died, for a to-   New  Delhi  and  the  finan-  in  cases,  including  in  Uttar  hygiene drives and in quar-  an opposite trend.
            tal of 41,585.               cial  hub  Mumbai,  which  Pradesh, a state of 220 mil-   antine centers, but weren't  Dr. S.P. Kalantri, the director
            But  the  ministry  said  that  appear  to  have  passed  lion  residents  where  infec-  given  personal  protective  of  a  hospital  in  the  village
            recoveries  were  growing.  their peaks.                  tions  in  every  district  are  equipment  or  additional  of Sevagram in Maharash-
            India  has  the  third-highest  In Mayur Vihar, a neighbor-  weighing  heavily  on  the  pay, according to organiz-  tra, about 74 kilometers (46
            caseload in the world after  hood  in  east  Delhi,  shop-  fragile health system. After  er A.R. Sindhu.           miles) from the city of Nag-
            the United States and Brazil.  keeper  and  pharmacist  fully reopening in June, the  The  health  workers,  known  pur, said that younger peo-
            It has the fifth-most deaths  Rajiv   Singhal   described  state  reimposed  a  week-  as    Accredited    Social  ple were cavalier about so-
            but its fatality rate of about  the  daily  phone  calls  he  end lockdown in July.    Health  Activists,  or  ASHA,  cial  distancing  and  masks.
            2% is far lower than the top  received  when  he  tested  Shachindra    Sharma,    a  which  means  'hope'  in  Fatigue  and  increased  fa-
            two  hardest-hit  countries.  positive for COVID-19 from  60-year-old  graphic  de-    several  Indian  languages,  miliarity  with  the  disease,
            The rate in the U.S. is 3.3%,  officials  within  the  Delhi  signer  in  the  state  capital  have  been  deployed  in  which has been most fatal
            and  in  Brazil  3.4%,  Johns  state government, the Del-  of Lucknow, only leaves his  each  village  on  behalf  of  to  Indians  above  the  age
            Hopkins  University  figures  hi  police  and  the  federal  house for a weekly grocery  the  Health  Ministry.  Their  of  60  with  comorbidities,
            show.                        government  to  check  on  shop.                          work ranges from escorting  had resulted in people not
            The caseload in the coun-    his condition.               "I  do  not  fear  the  disease  children  to  immunization  being as vigilant, he said.
            try of 1.3 billion has quickly  "Despite  our  huge  popula-  but  I  do  fear  the  govern-  clinics  to  counseling  wom-  "Everyone thinks it won't be
            expanded  since  the  gov-   tion  and  rampant  illitera-  ment  system,  which  has  en on childbirth.            them," he said.
            ernment  began  lifting  a  cy,  if  we  have  only  2  mil-  crumbled," he said.      But while their regular work  Like  in  much  of  the  rest  of
            monthslong lockdown hop-     lion  cases  so  far,  it  shows  Around  900,000  members  hasn't  reduced,  they  are  the  world,  many  Indians
            ing  to  jump-start  a  mori-  that  the  government  has  of  an  all-female  commu-  increasingly being involved  appeared  to  be  counting
            bund  economy.  India  is  played a big role in reduc-    nity  health  force  began  a  by  state  governments  in  on a therapeutic treatment
            projecting  an  economic  ing the spread," he said.       two-day  strike  on  Friday,  the  fight  against  the  pan-  or a vaccine to contain the
            contraction in 2020.         But authorities elsewhere in  protesting  that  they  were  demic, said Sindhu.        spread of the disease.q

            Alpine glacier in Italy threatens valley,

            forces evacuations

            ROME (AP) — Experts were  critical for the Planpincieux  cer field under a 80-meter
            closely  monitoring  a  Mont  Glacier,  which  lies  under  (265-foot) high mass of ice.
            Blanc  glacier  on  Friday,  a  a massif on the Italian side  Abrupt  shifts  in  tempera-
            day  after  they  evacuated  of Mont Blanc, the highest  ture from hot to cold to hot
            75  tourists  and  residents  mountain in the Alps.       again  are  being  blamed
            amid  fears  the  glacier  Those  forced  to  evacuate  for  the  precarious  state  of
            could  soon  break  apart  came from homes and hol-       the  glacier,  which  Segor
            and  crash  into  a  popular  iday  lodgings  in  the  Ferret  says  has  a  stream  of  wa-
            Italian Alpine valley.       Valley in the shadow of the  ter running beneath it. The
            Valerio  Segor,  a  glacier  glacier.  Tourists  on  Friday  Corriere  della  Sera  news-  The  Planpincieux  glacier,  located  in  the  Alps  on  the  Grande
            expert  in  Valle  d'Aosta,  a  were barred from entering  paper  quoted  glacier  ex-  Jorasses peak of the Mont Blanc massif, is seen from the road
            region  in  northwestern  Ita-  the scenic valley.        pert Fabrizio Troilo as saying   leading to the Val Ferret, a popular hiking area on the south side
                                                                                                   of the Mont Blanc, near Courmayeur, northern Italy, Friday, Aug.
            ly,  told  reporters  on  Friday  The glacier's size has been  there is "the danger it could   7, 2020.
            that the next 72 hours were  likened  to  that  of  a  soc-  give way in an instant."q                                          Associated Press
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