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                  Saturday 9 January 2021
             Study suggests Pfizer vaccine works against virus variant

            By LAURAN NEERGAARD                                                                                                 protein  that  both  variants
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   share, called N501Y, that is
            New research suggests Pfiz-                                                                                         believed responsible for the
            er's COVID-19 vaccine can                                                                                           easier  transmission.  Pfizer
            protect against a mutation                                                                                          and  researchers  from  the
            found  in  the  two  more-                                                                                          University of Texas Medical
            contagious    variants   of                                                                                         Branch  in  Galveston  con-
            the  coronavirus  that  have                                                                                        ducted  laboratory  tests  to
            erupted in Britain and South                                                                                        see  if  that  mutation  could
            Africa.                                                                                                             thwart the vaccine.
            The  study  was  preliminary                                                                                        They  used  blood  samples
            and did not look at the two                                                                                         from  20  people  who  re-
            other major vaccines being                                                                                          ceived the vaccine, made
            used  in  the  West  —  Mod-                                                                                        by  Pfizer  and  its  German
            erna's  and  AstraZeneca's.                                                                                         partner  BioNTech,  during
            But it was reassuring, given                                                                                        a  large  trial  of  the  shots.
            questions  of  whether  the                                                                                         Antibodies  from  those  re-
            virus  could  mutate  to  de-                                                                                       cipients  fended  off  the  vi-
            feat the shots on which the                                                                                         rus in lab dishes, according
            world has pinned its hopes.                                                                                         to  the  study,    posted  late
            "There's  no  reason  to  think                                                                                     Thursday  on  an  online  site
            the  vaccines  won't  work                                                                                          for researchers.
            just as well on these strains,"                                                                                     The  findings  have  not  yet
            said  Dr.  Frederic  Bushman   Syringes containing the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine sit in a tray in a vaccination room at   been  reviewed  by  outside
            of the University of Pennsyl-  St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Calif., Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021.                       experts, a key step for med-
            vania, who tracks how the                                                                          Associated Press  ical research.
            virus mutates.                                                                                                      But "it was a very reassuring
            The  mutated  version  cir-  Bushman,  who  wasn't  in-   antibodies against multiple  demic, it is still an important  finding that at least this mu-
            culating  in  Britain  has  also  volved with the Pfizer study,  spots  on  the  spike  protein  area of study because the  tation,  which  was  one  of
            been  detected  in  the  U.S.  cautioned that it tested just  that coats the virus.    coronavirus,  like  all  viruses,  the  ones  people  are  most
            and numerous other coun-     one  vaccine  against  one  "A  mutation  will  change  constantly    evolves.   This  concerned  about,  does
            tries.                       worrisome mutation. But the  one little place, but it's not  study marks just the begin-  not seem to be a problem"
            That  and  the  variant  seen  Moderna and AstraZeneca  going to disrupt binding to  ning  of  continual  monitor-  for the vaccine, said Pfizer
            in South Africa are causing  vaccines  are  undergoing  all  of  them,"  Bushman  ex-  ing to make sure that all the  chief  scientific  officer  Dr.
            global  concern  because  similar testing, and he said  plained.                       vaccines  being  rolled  out  Philip Dormitzer.
            they  appear  to  spread  he expects similar findings.    While  scientists  did  not  ex-  around the world continue  Viruses  constantly  under-
            more  easily  —  although  That's because all the vac-    pect that a single mutation  to work.                     go  minor  changes  as  they
            how  much  more  isn't  yet  cines so far are prompting  would  completely  upend  The  study  looked  at  one  spread from person to per-
            known.                       recipients'  bodies  to  make  efforts  to  stop  the  pan-  modification  to  the  spike  son. q

             One-third of America’s rivers have changed color since 1984

                                                                      cal Research Letters. Some  blooms that cause oxygen  images  over  35  years,  fo-
                                                                      river  segments  became  loss and can produce tox-        cusing  on  rivers  and  reser-
                                                                      more red.                    ins.                         voirs. The study found much
                                                                      Only about 5% of U.S. river  The  chief  causes  of  color  of the shift to greener rivers
                                                                      mileage is considered blue  changes  are  farm  fertil-   happened in the North and
                                                                      —  a  color  often  equated  izer run-off, dams, efforts to  West,  while  the  yellowing
                                                                      with  pristine  waters  by  the  fight soil erosion and man-  occurred  more  in  the  East
                                                                      general public. About two-   made  climate  change,  and  around  the  Mississippi
                                                                      thirds of American rivers are  which increases water tem-  River. It also found some riv-
                                                                      yellow,  which  signals  they  perature  and  rain-related  ers change colors naturally
                                                                      have lots of soil in them.   run-off,  the  study  authors  with the seasons.
                                                                      But  28%  of  the  rivers  are  said.  “We  change  our  riv-  Outside experts praised the
                                                                      green,  which  often  indi-  ers  a  lot.  A  lot  of  that  has  study, saying while hard-to-
                                                                      cates they are choked with  to  do  with  human  activ-   understand  measurements
                                                                      algae.  And  researchers  ity,”  said  study  co-author  have shown problems with
                                                                      found 2% of U.S. rivers over  Tamlin Pavelsky, a professor  American  rivers,  this  illus-
            In this Thursday, July 12, 2018 file photo, an algae bloom ap-
            pears  on  the  Caloosahatchee  River  at  the  W.P.  Franklin  Lock   the years shifted from dom-  of global hydrology at the  trates the situation simply.
            and Dam in Alva, Fla.                                     inantly  yellow  to  distinctly  University of North Carolina.  The study “is super cool and
                                                     Associated Press  green.                      For example, Pavelsky said,  a  bit  mind-blowing  (yet
                                                                      “If  things  are  becoming  the  green  at  times  in  the  intuitive),”  Martin  Doyle,
            By SETH BORENSTEIN           have  noticeably  shifted  more green, that’s a prob-     Ohio River indicates a bad  head  of  water  programs
            America’s rivers are chang-  color  in  satellite  images  lem,” said study lead author  algae  problem  from  farm  at  Duke  University,  wrote
            ing color — and people are  since  1984.  That  includes  John  Gardner,  a  University  runoff  while  rivers  that  are  in an email. “It shows how
            behind many of the shifts, a  11,629 miles (18,715 kilome-  of  Pittsburgh  geology  and  getting less yellow demon-  most  every  aspect  of  our
            new study said.              ters) that became greener,  environmental      sciences  strate the success of regu-   planet  is  being  affected
            One-third  of  the  tens  of  or  went  toward  the  violet  professor.  Although  some  lations  to  prevent  soil  ero-  by  humans,  now  including
            thousands of mile-long (two  end of the color spectrum,  green  tint  to  rivers  can  be  sion.                    the  basic  color  of  our  wa-
            kilometer-long)  river  seg-  according to a study in this  normal,  Gardener  said,  it  The  study  looked  at  more  ter. That’s pretty profound if
            ments  in  the  United  States  week’s  journal  Geographi-  often  means  large  algae  than 230,000 NASA satellite  you think about it.”q
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