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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 19 december 2017

            Report: US soldier fought to end after ambush in Niger

                                                                      said  he  was  firing  back  as  concluded  that  Johnson  about the events.
                                                                      he  and  two  Nigerien  sol-  was  hit  by  fire  from  M-4  Johnson’s  mother,  Cow-
                                                                      diers tried to escape.       rifles — probably stolen by  anda  Jones-Johnson,  told
                                                                      All  told,  four  U.S.  soldiers  the insurgents — and Sovi-  CNN  that  she  first  learned
                                                                      and  four  Nigerien  troops  et-made  heavy  machine  of  the  latest  investigation
                                                                      were  killed  in  the  ambush.  guns. It is believed he died  results  on  Facebook.  She
                                                                      Two U.S. and eight Nigerien  in the attack.               also says the military hasn’t
                                                                      troops were wounded.         The  officials  said  Johnson  told  her  why  her  son’s  re-
                                                                      The  bodies  of  three  U.S.  was  found  under  thick  mains weren’t found at the
                                                                      soldiers  were  located  on  scrub brush where he tried  same time as the bodies of
                                                                      the day of the attack, but  to  take  cover.  There  were  his comrades.
                                                                      not Johnson’s remains. The  no indications he was shot  “I  want  the  truth  ...  but
                                                                      gap  in  time  led  to  ques-  at  close  range,  or  had  there’s  no  closure,”  she
                                                                      tions  about  whether  John-  been  bound  or  taken  pris-  said.  The  U.S.  Africa  Com-
                                                                      son was killed in the assault  oner,  as  several  media  re-  mand  began  its  investiga-
                                                                      and not found, or if he was  ports have suggested.        tion  with  a  team  headed
                                                                      taken away by the enemy.     On  Monday,  members  of  by  Army  Maj.  Gen.  Roger
                                                                      According  to  the  officials,  Johnson’s  family  said  they  Cloutier,  the  command’s
                                                                      a  medical  examination  still  have  many  questions  chief of staff.q

            This photo shows Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in an
            Oct. 4 ambush in Niger.
                                                    (U.S. Army via AP)

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR          bush took place about 120
            Associated Press             miles (200 kilometers) north
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Army  of Niamey, the African na-
            Sgt.  La  David  T.  Johnson  tion’s  capital.  Johnson’s
            died in a hail of gunfire, hit  body  was  recovered  two
            as many as 18 times as he  days later.
            took  cover  in  thick  brush,  U.S.  officials  familiar  with
            fighting  to  the  end  after  the  findings  spoke  to  the
            fleeing  militants  who  had  AP  on  condition  of  ano-
            just  killed  three  comrades  nymity  to  describe  details
            in  an  October  ambush  in  of an investigation that has
            Niger, The Associated Press  not  been  finalized  or  pub-
            has learned.                 licly released.
            A military investigation has  A 12-member Army special
            concluded  that  Johnson  forces unit was accompa-
            wasn’t  captured  alive  or  nying  30  Nigerien  forces
            killed  at  close  range,  dis-  when  they  were  attacked
            pelling  a  swirl  of  rumors  in a densely wooded area
            about how he died.           by as many as 50 militants
            The report has determined  traveling  by  vehicle  and
            that Johnson, 25, of Miami  carrying  small  arms  and
            Gardens, Florida, was killed  rocket-propelled  grenade
            by  enemy  rifle  and  ma-   launchers.
            chine  gun  fire  from  mem-  Johnson  was  struck  as
            bers  of  an  Islamic  State  many  as  18  times  from  a
            offshoot, according to U.S.  distance by a volley of ma-
            officials  familiar  with  the  chine gun rounds, accord-
            findings.  The  Oct.  4  am-  ing to the U.S. officials, who
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