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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 19 december 2017

            American Living:
            Malls beef up dining, entertainment options to boost traffic

            By ALEX VEIGA                boree, Payless ShoeSource  cent  last  year,  according  at JLL. “Now the food and  took the stage at the mall’s
            AP Business Writer           and The Limited.             to  commercial  real  estate  beverage is part of the at-  reopening gala in October,
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Shop-     At  its  CoolSprings  Galleria  tracker  CoStar.  It  was  10.5  traction.”            and “The Nutcracker” bal-
            pers  braving  the  mall  this                                                                                      let played more recently.
            holiday season may notice                                                                                           Among the malls in the JLL
            more  that’s  new  than  the                                                                                        study  that  improved  their
            day’s discounts.                                                                                                    food  and  beverage  op-
            Many  mall  owners  are                                                                                             tions,  more  than  half  also
            spending  billions  to  add                                                                                         invested  in  adding  enter-
            more  upscale  restaurants                                                                                          tainment options.
            and  bars,  premium  movie                                                                                          The  Kingston  Collection  in
            theaters  with  dine-in  op-                                                                                        Kingston,   Massachusetts,
            tions,  bowling  alleys  and                                                                                        added  a  36,000-square-
            similar   amenities.   Some                                                                                         foot  bowling  alley  a  year
            have  turned  swaths  of                                                                                            ago.  Mall  shoppers  can
            space     that   previously                                                                                         also go there to play laser
            housed  department  stores                                                                                          tag,  try  out  summersault
            over  to  health  clubs  and                                                                                        basketball  dunks  at  an  in-
            grocery  stores.  Others  are                                                                                       door  trampoline  park  or
            undergoing  no  less  than  a                                                                                       race go-karts.
            ground-up  transformation                                                                                           Shoppers   who    haven’t
            to  make  room  for  office                                                                                         been  inside  a  mall  since
            space,  hotels  and  apart-                                                                                         the  last  round  of  holiday
            ments.                                                                                                              shopping  may  notice  few-
            The trend has been gaining                                                                                          er  department  stores  and
            traction  as  the  companies                                                                                        clothing  chains.  Among
            that operate malls look for   Customers sit and have their morning coffee and pastries at the LaVazza Cafe, at Eataly, at the   the  retail  chains  that  an-
            ways to keep people com-     Westfield Century City Mall in the Century City section of Los Angeles. Shoppers braving the mall   nounced store closures this
            ing in at a time when Ma-    this holiday season may notice more that’s new than the day’s discounts.               year are RadioShack, Pay-
            cy’s,  Sears  and  other  big                                                              (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)  less, Wet Seal, J.C. Penney,
            department  store  chains                                                                                           Kmart,  Guess,  Macy’s  and
            have  shuttered  hundreds  mall in a suburb of Nashville,  percent in 2012.            Westfield’s  Century  City  Sears.  Retailers  have  been
            of stores and consumers in-  CBL has put in a bowling al-  Since 2014, about 90 large  mall  in  Los  Angeles  has  generally  closing  weaker
            creasingly  opt  to  shop  on-  ley and an indoor trampo-  U.S.  malls  have  invested  spent $1 billion to add more  locations,  although  some
            line.                        line park, among other at-   more than $8 billion in ma-  than 400,000 square feet of  companies such as Macy’s
            “The  mix  of  uses  at  our  tractions. Lebovitz said the  jor  renovations,  according  retail space. The renovation  are  shuttering  stores  that
            malls  is  changing,”  said  company  is  also  trying  to  to  a  study  by  commercial  included a swanky outdoor  are too close to their other
            Stephen  Lebovitz,  CEO  of  add dine-in movie theaters  real  estate  firm  JLL.  Some  dining  plaza  with  gourmet  locations, according to Co-
            mall owner CBL Properties.  with  reclining  seats.  “It’s  a  41  percent  of  the  malls  in  restaurants  and  cafes.  It  Star data. And the majority
            “It’s becoming less apparel  nicer, more experience-fo-   the  study  spruced  up  their  also  added  the  first  Eataly  of stores that Sears, Macy’s,
            and more dining, more en-    cused type of use.”          food  and  beverage  offer-  on  the  West  Coast.  The  J.C.  Penney  and  Kmart
            tertainment,  more  service,  Carving out space for mov-  ings  with  an  emphasis  on  Italian  food  market,  which  closed  were  located  in
            more fitness, wellness — the  ie  theaters,  videogame  restaurants that serve more  houses a variety of restau-    middle-range  or  lower-tier
            types  of  categories  that  arcades  and  food  courts  varied  fare  and,  in  some  rants, drew an average of  malls  that  typically  gener-
            are more popular.”           isn’t a new strategy. What’s  cases, alcohol.             3,600 people a day during  ate less money per square
            CBL, which owns and man-     noteworthy  is  the  degree  “It  was  not  that  long  ago  its opening weekend.      foot than the most upscale
            ages  119  properties,  in-  to  which  mall  owners  are  that  the  food  offerings  in  The   mall   features   a  malls. The closures are one
            cluding  malls,  outlets  and  now  counting  on  tenants  the  traditional  food  court  15-screen   movie   the-  reason mall owners are in-
            open-air retail centers, has  that sell experiences, rather  at shopping centers in the  ater,  grocery  store,  fitness  creasingly making room for
            been adding more non-re-     than  physical  goods.  The  ‘80s  and  ‘90s  were  really  clubs  and  a  health  clinic.  other  types  of  tenants,  in-
            tail tenants after a wave of  share  of  space  occupied  more about just giving you  Westfield  also  installed  an  cluding  hotels,  apartments
            retailer  bankruptcies  and  by  non-retail  tenants  at  something to eat while you  events  and  entertainment  and  grocery  stores,  said
            store  closures  in  2015  and  regional  shopping  malls  shop,”  said  James  Cook,  space.  Pop  bands  Fitz  &  Mizuho analyst Haendel St.
            this year, including at Gym-  reached  nearly  13  per-   director  of  retail  research  the  Tantrums  and  DNCE  Juste.q
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