P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 19 december 2017
            Catalan economy feels the pinch amid bid to split from Spain

                                                                                                   Constitutional  Court  disal-  A  recent  survey  of  more
                                                                                                   lowed.  Catalonia  is  cur-  than  100  company  direc-
                                                                                                   rently  being  run  by  direct  tors  in  the  northeastern
                                                                                                   rule from Madrid.            Spanish  region  found  that
                                                                                                   The  upcoming  election  46  percent  of  them  have
                                                                                                   looks  like  being  a  tight  put  their  2018  spending
                                                                                                   race  between  Catalans  plans  on  hold  while  they
                                                                                                   who support secession and  await  the  election  out-
                                                                                                   those who prefer to remain  come.
                                                                                                   in Spain.                    They  have  reason  to  fear:
                                                                                                   A lot is at stake when poll-  Just over half of them said
                                                                                                   ing stations open for 7.5 mil-  their  company  sales  fell
                                                                                                   lion voters in a region that  from  September  to  No-
                                                                                                   accounts  for  19  percent  vember, by an average of
                                                                                                   of  Spain’s  gross  domes-   9.5  percent,  making  them
                                                                                                   tic  product.  A  triumph  for  wary of the future, accord-
                                                                                                   pro-independence  parties  ing  to  a  survey  published
                                                                                                   could unleash further social  last  week  by  the  econo-
                                                                                                   and political mayhem that  mist Fernando Trias de Bes
                                                                                                   would ripple unpredictably  in  collaboration  with  the
                                                                                                   across Spain, which has the  ESADE    Business   School.
                                                                                                   fourth-largest  economy  in  The  surveyed  companies
                                                                                                   the  19-country  eurozone.  together  employ  almost
            In this photo taken Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017, a woman buys items at a fruit store in Barcelona, Spain.   Citing the uncertainty over  158,000 people.
            Jittery businessmen in Catalonia have put their investment plans on ice as they brace for the   Catalonia,  Spain’s  cen-  Just  over  3,000  businesses
            region’s parliamentary election on Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017.                            tral  bank  on  Friday  cut  its  have  moved  their  official
                                                                        (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)  growth  forecasts  for  next  headquarters  out  of  Cat-
            By BARRY HATTON              ing  higher,  recent  figures   that   Spanish   authorities  year  and  2019  to  2.4  per-  alonia  in  recent  months,
            Associated Press             show.                        deemed illegal. That came  cent  and  2.1  percent  re-   anxious they might no lon-
            LISBON, Portugal (AP) — Jit-  Investors  and  consumers   after  an  Oct.  1  indepen-  spectively,  shaving  a  per-  ger be covered by Spanish
            tery  businessmen  in  Cata-  react badly to uncertainty   dence referendum in Cat-    centage point off its previ-  and European Union laws if
            lonia,  spooked  by  signs  and  conflict,  and  Catalo-  alonia  which  the  Spanish  ous predictions.             Catalonia broke away.q
            the recent tumult over the  nia’s  push  to  break  away
            region’s  latest  bid  to  se-  has  brought  Spain’s  worst
            cede from Spain  is  hurting  institutional  crisis  in  de-
            the  local  economy,  have  cades.
            put  their  investment  plans  The Catalan regional gov-
            on  ice  as  they  brace  for  ernment   was   removed
            the Catalan parliamentary  from  office  by  Spain’s  na-
            election on Thursday.        tional  government  in  late
            Catalan  retail  sales  and  October    after   regional
            tourist  arrivals  are  falling  lawmakers  passed  a  dec-
            and unemployment is edg-     laration  of  independence
            Israel finds no wrongdoing in

            paraplegic Palestinian’s death

            By TIA GOLDENBERG            Trump’s  move,  which  up-
            Associated Press             ended decades of U.S. for-
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  An  in-  eign policy and countered
            vestigation  by  the  Israeli  an international consensus
            military  into  the  death  of  that  the  fate  of  Jerusalem
            a  paraplegic  Palestinian  should  be  determined  in
            man  cleared  Israeli  troops  negotiations between Isra-
            of wrongdoing on Monday,  el and the Palestinians.
            saying it found “no moral or  The  military  said  Friday’s
            professional failures” in the  protest was “extremely vio-
            incident.                    lent,” with protesters hurling
            Palestinian  health  officials  stones, burning tires and ex-
            say  Ibrahim  Abu  Thraya,  plosive devices at troops. In
            29,  was  shot  in  the  head  its  findings  Monday,  it  said
            while  demonstrating  last  no  live  fire  was  aimed  at
            week along Gaza’s border  Abu Thraya and it was im-
            with Israel, an area that has  possible  to  determine  the
            experienced repeated un-     cause  of  death.  The  mili-
            rest since President Donald  tary  said  it  has  repeatedly
            Trump  recognized  Jerusa-   requested  details  about
            lem  as  Israel’s  capital  this  Abu  Thraya’s  injuries  and
            month.                       will  examine  them  if  they
            Abu  Thraya’s  death  has  are  received.  The  military
            become  a  rallying  cry  did not disclose from whom
            among Palestinians against  it had requested details.q
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