P. 10

10                                                                                               AWEMainta Diasabra, 4 November 2017

      SIWA ta cla pa sinta

      cu Gobierno nobo riba

      nan preocupacionnan

      SIWA, cu ta e sindicato cu ta representa empleadonan                                    AUCTION
      di e planta nacional di awa WEB, ya caba a cuminsa
      informa e Gobierno nobo di e situacion di negociacion                                    THURSDAY
      cu mester cuminsa pa un contracto colectivo nobo.
                                                                                         December 7, 2017
      Tin un negociacion cu pronto mester cuminsa cu de-
      liberacion, CAO, y a manda informacion na Gobierno                    On December 7, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber
      nobo riba algun punto cu nan lo para fuerte riba nan.                 of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public, ex. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil
      “Nos a laga e bala cuminsa core, pasobra nos no kier                  Code of Aruba:

      sorpresa ningun hende y duna espacio na Gobierno. Nos                 1. A residential house locally known as:
      no a bini cu cuchiu riba mesa, pero e tabata mas bien
      un reunion hopi fructifero,” asina president di SIWA,                   CAYA FRERE BERNARDINUS 5
      Eric Henriquez  a bisa di e loke  cu nan a informa e po-
      liticonan cu nan partido lo forma e proximo Gobierno.
      E motibo cu a dicidi pa papia ya caba cu esnan cu lo                  standing on a parcel of public land, 660 m2 in size, situated in Santa
                                                                            Helena in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section N Number
      forma Gobierno ta mirando con e negociacion pa e                      938. The lease rights expire on July 9, 2051.
      CAO anterior a bay.
      Nan a haya nan mes ta welga pa tres dia largo pa yega                 Starting price: Afl. 152.000,--
      na un acuerdo. Mester a bay den welga pasobra geren-                   2.  A residential house locally known as:
      cia ta bisa despues cu no tabatin placa, pero si nan a
      mira despues cu si tabatin placa pa un otro grupo cu                                   DE VUYST 69-A
      a haya pago pa dianan extra, y porcentahenan extra.
      Pero tambe por a nota cu e hefenan a cuminsa core den
      autonan grandi, mientras cu ta bisa cu no tin placa, y                   consisting of a parcel of public land, 213 m2 in size, situated at
                                                                               San Nicolaas in Aruba, as further described in cadastral measure
      pa cual nan ta bisa cu e no por ta hancho pa un grupo                    document no. 58 / 2003. The lease rights will expire on December
      y smal pa otro grupo. E ta haya cu a actua di mala fe                    7, 2065.
      cu e sindicato y e grupo cu nan ta representa.
      E ta bisa cu e sindicato ta consciente cu pa cierto fun-              Starting price: Afl. 70.000,--
      cionnan tin un plafond, un salario maximo. Pero loke                     3.  A residential house, locally known as
      nan no ta di acuerdo cune cu ta hinca mas hende den
      WEB djis pa complace amistadnan. E no por bisa cu                                     CAYA VELP 5
      prome cu resultado di eleccion a manda hende eyden,
      solamente e por bisa cu tin cosnan straño ta pasa.
                                                                               standing on a parcel of public land, 650 m2 in size, situated at  San
                                                                               Nicolas in  Aruba, locally  recorded as  "kadastrale meetbrief  nummer
      E estado financiero di WEB no ta malo, e ta bisa, pero                   42/1992". The lease rights expire on November 11, 2052.
      e parti humano nan tin masha problema con gerencia di
      WEB ta atende cune. Por ehempel tin un grupo cu sigur                    Starting bid: To Be Announced
      tin problema cu nan pago di awa. E no ta compronde                       AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.
      con pa cierto hende grandi si ta exonera debe di awa
      mientras pa e chikito no. E ta bay tambe pa pagamento                 •   The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
      di meter na eventonan cu mester cumpli cu nan, y no                       special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
      por haci conexion sin cu e pagonan ta wordo haci. Y den               •   Johnson.
                                                                                A private bid can be submitted the  latest  on Wednesday, November  22,
      esaki el a menciona e nomber di Randolf Ruiz, kende                       2017. For more information contact our office.
      lo percura pa haya meter y e ta percura pa exonerario.                •   The  auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch:  “bij opbod”) and by
                                                                                decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
                                                                            •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
                                                                            •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
                                                                            •   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
                                                                                bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount
                                                                                equal to the auction costs.

                                                                                                     For more information:

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