P. 5

AWEMainta Diasabra, 4 November 2017                                                                                                          5

           this weekend                                                                                            price start at $35

                                                  NO V 3 - 4 - 5

                            5                                                                                           ocean

                       stages                                                                                           front

                                                                     line up
                    BONTAN                            CARLO LIO                         DENNIS FERRER                   joe grossman

                    KRISTEN KNIGHT                   PROK & FITCH                       ROBBIE RIVERA                  ROGER SANCHEZ
                     SEBASTIAN morxX             STEFANO NOFERINI                          TECHNASIA                           le bonx
                                                                            40 +

                      caribbean                                                                       techhouse

                      h        o       u        s       e     music                                   t      e     c     h      n     o

                      l       o        c        a       l                                             r      e     g      g     a     e

                                  art                                                                 area

                               art - cul ture - food - music

                   tickets at the door or on www.lo vefestivalaruba. com

                                                  food festival

                                                  outside of love festival    free entrance
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10