P. 28

                  Monday 21 august 2017

            Math experts join brainpower to help address gerrymandering

                                                                                                   legal  challenges,  but  the  mandering,  and  legal  ex-
                                                                                                   Supreme  Court  will  revisit  perts say the swarm of new
                                                                                                   the topic this year in a Wis-  data  tools  could  reshape
                                                                                                   consin  lawsuit  that  experts  how cases are decided.
                                                                                                   say  could  be  a  landmark  “Traditional   redistricting
                                                                                                   case.     Mathematicians  disputes have sort of a he-
                                                                                                   hope  to  help  by  offering  said,  she-said  aspect  to
                                                                                                   new measurements to eval-    them,”  said  Michael  Li,  se-
                                                                                                   uate whether a district has  nior redistricting counsel at
                                                                                                   been  drawn  unfairly.  Until  the Brennan Center for Jus-
                                                                                                   recently many courts have  tice at New York University.
                                                                                                   relied on relatively unscien-  “Statistical  tests  and  data-
                                                                                                   tific  methods,  experts  say,  driven  tests  can  be  really
                                                                                                   often  using  the  so-called  helpful  to  courts  in  ascer-
                                                                                                   “eyeball test” to see if a dis-  taining  when  a  map  goes
                                                                                                   trict’s  shape  looks  reason-  too  far,  when  something
                                                                                                   ably compact and regular.  is statistically unlikely to be
                                                                                                   By  contrast,  researchers  at  randomly reproduced.”
                                                                                                   the  University  of  Illinois  at  At  the  college  workshops,
                                                                                                   Urbana-Champaign  have  Duchin  is  trying  to  spark
                                                                                                   recently  created  a  super-  conversations  that  could
                                                                                                   computer  algorithm  that  lead  to  even  more  tests
                                                                                                   can  compare  a  district  to  and  to  sort  out  which  are
            In this Monday, Aug. 7, 2017 photo, mathematics professor Moon Duchin speaks to attendees   millions  of  hypothetical  al-  best. She’s also bringing in
            during a conference at Tufts University in Medford, Mass.                              ternatives  to  determine  lawyers to train mathemati-
                                                                                (Associated Press)  whether  the  original  map  cians  how  to  testify  as  ex-
            By COLLIN BINKLEY            Among  those  working  to  Gerrymandering  isn’t  new,  is a statistical outlier, which  pert witnesses in gerryman-
            Associated Press             bridge  the  classroom  and  and  it  isn’t  always  illegal.  can offer evidence of bias.  dering lawsuits so they can
            MEDFORD,  Mass.  (AP)  —  the  courtroom  is  Moon  States  are  given  wide  lati-    Teams  at  the  University  of  apply and defend the tests.
            Some of the brightest minds  Duchin, a math professor at  tude to draw their own vot-  Michigan and Duke Univer-    Legal  teams  have  already
            in math arrived at Tufts Uni-  Tufts who orchestrated the  ing  districts,  and  since  at  sity have developed similar  contacted Duchin request-
            versity  last  week  to  tackle  gathering at her Boston-ar-  least  the  1800s  politicians  algorithms.  Other  quanti-  ing  expert  witnesses  right
            an  issue  lawyers  and  po-  ea  campus.  The  workshop  have  sought  to  cement  tative  methods  that  have  away,  she  said,  and  de-
            litical  scientists  have  been  was the first in a series be-  their  power  by  creating  gained  traction  include  mand is expected to surge
            struggling with for decades.  ing organized at campuses  districts  in  which  certain  the  “efficiency  gap”  for-  after  new  congressional
            They  came  from  colleges  nationwide  to  unite  aca-   voting  groups  are  spread  mula,  which  measures  to  districts  are  drawn  follow-
            across  the  country  for  a  demics and to harness cut-  thinly  over  many  districts  what extent a political par-  ing the 2020 census.
            weeklong  conference  on  ting-edge  mathematics  to  or  clumped  heavily  into  ty  benefited  from  district  “We expect there to be an
            gerrymandering,  the  prac-  address gerrymandering.      only a few. Either way, it di-  boundaries  in  a  particular  unprecedented   amount
            tice  of  crafting  voting  dis-  “Mathematicians are com-  lutes  their  power.  Drawing  election.  Duchin  at  Tufts  is  of  litigation  after  the  2020
            tricts  in  a  way  that  favors  ing  late  to  this  problem,”  districts  along  racial  lines  working  on  her  own  “cur-  census, and we want there
            voters from a certain politi-  said  Duchin,  who  started  has  been  ruled  unconsti-  vature”  metric  that  com-  to  be  witnesses  available
            cal party or demographic.  studying the shapes of elec-   tutional,  as  in  North  Caro-  bines  two  major  measures  around  the  country,”  she
            It’s a topic of growing inter-  toral districts after teaching  lina, where a federal court  of compactness.        said. Her group’s next work-
            est among many math and  a  course  on  voting  during  struck down 28 districts last  Some  of  the  updated  ap-  shops will be hosted at col-
            data experts who say their  the presidential primary last  year because state Repub-   proaches helped convince  leges  in  North  Carolina,
            scholarly fields can provide  year. “We think we can see  licans relied too heavily on  a  federal  court  in  Wiscon-  Wisconsin,  Texas  and  Cali-
            new  tools  to  help  courts  underlying  mathematical  race  when  drawing  them.  sin last year that the state’s  fornia,  all  states  that  have
            identify  voting  maps  that  principles  that  weren’t  vis-  Gerrymandering   along  voting  districts  amounted  faced  allegations  of  some
            are drawn unfairly.          ible before.”                partisan  lines  has  survived  to  illegal  partisan  gerry-  type of gerrymandering. q
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