P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 21 august 2017
            Broadway ticket-buying now easier for fans, not re-sellers

            By DEEPTI HAJELA             ward  determining  whether
            Associated Press             they’re  more  likely  to  be
            NEW YORK (AP) — For long-    event attendees. Those ac-
            time Bruce Springsteen fan  cepted  get  unique  codes
            Debbie Elster, there’s never  that  they  can  use  when
            been any doubt the com-      they  go  to  buy  tickets  on
            petition  to  get  tickets  for  the sale date.
            his  upcoming  Broadway  The premise is that by vet-
            shows is going to be fierce.  ting  registrants,  it’s  more
            But  she’s  feeling  a  little  likely that actual fans would
            more  hopeful,  thanks  to  be the ones getting the first
            a  new  online  verification  crack at hot tickets, instead
            system  for  ticket-buying  of brokers and re-sellers.
            that  aims  to  keep  more  “That  makes  me  feel  bet-
            tickets in the hands of fans  ter,”  said  Elster,  66,  a  vid-
            rather  than  re-sellers  who  eographer  who  lives  in
            seemingly  snap  them  up  Margate,      Florida.   “That
            and put them on the mar-     makes me feel like I have a
            ket, often for several times  chance maybe, more of a
            the  face  value.  Known  as  chance than usual.”
            Verified  Fan,  the  program  Verified Fan has been used
            from  Ticketmaster  requires  for  concert  sales  for  art-
            people to register for a spe-  ists  such  as  Ed  Sheeran
            cific  sale  in  advance,  with  and  Harry  Styles,  and  is
            information  including  their  now showing up for Broad-  People pass the Walter Kerr Theater, home to the Broadway show “Springsteen on Broadway,” in
                                                                      New York’s Theater District, Friday, Aug. 18, 2017. The upcoming show will be the one of the latest
            names,  phone  numbers  way sales. “Springsteen on        to offer up tickets for sale using new technology, called Verified Fan, to try to keep re-sellers and
            and emails.                  Broadway,”  running  from    brokers from snapping them all up.
            The  registrations  are  re-  Oct.  3  to  Nov.  26,  is  using                                                          (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
            viewed,    including   past  the  system,  as  is  another  next  spring.  The  producers  of  tickets  for  the  show  re-sale  market,  with  tickets
            ticket   purchase    history  show expected to be a hot  of  the  immensely  popular  would  go  on  sale  through  going  for  hundreds  of  dol-
            and  even  social  media  prospect, “Harry Potter and  “Hamilton”        announced  Verified Fan. That show has  lars  if  not  more  than  the
            accounts,  with  an  eye  to-  the Cursed Child,” opening  Tuesday  that  a  new  block  been the subject of a huge  face values.q
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