P. 3
U.S. NEWS Monday 21 august 2017
Kasich urges Trump to end staff chaos and ‘settle it down’
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE represent the same thing
KEVIN FREKING that Steve Bannon did but
Associated Press also aren’t capable of do-
BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (AP) ing the job well,” Schiff said,
— Republican Ohio Gov. also on CNN.
John Kasich urged Presi- “So, yes, I think there’s more
dent Donald Trump on Sun- cleaning house that ought
day to stop the staff chaos to take place,” Schiff add-
at the White House and ed. Schiff also questioned
“settle it down.” Trump’s capability. “There’s
Strategist Steve Bannon some attribute of his char-
last week became the lat- acter that makes him
est top White House official seemingly incapable of
to follow Trump’s national introspection and a broad
security adviser, a chief understanding of what the
of staff, two communica- country really needs. And
tions directors and a press I think it’s a question that
secretary, and others, out people are asking, you
the door. “You can’t keep know, what is going on with
putting new people in the this president?”
lineup and think you’re go- The lawmakers and oth-
ing to win a world champi- ers spoke Sunday as Trump
onship,” said Kasich, who prepared to return to the
is among those who think White House after more
the staff churn is hamper- than two weeks away.
ing Trump’s ability to notch In a July 27, 2017 photo, Ohio Gov. John Kasich speaks at a news conference at the Ohio State Trump spent most of what
a major legislative victory. Fair, in Columbus, Ohio. Kasich says Sunday, Aug. 20, 2017, that President Donald Trump needs to he said was a “working
He voiced his concerns on stop the staff chaos at the White House and “settle it down.” Kasich is among those who fear the vacation” holed up at his
CNN’s “State of the Union.” staff churn is hampering Trump’s ability to notch a major legislative victory. private golf club in central
The White House said Ban- (AP Photo/Jay LaPrete) New Jersey. He also spent
non and new White House campaign, said Bannon dency there are factions.” cleaning house” at the two nights at his home at
chief of staff John Kelly wanted to give Kelly “an Bossie blamed Republican White House, echoing some Trump Tower, his first visit to
had “mutually agreed” opportunity to have a congressional leaders in- fellow Democrats in nam- the New York skyscraper
that Friday would be Ban- clean slate.” stead. “No one is saying ing policy adviser Stephen since taking office.
non’s last day. Bannon im- Bannon repeatedly the president is not leading. Miller and national security Before Trump departed
mediately resumed his role clashed with other top ad- There’s a lack of leadership aide Sebastian Gorka as New Jersey, the White
as executive chairman of visers, most notably Trump’s on one side of Pennsylva- two who should be fired. House announced that
the conservative Breitbart son-in-law, Jared Kushner. nia Avenue,” he said on “There certainly are a lot of Trump planned to address
News website, which he led He dismissed concerns that “Fox News Sunday.” people on the White House the nation Monday night
before joining Trump cam- White House staff divisions Rep. Adam Schiff of Cali- staff and NSC staff that from Fort Myer in Arling-
paign. are hurting Trump’s ability fornia, the top Democrat shouldn’t be there, people ton, Virginia, on U.S. policy
David Bossie, a former dep- to get his priorities passed, on the House intelligence like Miller and Gorka and toward Afghanistan and
uty manager of Trump’s saying that “in every presi- committee, urged “more others, who not only, I think, South Asia.q
Senator who hoped for Trump assassination in post apologizes
By JIM SUHR jury is my Lord, Jesus Christ,” sponse to the recent white
Associated Press Chappelle-Nadal, who lat- nationalist rally and vio-
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — er deleted from post from lence in Charlottesville, Vir-
A Missouri lawmaker who her personal Facebook ginia, for which Trump said
drew bipartisan outrage page, told reporters at a “both sides” shared some
over her brief Facebook church in Ferguson. She blame. Chappelle-Nadal
comment expressing hope had asked media outlets to was later questioned by
that President Donald not publish the news con- the U.S. Secret Service as
Trump would be assassi- ference’s location before- part of its investigation into
nated apologized publicly hand because she’d re- her remarks. She has told
Sunday to Trump and his ceived death threats since The Associated Press that
family, calling the online the post. “President Trump, she let the federal law en-
posting “a mistake.” I apologize to you and your forcement agency know
But Sen. Maria Chappelle- family,” she added. She she “had no intentions of
Nadal, a black Democrat, walked out and didn’t take hurting anyone or trying to
said she has no plans to In this Sept. 10, 2014 photo, Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle- any questions after deliver- get other people to hurt
resign as numerous top Re- Nadal speaks on the Senate floor in Jefferson City, Mo. ing her three-minute state- anyone at all.”
publicans and Democrats Chappelle-Nadal says she posted and then deleted a comment ment. Chappelle-Nadal’s Parson has said he will ask
on Facebook that said she hoped for President Donald Trump’s
in Missouri have insisted assassination. The Democratic Senator says she didn’t mean post was in response to one senators to remove Chap-
since Thursday’s post in what she posted Thursday, Aug. 17, 2017, but was frustrated that suggested Vice Presi- pelle-Nadal, who lives in
which she wrote “I hope with the president’s reaction to the violence last weekend in dent Mike Pence would try the St. Louis suburb of Uni-
Trump is assassinated!” Charlottesville, Va. to have Trump removed versity City, from office if
Gov. Eric Greitens and Lt. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson) from office. She has said she does not resign by the
Gov. Mike Parson, both Re- her. “I made a mistake, make a mistake like that she made the comment time lawmakers convene
publicans, said Friday that and I’m owning up to it. again. I have learned my out of frustration with the Sept. 13 to consider veto
state senators should oust And I’m not ever going to lesson. My judge and my Republican president’s re- overrides. q