P. 8

A8    world news
                  Monday 21 august 2017

            Spanish town struggles to square growth of extremist cell

                                                                                                   issue,  was  denounce  the  tied  to  the  investigation
                                                                                                   attack,  some  holding  up  were  rented  with  Abouy-
                                                                                                   homemade  signs  reading  aaquoub’s credit card: The
                                                                                                   “Not in our name.”           one used in the Las Ramb-
                                                                                                   Police  have  identified  12  las carnage, another found
                                                                                                   members  of  the  cell,  but  in Ripoll, where all the main
                                                                                                   three   remained     unac-   attack  suspects  lived,  and
                                                                                                   counted  for  Sunday.  Two  a third found in Vic, on the
                                                                                                   are believed to have been  road between the two.
                                                                                                   killed when the house where  Police  are  investigating
                                                                                                   the  plot  was  hatched  ex-  whether  a  man  found
                                                                                                   ploded  Wednesday,  Cat-     stabbed  to  death  inside  a
                                                                                                   alan  police  official  Josep  car in Barcelona may have
                                                                                                   Lluis  Trapero  told  reporters  been killed by an attacker
                                                                                                   Sunday.Complicating  the  as  well.  Police  believe  the
                                                                                                   manhunt for the suspected  cell members had planned
                                                                                                   fugitive and any other pos-  to  fill  the  vans  with  explo-
                                                                                                   sible accomplices, though,  sives and create a massive
                                                                                                   was the fact that police so  attack in the Catalan capi-
                                                                                                   far  have  been  unable  to  tal. Trapero confirmed that
                                                                                                   pinpoint  who  remained  at  more than 100 tanks of bu-
                                                                                                   large.  The  explosion  in  Al-  tane gas were found at the
                                                                                                   canar,  300  kilometers  (186  Alcanar house that explod-
            Members  of  the  local  Muslim  community  gather  along  with  relatives  of  young  men  believed
            responsible for the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils to denounce terrorism and show their grief   miles) south of Ripoll, nearly  ed, as well as ingredients of
            in Ripoll, north of Barcelona, Spain, Sunday Aug. 20, 2017. Sheets read in Catalan: “We all are   obliterated the bomb mak-  the  explosive  TATP,  which
            Barcelona”, “This affects all of us”, “Not in the name of Islam” and “Everybody against terrorism”.   ers along with the house. A  was  used  by  the  Islamic
                                                                         (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)  police  official  has  said  the  State  group  in  attacks  in
            By LORI HINNANT              nary secret for 12 people to  for  an  alleged  cell  mem-  imam, Abdelbaki Es Satty, is  Paris and Brussels.
            ALEX OLLER                   keep for months on end.      ber  thought  to  still  be  on  thought to be one of them.  “Our thesis is that the group
            JOSEPH WILSON                In  the  suspected  extremist  the  run  continues.  Families  Trapero  declined  to  con-  had  planned  one  or  more
            Associated Press             cell’s  final  days,  the  group  and friends in the town are  firm  that  Younes  Abouy-  attacks  with  explosives  in
            RIPOLL,  Spain  (AP)  —  They  accumulated  more  than  torn between horror at the  aaquoub,  a  22-year-old  the  city  of  Barcelona,”  he
            were  brothers  and  boy-    100 gas canisters, blew up  bloodshed and grief for the  Moroccan,  was  the  one  said.  The  plot  was  foiled
            hood  friends  from  a  town  a  house  in  a  botched  ef-  children they thought they  at  large  and  the  suspect-  when the house in Alcanar
            with  no  unfamiliar  faces.  fort to make bombs, drove  knew.                         ed  driver  of  the  van  that  blew up Wednesday night.
            They were linked by Moroc-   a van through Barcelona’s  “We  don’t  know  whether  plowed down the Las Ram-         None  of  the  12  had  any
            can roots and equally tied  storied  Las  Ramblas  prom-  to  cry  and  mourn  them  or  blas   promenade   Thurs-  known  history  of  violent
            by  their  upbringings  in  Ri-  enade,   and   attacked  what  to  do,”  said  Wafa  day,  killing  13  people  and  extremism,  Spanish  police
            poll, an ancient hub in the  beachside  tourists,  Spanish  Marsi,  who  knew  the  at-  injuring  120.  Another  at-  have said.
            Catalan foothills known for  authorities said.            tackers  and  stood  with  tack  hours  later  killed  one  Trapero   confirmed   the
            its monastery and passage-   The  Islamic  State  group  their  weeping  mothers  on  person  and  injured  others  imam  was  part  of  the  in-
            ways  dotted  with  cafes  claimed  responsibility  for  Saturday as they clustered  Cambrils,  a  seaside  town  vestigation,  but  said  po-
            and kebab shops.             the  attacks  that  killed  at  in small groups in the town  south of the city.        lice had no solid evidence
            But  most  recently,  police  least  14  people  and  left  square. “They have killed 13  “We  are  working  in  that  that he was responsible for
            believe,  the  young  men  scores wounded.                or 14 people and wounded  line,”  Trapero  said.  But  he  radicalizing the young men
            were  drawn  together  by  Five  of  the  dozen  were  a  hundred,  and  we  don’t  added:  “We  don’t  know  in the cell. Es Satty in June
            an  imam  and  an  alleged  shot dead by police. Now,  know what to do.”               where he is.”                abruptly  quit  working  at  a
            plot  to  murder  on  a  mas-  Ripoll  is  cut  off  by  police  What the families finally did,  Another  police  official  did  mosque  in  Ripoll  and  has
            sive  scale  —  an  extraordi-  roadblocks  as  the  search  after  fiercely  debating  the  confirm  that  three  vans  not been seen since.q
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