P. 6
Monday 21 august 2017
Mastermind of lottery fraud faces 25-year prison sentence
ers used to randomly pick Moines. Over the course
numbers for some of the of the next six years, Tipton
most popular lottery games would go on to fix six more
in the U.S. lottery games across five
Little did they know that states, netting more than
while they worked to up- $2 million. Yet his employer
hold the integrity of lot- trusted him so much that
teries, Tipton had secretly he was promoted in 2013
installed software that al- to head information securi-
lowed him to pick winning ty, placing him in charge of
numbers and was collect- protecting the very lottery
ing money from jackpots in computer systems he had
multiple states. been cheating.
“The depth of his deceit is Tipton pleaded guilty in
dumbfounding,” Assistant June after denying wrong-
Iowa Attorney General Rob doing since his 2015 ar-
Sand said in court filings rest. His attorney is seeking
seeking a 25-year prison a sentence of no more
term for Tipton when he is than three to four years in
sentenced Tuesday in Des prison, arguing that his cli-
Moines. “Such crimes can- ent is unfairly being treated
not be answered without a far more harshly than oth-
prison sentence.” er people involved in the
In this June 29, 2017 photo, Eddie Tipton, the former Multi-State Lottery Association information After hitting the first ill-got- scheme.
security director who admitted to masterminding a scheme to rig lottery games that paid him
and others $2 million from seven fixed jackpots in five states, is seen in court in Des Moines, Iowa. ten jackpot in Colorado in Tipton admitted to master-
Tipton is scheduled to be sentenced Tuesday, Aug. 22. 2005, Tipton began building minding the lottery rigging
(Rodney White/The Des Moines Register via AP) himself a 4,800-square-foot scheme as part of a plea
By DAVID PITT programmer Eddie Tipton sociation and earned the (446-sq. meter) house with deal reached with Sand to
Associated Press reliably showed up for work confidence of his co-work- a movie theater and gym resolve charges in all states
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — at the central Iowa office of ers, a team of technicians on 22 acres (9 hectares) from which he had won
For a decade, computer the Multi-State Lottery As- entrusted to build comput- with a pond outside of Des jackpots. q
Prosecutors: Chicago slaying was part of sexual fantasy
By MICHAEL TARM James Cornell-Duranleau, cial official, were dressed standing in a nearby door- are you doing?”
Associated Press the 26-year-old boyfriend in their own clothes Sunday way, and asked him for Only Warren, a British citi-
CHICAGO (AP) — The fatal of since-fired professor inside the Chicago court- help. Warren ran over to zen, spoke briefly when the
stabbing of a hairstylist in Wyndham Lathem, was room. They stood with their cover the victim’s mouth, judge asked if he wanted a
Chicago was part of a sex- stabbed some 70 times and hands behind their backs then struck him in the head British diplomatic office to
ual fantasy hatched in an with such brutality that he as the judge spoke. with a heavy lamp in an at- be contact. “No,” Warren
online chatroom between was nearly decapitated. Cornell-Duranleau, a Michi- tempt to silence him, Toller said.
a Northwestern University His throat was slit and his gan native, had been said. As Lathem continued Toller said Lathem and War-
professor and an Oxford pulmonary artery torn. asleep in Lathem’s high- to stab his boyfriend, War- ren had talked in detail be-
University employee, whose “The heinous facts speak rise Chicago condo when ren left the room and re- forehand about how they
plan included killing some- for themselves,” said Judge Lathem began plunging turned with two kitchen would kill themselves. She
one and then themselves, Adam Bourgeois, who a 6-inch dry-wall saw knife knives, she said. said Lathem was supposed
prosecutors told a Cook deemed both men po- into his chest and neck, Warren bent over Cornell- to stab Warren to death as
County judge Sunday at a tentially dangerous and prosecutor Natosha Toll- Duranleau and joined Lath- Warren was fatally shoot-
bond hearing for the men. ordered them to remain in er said. When the victim em in stabbing him, the ing him. Lathem and War-
An Illinois state prosecutor custody pending trial on awoke, he began scream- prosecutor said. ren surrendered peacefully
shared new details about first-degree murder charg- ing and fought back. She said the victim’s last to California authorities on
the July slaying, describing es. Lathem and Andrew Toller said Lathem then words were addressed to Aug. 4 after an eight-day
to the court how Trenton Warren, an Oxford finan- yelled at Warren, who was Lathem: “Wyndham, what manhunt.q