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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 18 September 2020
            FBI director says antifa is an ideology, not an organization

            By  ERIC  TUCKER  and  BEN                                                                                          ference  in  the  November
            FOX                                                                                                                 election,  which  he  said
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  FBI                                                                                            was taking the form of for-
            Director  Chris  Wray  told                                                                                         eign  influence  campaigns
            lawmakers  Thursday  that                                                                                           aimed  at  sowing  discord
            antifa  is  an  ideology,  not                                                                                      and swaying public opinion
            an  organization,  testimony                                                                                        as  well  as  efforts  to  deni-
            that puts him at odds with                                                                                          grate  Democratic  presi-
            President  Donald  Trump,                                                                                           dential nominee Joe Biden.
            who has said he would des-                                                                                          He  said  that  the  U.S.  had
            ignate it a terror group.                                                                                           not  yet  seen  targeting  of
            Wray  did  not  dispute  that                                                                                       election  infrastructure  like
            antifa activists were a seri-                                                                                       in 2016.
            ous  concern,  saying  that                                                                                         "What  concerns  me  the
            antifa  was  a  "real  thing"                                                                                       most  is  the  steady  drum-
            and that the FBI had under-                                                                                         beat   of   misinformation
            taken "any number of prop-                                                                                          and  sort  of  amplification
            erly  predicated  investiga-                                                                                        of smaller cyber intrusions,"
            tions  into  what  we  would                                                                                        Wray  said.  "I  worry  over
            describe as violent extrem-                                                                                         time  that  they  will  contrib-
            ism," including into individu-                                                                                      ute  over  time  to  a  lack  of
            als who identify with antifa."                                                                                      confidence  of  American
            But, he said, "It's not a group                                                                                     voters  and  citizens  in  the
            or  an  organization.  It's  a   Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray testifies before a House Committee on   validity of their vote."
            movement or an ideology."    Homeland Security hearing on 'worldwide threats to the homeland', Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020 on   He added that would be "a
            That  characterization  con-  Capitol Hill Washington.                                                              perception, not a reality."
            tradicts the depiction from                                                                        Associated Press  Trump has resisted the idea
            Trump, who in June singled                                                                                          of   Russian   interference
            out antifa — short for "anti-  Committee,  —  established  Russia's  attempts  to  inter-  think  of  threats  in  terms  of  aimed  at  benefiting  his
            fascists"  and  an  umbrella  after  the  Sept.  11  attacks  fere in the campaign.    left, right, at the FBI. We're  campaign  and  has  been
            term for far-left-leaning mili-  to  confront  the  threat  of  Wray sought to make clear  focused  on  the  violence,  eager,  along  with  other
            tant  groups  —  as  respon-  international  terrorism  —  the  scope  of  the  threats  not  the  ideology,"  he  said  administration  officials,  to
            sible  for  the  violence  that  focused  almost  entirely  on  while  resisting  lawmakers'  later.                talk  about  intelligence  of-
            followed  George  Floyd's  domestic  matters,  includ-    attempts  to  steer  him  into  The FBI director said racially  ficials' assessment that Chi-
            death. Trump tweeted that  ing  violence  by  white  su-  politically  charged  state-  motivated  white  suprema-  na  prefers  that  Trump  lose
            the  U.S.  would  be  desig-  premacists  as  well  as  anti-  ments. When asked wheth-  cists  have  accounted  for  to Biden.
            nating  antifa  as  a  terrorist  government extremists.   er  extremists  on  the  left  or  the  most  lethal  attacks  in  Department  of  Homeland
            organization,  even  though  It  underscored  the  shift  of  the right posed the biggest  the  U.S.  in  recent  years,  Security   Acting   Secre-
            such  designations  are  re-  attention  by  law  enforce-  threat,  he  pivoted  instead  though  this  year  the  most  tary  Chad  Wolf  had  been
            served  for  foreign  groups  ment  at  a  time  of  intense  to  an  answer  about  how  lethal  violence  has  come  scheduled to appear at the
            and  antifa  lacks  the  hier-  divisions  and  polarization  solo  actors,  or  so-called  from  anti-government  ac-  House  hearing  on  world-
            archical structure of formal  inside the country. But one  "lone wolves," with easy ac-  tivists.                   wide  threats  but  did  not
            organizations.               area where foreign threats  cess  to  weapons  were  a  Wray  also  affirmed  the  in-  testify because of his nomi-
            The  hearing  before  the  were addressed was in the  primary concern.                 telligence  community's  as-  nation to be secretary, ac-
            House  Homeland  Security  presidential  election  and  "We  don't  we  don't  really  sessment  of  Russian  inter-  cording to the agency.q

            More Iranian nationals charged in U.S. with hacking crimes

            By MATTHEW BARAKAT                  officials said.                     Eastern District of Virginia G. Zach-  America."
            Associated Press                    The accused Revolutionary Guard  ary Terwilliger, whose office is pros-  And  on  Wednesday,  the  depart-
            FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) — For the  member  is  Said  Arabi,  34.  The  ecuting the case.                      ment announced charges against
            third  straight  day,  federal  pros-  other  two  are  Mohammad  Reza  Prosecutors  say  the  conspiracy  two  Iranian  nationals  accused  of
            ecutors have announced criminal  Espargham,  25,  and  Mohammad  stretched from 2015 through 2019.  stealing  hundreds  of  terabytes  of
            charges accusing Iranian nationals  Bayati, 34, all Iranian nationals re-  The  indictment  spells  out  one  data  in  a  hacking  campaign  tar-
            with  conducting  cyberattacks  in  siding in Iran. Espargham is identi-  phishing attack that uses the name  geting  institutions  in  the  U.S.,  Eu-
            the U.S., with the charges this time  fied in a leader in the Iranian Dark  of  an  unidentified  college  profes-  rope and the Middle East.
            targeting a member of Iran's elite  Coders Team, described in the in-   sor  who  purportedly  was  seeking  On  Thursday,  U.S.  Secretary  of
            Revolutionary Guard.                dictment as "a notorious group of  help  on  a  project  related  to  the  State  Mike  Pompeo  announced
            The  most  recent  charges  an-     Iranian hackers responsible for nu-  processing of satellite images. The  sanctions against an Iranian cyber
            nounced  Thursday  in  U.S.  District  merous computer intrusions world-  email asks recipients to click on a  threat group known as Advanced
            Court  in  Alexandria,  Virginia,  ac-  wide."                          link to assist with the project.     Persistent  Threat  39  (APT39)  and
            cuse  a  member  of  the  Revolu-   All three are living in Iran. Court re-  Earlier this week, prosecutors in Bos-  45  individuals  associated  with  the
            tionary  Guard  and  two  others  of  cords do not list an attorney for any  ton  obtained  indictments  against  group.  In  a  statement,  Pompeo
            stealing the identities of individuals  of the men.                     an  Iranian  national  and  a  Pales-  called Iran "one of the world's lead-
            working  in  aerospace  and  satel-  "The  use  of  malware,  the  theft  of  tinian  national  for  allegedly  de-  ing  threats  to  cybersecurity  and
            lite technology. The hackers would  commercial data and intellectual  facing  websites  across  the  U.S.  in  human rights online."
            then use those identities to launch  property, and the use of social en-  retaliation  to  the  targeted  killing  "We  will  continue  to  expose  Iran's
            phishing  campaigns  on  the  tech  gineering  to  steal  the  identities  of  of Iran Gen. Qassem Soleimani, re-  nefarious  behavior  and  impose
            workers'  peers  in  order  to  launch  United  States  citizens  to  accom-  placing the websites' content with  costs on the regime until they turn
            malware and commandeer sensi-       plish  unlawful  acts  will  not  be  tol-  pictures of the top Iranian general  away from their destabilizing agen-
            tive data and intellectual property,  erated,"  said  U.S.  Attorney  for  the  and messages such as "Down with  da." Pompeo said.q
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