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                                                                                                     FEATURE Friday 18 September 2020

            Under lockdown, Israel faces bitter start of Jewish New Year

            By ILAN BEN ZION                                                                                                    "The unique circumstances
            Associated Press                                                                                                    that  leave  millions  outside
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Eating                                                                                          the  synagogue  doors  this
            apples  dipped  in  honey                                                                                           year contain also the silver
            on Rosh Hashana is a Jew-                                                                                           lining of helping them redis-
            ish  tradition  to  symbolize                                                                                       cover, reintegrate and cel-
            a  sweet  start  of  the  New                                                                                       ebrate  the  holiness  of  the
            Year.  But  in  Israel,  bitter-                                                                                    true  center  of  Jewish  life
            ness prevails on the eve of                                                                                         —  the  Jewish  home,"  said
            the holiday as the country                                                                                          Rabbi  Zalman  Shmotkin,
            faces a second nationwide                                                                                           spokesman  for  Chabad-
            lockdown to stem a raging                                                                                           Lubavitch.
            coronavirus outbreak.                                                                                               An Israeli online application
            Israeli Prime Minister Benja-                                                                                       is helping pair shofar blow-
            min  Netanyahu's  govern-                                                                                           ers with those who want to
            ment has imposed a three-                                                                                           hear the horn in their neigh-
            week lockdown, beginning                                                                                            borhoods.
            on Friday afternoon — just                                                                                          In  the  U.S.,  more  liberal
            hours before Rosh Hashana                                                                                           Jewish  streams  have  pro-
            starts. Israel's first lockdown,                                                                                    duced alternatives for con-
            in  March  and  April,  put  a                                                                                      gregants  who  use  Zoom,
            damper  on  Passover,  the                                                                                          Facebook and other digital
            Jewish spring holiday mark-                                                                                         platforms  during  the  High
            ing  the  deliverance  of  the   An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man prays ahead of the Jewish new year at the Western Wall, the holiest   Holidays.
            ancient Hebrews from slav-   site where Jews can pray in Jerusalem's old city, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020.           The Union for Reform Juda-
            ery in Egypt.                                                                                      Associated Press  ism,  North  America's  big-
            Now,  the  Jewish  High  Holi-                                                                                      gest Jewish group, created
            days  look  to  be  similarly  tend  synagogue  services.  demanding  his  resignation  the nationwide lockdown.    the Reflection Project, a vir-
            subdued.                     Bars,  restaurants,  and  cul-  over his handling of the vi-  Many  Jewish  worshippers  tual  experience  designed
            Israel  has  seen  new  daily  tural  venues  will  be  shut,  rus,  the  pandemic's  fallout  elsewhere  in  the  world  will  to  help  people  connect
            cases of COVID-19 skyrock-   but  many  ritual  baths  and  and his corruption trials.  have  to  forgo  synagogue  with  spirituality  through  a
            et  in  recent  weeks,  climb-  other  religious  facilities  will  The  lockdown  rules  have  services  due  to  social  dis-  series of activities.
            ing  to  more  than  5,000  on  remain open.              also deepened the rift be-   tancing  rules,  hold  prayers  "For  non-Orthodox  Jews,
            Wednesday  —  one  of  the  Israelis have been frustrated  tween secular and religious  and  hear  the  traditional  we  have  incredible  op-
            highest  per  capita  infec-  since the gains made with  Jews in Israel. A proposal to  sounding  of  the  shofar  —  portunities  through  virtual
            tion rates in the world. Since  the first lockdown — when  lock down only on commu-    a  ceremonial  ram's  horn  prayer, gathering, learning
            the  pandemic  began  this  the  virus  seemed  to  have  nities  with  high  outbreaks  —  on  street  corners  or  at  and spiritual practice to be
            year, it has recorded more  been  brought  under  con-    — mainly ultra-Orthodox ar-  home.                        with  others,  and  to  learn
            than 169,000 cases, includ-  trol  —  were  erased  within  eas where initial restrictions  The   Chabad-Lubavitch  and draw strength from be-
            ing  1,163  deaths,  as  of  weeks,  with  authorities  un-  were   ignored,   allowing  movement  of  Hasidic  Ju-  ing  together,"  Rabbi  Rick
            Wednesday,  according  to  able to stem the spike that  infections  to  surge  —  was  daism  has  recruited  thou-  Jacobs,  president  of  the
            Health Ministry figures.     followed.  Weekly  protests  scrapped,  apparently  fol-  sands of volunteers to blow  Union  for  Reform  Judaism,
            Religious and secular Israe-  have  drawn  thousands  to  lowing  pressure  from  ultra-  the shofar at public squares  told The Associated Press in
            lis alike mark Rosh Hashana  Netanyahu's Jerusalem res-   Orthodox  leaders,  before  and  street  corners  world-  New York.
            with  festive  holiday  feasts  idence, with demonstrators  Netanyahu    announced  wide.                           With  gatherings  in  syna-
            with  family  and  friends.                                                                                         gogues across Israel limited
            They  pack  synagogues,                                                                                             to 10 worshipers, some Israe-
            often  spending  hours  in                                                                                          lis are organizing services in
            prayer,  especially  during                                                                                         courtyards and gardens. At
            the fast of Yom Kippur, the                                                                                         Jerusalem's  Western  Wall,
            Day  of  Atonement,  which                                                                                          the holiest site where Jews
            falls later this month.                                                                                             can  worship,  the  plaza  is
            But  this  year,  traditional                                                                                       crisscrossed with dividers to
            family  gatherings  will  be                                                                                        allow small groups to pray.
            muted, synagogue prayers                                                                                            Jerusalem's  Great  Syna-
            will  be  limited  to  small                                                                                        gogue,  an  Orthodox  con-
            groups  and  travel  restric-                                                                                       gregation  that  has  hosted
            tions will leave many roads                                                                                         many Israeli dignitaries over
            deserted.  Some  of  the  lib-                                                                                      the  decades,  announced
            eral  streams  of  Judaism,                                                                                         earlier  this  week  that  be-
            particularly  in  the  United                                                                                       cause  of  the  pandemic,  it
            States, are turning to tech-                                                                                        would  not  hold  High  Holi-
            nology  to  help  connect                                                                                           day  services  for  the  first
            people.                                                                                                             time  since  it  opened  in
            In  Israel,  movement  dur-                                                                                         1958.  "It's  heartbreaking,"
            ing  the  lockdown  will  be                                                                                        said  Zalli  Jaffe,  president
            restricted to within 500 me-                                                                                        of Jerusalem's Great Syna-
            ters (yards) of one's home.                                                                                         gogue.  "We  believe  that
            Gatherings  are  limited  to                                                                                        safety  comes  first.  Some-
            10  people  indoors,  and  20   An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man prays ahead of the Jewish new year at the Western Wall, the holiest   times  we  have  to  protect
            outside, restricting the num-  site where Jews can pray in Jerusalem's old city, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020.  Associated Press  the  congregation  against
            ber of faithful who can at-                                                                                         the congregation." q
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