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WORLD NEWS Friday 18 September 2020
Mexican president vows to pay U.S. water debt, thanks Trump
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexi- his party's total support for
co's president vowed Thurs- the protesters, who fought
day to repay the country's National Guard officers
water debt to the United with sticks and rocks in Chi-
States, even if it means huahua, and he called for
asking farmers in Mexican reviewing or revising the
states along the U.S. border treaty.
to pitch in. "The international water
Time is running out for Mex- treaty negotiated by Mex-
ico to pay the debt by the ico and the United States
Oct. 24 deadline, especial- in 1944 should be revised,
ly after protesters seized a if necessary, with a view
dam in Chihuahua state to to prioritizing the interests
stop water transfers. of the people of Mexico,"
President Andrés Manuel Cortés said.
López Obrador has said in As of Sept. 5, Mexico still
the past he would appeal owed 307,943 acre-feet
to U.S. President Donald (379.6 million cubic meters)
Trump for "understanding" if of water before Oct. 24,
Mexico couldn't make the in part because of debts
deadline, and on Thursday built up in previous years.
he once again thanked The United States says it
Trump for being "respectful" still technically feasible for
of Mexico on other issues. Farmers stand at La Boquilla Dam, where they wrested control on Tuesday from National Guard Mexico to meet the goal.
troops in order to close the valves and reduce the flow of water toward the United States, in Chi-
"It is one of the things I have huahua State, Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020. While the bulk of Mexico's
to thank President Trump Associated Press water debt is usually paid
for, that he has been re- from Chihuahua, there is
spectful," López Obrador But it is unclear how much line. The United States gives Chihuahua, for other north- a dam in Tamaulipas that
said, noting the United Trump can help in an elec- Mexico four times more ern states to help out," he could be used to transfer
States had interfered in tion, with Texas farmers an- water from the Colorado said. water for use by the United
Mexico in the past on other gry that Mexico has fallen River farther west under the He acknowledged that States. But that runs the
issues. "Before they used to so far behind in cross-bor- treaty, and López Obrador threatens to broaden the risk that farmers in Tamau-
get involved, as if we were der water sharing agreed is apparently worried about conflict, which has be- lipas might join the protest
not free and sovereign," he to under a 1944 treaty. the possibility of losing that. came a cause for the con- movement.
said, adding "not anymore, More than a week ago, López Obrador raised the servative opposition party It all places López Obra-
and for that we are very hundreds of farmers angry possibility of asking farmers National Action. López Ob- dor — whose main stated
thankful." about losing water seized in other Mexican border rador accused protesters policy is to defend the poor
López Obrador has been a dam in the northern state states — an apparent ref- of planning to seize the of- — in a strange position, be-
criticized by the left in re- of Chihuahua, seeking to erence to Tamaulipas — to fices of the National Water ing criticized by conserva-
cent months over his friend- block the transfers that pitch in if the situation in Commission in Tamaulipas. tives for being too eager to
ly relations with Trump; benefit farmers and towns Chihuahua cannot be re- "They want to make this please the United States. He
López Obrador has coun- along the Rio Grande. solved. (conflict) regional, for politi- stressed "we have a good
tered that it is in Mexico's With just over five weeks to "If it gets difficult, we are cal and electoral reasons," relationship with the U.S.
national interest to main- go, Mexico still has to trans- looking for solidarity from López Obrador said. government and we are
tain friendly relations with fer almost a year's worth of other northern states, if National Action Party lead- not going to get into any
the United States. water to meet the dead- nothing can be done in er Marko Cortés expressed political confrontation."q
U.S. sanctions 2 Lebanon-based firms, Hezbollah-linked person
BEIRUT (AP) — The U.S. Trea- portfolio dispute. funds," the Treasury said.
sury on Thursday imposed The U.S. Department of the Last week, the Treasury
sanctions on two Lebanon- Treasury's Office of Foreign sanctioned two former
based companies and a Assets Control, or OFAC, Lebanese Cabinet ministers
man described as an offi- sanctioned the compa- allied with Hezbollah — the
cial with the Lebanese mili- nies Arch Consulting and ex-finance minister, Ali Has-
tant Hezbollah group Meamar Construction "for san Khalil, currently a law-
The United States considers being owned, controlled, maker, and the former pub-
the Iran-backed Hezbollah or directed by Hezbollah." lic works and transportation
a terrorist organization and OFAC also sanctioned Sul- minister, Youssef Fenianos.
has imposed sanctions on tan Khalifah Asaad, saying Lebanon's Prime Minister-
many of the militant group's that he is a Hezbollah offi- designate Muatapha Adib
officials in the past. cial closely associated with told reporters after meeting
The new wave of sanc- both companies. President Michel Aoun on
tions comes as Lebanon "Hezbollah leverages Arch Thursday afternoon that he
is passing through its worst and Meamar to conceal will allow more time for dis-
economic and financial money transfers to Hezbol- cussions over the formation In this photo released by Lebanon's official government pho-
crisis in decades. The coun- lah's own accounts, further of a new Cabinet. tographer Dalati Nohra, Lebanese President Michel Aoun, left,
try is also facing a political enriching Hezbollah's lead- The talks have stalled meets with Prime Minister-Designate Mustapha Adib, at the
deadlock amid delays in ership and supporters, and over which of Lebanon's presidential palace, in Baabda, east of Beirut, Lebanon, Mon-
the formation of a new, cri- depriving the Lebanese sects will get the finance day, Sept. 14, 2020. Associated Press
sis Cabinet, because of a people of much-needed ministry.q