Page 9 - aruba-today-20200918
P. 9

                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 18 September 2020

            Vessel HNLMS Pelican returns refurbished back to the West

            SAVANETA  —  Zr.  Ms.    Pelican  has  just  left  for
            the Caribbean. The support vessel has been in
            the Netherlands for major maintenance and a
            midlife update since the end of last year.

            The renovation work was badly needed. It was
            only  the  first  time  that  the  vessel  had  under-
            gone thorough maintenance since it was com-
            missioned  in  2006.  The  Pelikaan  has  been  op-
            erating in the Caribbean Sea for 13 years. The
            ship  carries  out  support  matters  and  provides
            emergency aid there.
            With the update, the ship has to move forward
            for years. “It looks sleek. I am very satisfied with
            where  we  are  now”,  said  Lieutenant  Com-
            mander, David Boom, before leaving.

            New tap
            One  of  the  spearheads  in  maintenance  was
            the  installation  of  a  new  crane.  This  provides
            a better overview of the FRISCs when they are  leave for the Caribbean in August, but events  Boom. “Later we will encounter some depres-
            launched. These motor boats are used, for ex-   like the corona crisis and the weather caused  sions  and  possibly  even  hurricanes.  When  we
            ample, in the fight against drug transports.  “We  some delay. Even now not everything is ready,  get to the Azores, we know if we can continue
            can now also train a lot better,” says Boom. Fur-  but  according  to  Boom  that  will  be  all  right.  sailing.  We  have  good  systems  that  keep  an
            thermore,  the  platform  management  system,  “There  are  still  some  things  to  finish,  such  as  eye  on  everything.”  The  Pelican  must  last  at
            the decks, the paint system and the accommo-    drawings.  Those  and  spare  parts  are  yet  to  least 11 more years.
            dation  received  a  major  overhaul.  Despite  all  come. But we can function well for the time be-  The  replacement  for  the  ship  will  be  built  in
            the patching, Boom still recognized his ship, he  ing. ”                                        2030,  after  which  it  should  be  ready  a  year
            remarked with a laugh. "Sure! The hull and all                                                  later. "11 years with the Pelikaan will work out,"
            the big things are still the same. ”            Tailwind                                        said Boom. “In principle, a ship must sail for 25
                                                            If the trip to the Caribbean goes according to  to 30 years. I have no doubt that with this we
            Slight delay                                    plan,  the  Pelikaan  will  arrive  there  in  16  days.  will succeed now that we have implemented
            It was initially planned that the Pelican would  “We had a tailwind for the first few days,” said  these updates.”q
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