P. 2

                    Tuesday 27 June 2017
            AP sources:                                                                                                          May details post-
                                                                                                                                   Brexit plans for
               US to say China among worst on human trafficking                                                                   EU citizens in UK

            By JOSH LEDERMAN             its  “watch  list”  of  coun-  transit  country”  for  forced   national  Monetary  Fund
            MATTHEW LEE                  tries  that  aren’t  meeting   labor  and  sex  trafficking.   and  World  Bank.  Officials   LONDON  (AP)  —  British
            Associated Press             minimum  standards  and      That  report  described  in-  from  countries  designated   Prime Minister Theresa May
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The     could  be  downgraded  to    ternal  migrants  in  China   in  that  tier  can  be  barred   tried  Monday  to  reassure
            Trump    administration   is   the  lowest  classification.   as  particularly  vulnerable,   from  participating  in  U.S.   European Union citizens liv-
            poised  to  declare  China                                                                                          ing in Britain that their lives
            among  the  world’s  worst                                                                                          and those of their family will
            offenders  on  human  traf-                                                                                         not be disrupted when Brit-
            ficking,  U.S.  officials  said                                                                                     ain leaves the EU in 2019.
            Monday,      putting   the                                                                                          She  told  Parliament  that
            world’s   most   populous                                                                                           steps will be taken to make
            country  in  the  same  cat-                                                                                        sure  the  split  with  the  EU
            egory as North Korea, Zim-                                                                                          is  handled  with  care  with
            babwe and Syria,                                                                                                    regard  to  the  estimated  3
            China’s downgrade is to be                                                                                          million  EU  citizens  living  in-
            announced Tuesday at the                                                                                            side Britain. She said Britain
            State  Department  when                                                                                             wants  them  to  stay  after
            Secretary of State Rex Tiller-                                                                                      Brexit.
            son unveils the annual Traf-                                                                                        “No  families  will  be  split
            ficking in Persons Report to                                                                                        up,” she said, adding that
            Congress, said the officials,                                                                                       family  dependants  who
            who weren’t authorized to                                                                                           move  to  Britain  to  join  an
            comment  publicly  ahead                                                                                            EU citizen living here would
            of the announcement and                                                                                             be  able  to  apply  for  “set-
            demanded        anonymity.                                                                                          tled” status after five years.
            Ivanka  Trump,  the  presi-                                                                                         That will be the term used
            dent’s daughter and senior                                                                                          for  EU  citizens  who  meet
            adviser, planned to attend                                                                                          the five-year rule.
            the ceremony.                                                                                                       May  says  they  will  be  en-
            The  determination  marks    Secretary of State Rex Tillerson appears at news conference at the State Department in Washing-  titled to full U.K. health and
            the  first  major,  public  re-  ton, Wednesday, June 21, 2017. The Trump administration is poised to declare China among the   pension benefits.
            buke  of  China’s  human     world’s worst offenders on human trafficking, U.S. officials said Monday, June 26, 2017, putting the   “After the U.K. has left the
            rights record by the Trump   world’s most populous country in the same category as North Korea, Zimbabwe and Syria. China’s   European  Union,  EU  citi-
            administration,  which  has   downgrade is to be announced Tuesday, June 27, 2017, at the State Department when Tillerson   zens with settled status will
                                         unveils the annual Trafficking in Persons Report to Congress.
            generally  avoided  direct,                                                                   (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)  be  able  to  bring  family
            public  criticism  of  Beijing   The  U.S.  described  China   with  some  forced  to  work                         members from overseas on
            while  seeking  its  coopera-  as  devoting  “sufficient  re-  with little government over-  government  educational   the  same  terms  as  British
            tion  in  combating  North   sources”  to  a  written  plan   sight in factories and coal   and  cultural  exchange   nationals,” she said.
            Korea’s nuclear and missile   for  addressing  trafficking.   mines. It said men, women   programs.  However,  the   She  said  her  plans  mean
            threats.  The  report  is  likely   But  it  said  that  the  Asian   and  children  from  other   president  retains  the  au-  that  no  one  from  the  EU
            to draw strong protest from   power hadn’t increased its   Asian  countries  and  from   thority  to  waive  the  sanc-  who  is  now  in  Britain  law-
            China’s  communist  gov-     anti-trafficking  efforts  from   Africa also are exploited.  tions  in  U.S.  national  inter-  fully will be made to leave
            ernment.                     the previous year.           The report also raised con-  est or if the penalties could   when Brexit happens.
            China  will  be  listed  under   It wasn’t immediately clear   cerns  about  forced  beg-  adversely  affect  vulner-  The prime minister said this
            “Tier  3,”  the  ranking  sys-  what  changes  are  lead-  ging in China that particu-  able  populations.  In  prac-  offer will be dependent on
            tem’s  lowest  category,     ing  the  Trump  administra-  larly affects children. It said   tice,  countries  given  the   British citizens in the 27 oth-
            which applies to countries   tion  to  downgrade  China   that girls and women from    worst designation have of-   er  EU  countries  receiving
            failing  to  meet  minimum   to the lowest tier. The State   rural areas are at higher risk   ten  been  granted  waivers   the  same  treatment  from
            standards  to  prevent  hu-  Department  declined  to     of  being  recruited  for  sex   under previous U.S. admin-  those countries.
            man  trafficking  or  making   confirm the designation or   trafficking in cities.     istrations. Rep. Chris Smith,   “Our offer will give those 3
            significant   improvement    to comment ahead of the      Countries  placed  in  Tier   R-N.J., one of several law-  million EU citizens in the U.K.
            efforts.   Other   countries   report’s  release  Tuesday,   3  can  be  penalized  with   makers  who  had  pressed   certainty  about  the  future
            that  have  recently  been   saying it “does not discuss   sanctions,  including  the   the Trump administration to   of their lives and a recipro-
            on  that  list  include  Sudan,   details of internal delibera-  withholding   of   non-hu-  downgrade China, praised   cal agreement will provide
            Iran and Haiti.              tions.”  In  the  2016  report,   manitarian  aid  and  assis-  the  move  but  urged  the   the same certainty for the
            In last year’s annual report,   the  U.S.  called  China  a   tance  that  could  affect   administration  to  follow   more  than  1  million  citi-
            the  U.S.  placed  China  on                                                           through by imposing sanc-    zens living in the European
                                         “source,  destination  and   agreements with the Inter-   tions. q                     Union,” she said.
                                                                                                                                May  was  elaborating  on
                Top Russian, US diplomats discuss Syria cease-fire                                                              proposals made last week
                                                                                                                                during a summit of EU lead-
                                                                                                                                ers.  She  said  she  wants  to
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  The  top  Monday  about  the  need  ment forces battling terror-      lamic State group.           resolve  the  issue  early  in
            diplomats  of  Russia  and  to  secure  a  cease-fire  in  ists.”                      Russia  warned  its  military   the  two-year  Brexit  nego-
            the  United  States  have  fo-  Syria, fight extremist groups  Moscow  reacted  angrily  would  track  aircraft  from   tiations to ease anxiety for
            cused on the Syrian crisis in  and  to  prevent  the  use  of  when  the  U.S.  downed  a  the  U.S.-led  coalition  as   EU citizens living in Britain.
            a phone call.                chemical weapons.            Syrian jet last week after it  potential targets over Syria   EU  officials  had  said  the
            The Russian Foreign Ministry  It   added   that   Lavrov  dropped  bombs  near  the  and  suspended  a  hotline     proposals  were  a  reason-
            says Foreign Minister Sergey  “urged Washington to take  U.S.-backed  Syrian  Demo-    intended  to  avoid  mid-air   able first step but fell short
            Lavrov  and  U.S.  Secretary  steps  to  prevent  provoca-  cratic  Forces  conducting  incidents.q
            of State Rex Tillerson talked  tions against Syrian govern-  operations  against  the  Is-                          of expectations. q
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