P. 3
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 27 June 2017
Trump welcomes India PM as US sanctions Pakistani militant
By MATTHEW PENNINGTON closest U.S. allies. In a con-
CATHERINE LUCEY crete indication of that,
Associated Press the U.S. State Department
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- approved the $365 million
dent Donald Trump wel- sale of a C-17 military trans-
comed India’s Prime Min- port aircraft. The adminis-
ister Narendra Modi to the tration is also set to offer a
White House Monday for $2 billion sale of U.S.-made
their first meeting, as the unarmed drones to help in
U.S. branded a top militant surveillance of the Indian
from neighboring Pakistan Ocean.
as a “global terrorist.” Trump thanked Modi for
The leaders of the world’s India’s purchase of U.S.
two largest democracies military equipment. Since
are looking to expand 2008, India has signed
ties on defense and fight- more than $15 billion in U.S.
ing terrorism, but strains defense contracts.
are likely on trade. Their Although Modi’s two-day
personal chemistry could Washington visit, which be-
prove as important as pol- gan Sunday, is lower key
icy in setting the tone for than his previous three trips
relations. to the U.S. since he took of-
During brief Oval Office fice in 2014, there will be
remarks, Trump heaped President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump walk along the Colonnade as they welcome plenty opportunity for face
praise on Modi as a “great Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the White House in Washington, Monday, June 26, 2017. time with Trump.
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
prime minister” who had After their talks, Modi and
brought economic growth and very, very powerful,” jahideen, the main rebel Korea. But Washington Trump will make state-
to India. Modi recalled Trump said. “We agree on group that fights against In- and New Delhi share con- ments in the Rose Garden.
Trump’s visits to India long most things. And I would dian control in the divided cerns about China’s rise as Modi will also have din-
before he was president say, by the end of the day Himalayan region of Kash- a military power that has ner with the president and
and said he was looking we’ll agree on everything. I mir. India’s foreign ministry underpinned increasingly first lady — the first dinner
forward to collaborating have a feeling,” he joked. hailed the move. close relations in the past Trump has hosted for a for-
with him now that he is Hours before Modi’s arrival, Trump has so far focused decade. eign dignitary at the White
president. the State Department im- on outreach to China, In- The Trump administration House, although he has
“The relationship between posed sanctions on Syed dia’s other strategic rival, says it wants to provide hosted the leaders of Ja-
the United States and In- Salahuddin, the Pakistan- as he looks to Beijing to rein India the kind of defense pan and China at his resort
dia is very, very strong based leader of Hizbul Mu- in nuclear-armed North technology it does to the in Florida.q
Budget Office: Senate Health Bill Adds 22 Million Uninsured
Continued from front al is just a hair better than
the 23 million who’d be left
Other Republican senators without insurance under
have expressed concerns. the measure the House
But none has ruled out approved last month,
backing the measure if it’s the budget office has es-
changed, and GOP lead- timated. President Don-
ers are looking for ways to ald Trump has called the
win more votes by revising House version “mean” and
the legislation. called on Senate Republi-
“It’s going to be very close, cans to approve legislation
but we’re working with with more “heart.”
each one of them in try- “This bill is every bit as mean
ing to accommodate their as the House bill,” said Sen-
concerns without losing ate Minority Leader Chuck
other support,” said No. 2 Schumer, D-N.Y.
Senate GOP leader John Of the 22 million without
Cornyn of Texas. He add- coverage by 2026, 15 mil-
ed, “When senators tell me lion would be without it
they want to get to yes, next year, the nonpartisan
that means that we have budget office said. That
a very good chance to get could be a particular con-
to yes.” cern to Sen. Dean Heller,
In good news for the GOP, R-Nev., who faces perhaps
the budget office said the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky. walks from his office on Capitol Hill in Washington, the toughest 2018 re-elec-
Senate bill would cut the Monday, June 26, 2017. Senate Republicans unveil a revised health care bill in hopes of securing tion race of any Senate
deficit by $202 billion more support from wavering GOP lawmakers, including one who calls the drive to whip his party’s bill Republican. He’s said he
through the Senate this week “a little offensive.”
than the House measure (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) can’t support a health care
over the coming decade. package that cuts Medic-
Senate leaders could use provisions in their measure ates but risk alienating con- The 22 million additional aid like the GOP plan and
some of those savings to more generous. That could servatives eager to curb people without coverage takes coverage from tens
make Medicaid and other win over unhappy moder- federal spending. under the Senate propos- of millions of Americans.q