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A6   U.S. NEWS
                    Tuesday 27 June 2017
            Man convicted of 2nd-degree murder in killing of Baby Doe

            BOSTON  (AP)  —  A  man  generated  image  of  the  girl in a closet to discipline  thy  leaning  over  her  and  to  anyone.  She  claimed
            was  convicted  Monday  girl  was  shared  by  millions  her. He said McCarthy had  punching her. She said she  McCarthy  threatened  to
            of  murder  in  the  death  of  of  people  on  social  me-  been obsessed with the oc-  saw McCarthy punch her in  kill  her.  The  defense  also
            a  2-year-old  girl  who  be-  dia  after  she  was  dubbed  cult for years. “By the time  the  abdomen  so  hard  she  said  prosecutors  “made  a
            came known as Baby Doe  Baby Doe by authorities try-      of  her  death  every  adult  bounced off the mattress.   deal  with  the  devil”  in  of-
            after  her  remains  washed  ing to determine her iden-   in  her  life  was  distracted  “He said it was her time to  fering  Bond  time-served  in
            up on the shore of a Boston  tity.The  trial  included  testi-  from  her  care  and  well-  die,  she  was  a  demon,”  exchange for her testimony
            Harbor island.               mony about the girl’s short  being  by  drug  addiction,”  Bond   said.   McCarthy’s  against McCarthy.
            Michael    McCarthy    was  and  tragic  life.  Bond  and  Conley said. Bond testified  lawyer  aggressively  cross-  But Conley said Bond’s testi-
            charged  in  the  2015  killing  McCarthy were heroin ad-  that on the night Bella died,  examined Bond about why  mony was supported by in-
            of Bella Bond, his girlfriend’s  dicts. A friend testified that  she  walked  into  the  girl’s  she didn’t call police or re-  dependent  evidence  that
            daughter.  A  computer-      McCarthy  would  lock  the  bedroom and saw McCar-        port  her  daughter’s  death  she did not know about.q

            Pharmacy boss blamed for meningitis outbreak gets 9 years

            By DENISE LAVOIE                                                                                                    called clean rooms had been
            AP Legal Affairs Writer                                                                                             disinfected, prosecutors said.
            BOSTON (AP) — The co-own-                                                                                           After  the  outbreak,  regula-
            er of a pharmacy deemed re-                                                                                         tors found multiple potential
            sponsible for the deaths of 76                                                                                      sources  of  contamination,
            people in a national meningi-                                                                                       including standing water and
            tis  outbreak  tearfully  apolo-                                                                                    mold  and  bacteria  in  the  air
            gized to the victims on Mon-                                                                                        and  on  workers’  gloved  fin-
            day  and  was  sentenced  to                                                                                        gertips.
            nine  years  in  prison,  far  less                                                                                 Cadden’s  lawyer,  Bruce  Sin-
            than the victims had wanted.                                                                                        gal,  told  the  jury  Cadden
            “I’m  sorry  for  your  extraor-                                                                                    was  not  responsible  for  the
            dinary  losses,”  Barry  Cadden                                                                                     deaths and pointed the finger
            said, wiping his eyes.                                                                                              at  Glenn  Chin,  a  supervisory
            A  dozen  victims  who  were                                                                                        pharmacist who ran the clean
            sickened  or  lost  loved  ones                                                                                     rooms  where  drugs  were
            asked the judge to give Cad-                                                                                        made.
            den  the  harshest  penalty                                                                                         Chin  has  pleaded  not  guilty
            allowed  under  the  law  for                                                                                       and is scheduled to go on trial
            the  deadly  2012  nationwide   Barry Cadden, president of the New England Compounding Center, along with members of his   in September.
            fungal  meningitis  outbreak,   legal team, arrive at the federal courthouse for sentencing Monday, June 26, 2017, in Boston. A   NECC filed for bankruptcy af-
            which  sickened  hundreds  of   verdict of guilty on charges of mail fraud, racketeering conspiracy and racketeering had been   ter getting hit with hundreds
            people.                      reached on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 in the case of a fungal meningitis outbreak from tainted   of lawsuits.
            Penny Laperriere, whose hus-  steroids manufactured by Cadden’s pharmacy which killed dozens and sickened hundreds of   NECC  and  several  related
                                         people in 2012.
            band  died  after  receiving  a                                                           (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)  companies  reached  a  $200
            contaminated  steroid  shot,                                                                                        million  settlement  with  vic-
            said  Cadden  destroyed  her   family.NECC  used  expired in-  gredients  and  falsified  logs  to  make  it  look  as  if  the  so-  tims and their families.q

            Arkansas inmate on lam for 32 years visiting mom when caught

            By TAFI MUKUNYADZI           arrested Sunday at a home  Jones  said  she  came  into  cided to go to police with  cording to the department.
            Associated Press             in  Springdale  in  northwest  contact with her son about  the information.            His  original  release  date
            LITTLE  ROCK,  Ark.  (AP)  —  Arkansas  by  local  law  en-  six  months  after  he  es-  State police spokesman Bill  was  scheduled  for  June
            The mother of an Arkansas  forcement and state troop-     caped from prison.           Sadler  said  there  is  an  on-  1991.
            prison  escapee  who  had  ers, according to the state  Dishman is not married and  going criminal investigation  There are currently four es-
            been  on  the  run  for  more  Department of Correction.  has no children, according  of  Dishman’s  escape  and  capees still on the run from
            than  three  decades  said  Shirley  Jones  told  The  As-  to Jones.                  anything  that  may  have  various  Arkansas  prisons.
            she  has  been  in  contact  sociated  Press  on  Monday  Authorities  would  not  say  happened  subsequent  to  Their  offenses  include  flee-
            with her son since soon af-  that  her  son  has  been  liv-  who  provided  Dishman’s  it.                         ing,  possession  of  a  con-
            ter his escape and that he  ing  in  southern  Arkansas,  location, whether that per-  Dishman was sentenced in  trolled  substance,  theft  of
            was  visiting  her  when  he  but  would  not  say  exactly  son  has  stayed  in  touch  December 1984 and would  property  and  theft  by  re-
            was arrested.                where  Dishman  had  been  with Dishman since they first  have been eligible for pa-   ceiving. q
            Steven  Dishman,  60,  was  been living or for how long.  met or why the person de-    role in December 1987, ac-
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