P. 10

                    Tuesday 27 June 2017
              UAE military buildup draws scrutiny after Yemen allegations

            CAIRO  (AP)  —  With  soc-   the  1991  U.S.-led  Gulf  War   gets in Syria. Its contribution   Number  One  Arab  Ally,”   sile  strike  on  a  base  killed
            cer  sponsorships,  record-  expelling  Iraqi  forces  from   gained particular attention   said  Christopher  David-  over  50  Emirati  troops,  as
            setting  skyscrapers  and    Kuwait.                      for the role played by a fe-  son  of  Britain’s  Durham   well  as  at  least  10  soldiers
            wintertime   golfing,   the                                                                                         from Saudi Arabia and five
            United  Arab  Emirates  has                                                                                         from Bahrain.Emirati forces
            projected  an  image  of                                                                                            were involved in a Jan. 29
            comfort  and  opportunity                                                                                           Yemen raid ordered by U.S.
            in a volatile region. But the                                                                                       President  Donald  Trump
            quiet  expansion  of  its  mili-                                                                                    that killed a U.S. Navy SEAL
            tary  footprint  is  drawing  a                                                                                     and  30  others,  including
            different  kind  of  attention                                                                                      women,  children  and  an
            to the Gulf federation as it                                                                                        estimated 14 militants.
            wades into some of the re-                                                                                          Last  week,  the  AP  docu-
            gion’s messiest conflicts.                                                                                          mented  at  least  18  clan-
            The  Emirates  flatly  denied                                                                                       destine   lockups   across
            allegations  revealed  in  an                                                                                       southern Yemen run by the
            Associated Press investiga-                                                                                         United  Arab  Emirates  or
            tion last week that its forces                                                                                      by Yemeni forces created
            were running secret prisons                                                                                         and  trained  by  the  Gulf
            inside  Yemen  where  de-                                                                                           nation.  Hundreds  of  men
            tainees were tortured, call-                                                                                        swept up in the hunt for al-
            ing it “completely untrue.”                                                                                         Qaida  militants  have  dis-
            The UAE is a key member of                                                                                          appeared into the prisons,
            a  Saudi-led  military  coali-                                                                                      where abuse is routine and
            tion that is mired in a two-                                                                                        torture  extreme  —  includ-
            year stalemate against the                                                                                          ing the “grill,” in which the
            Shiite  Houthi  rebels  who   An Emirati gunner watches for enemy fire from the rear gate of a United Arab Emirates Chinook   victim is tied to a spit like a
            control  Yemen’s  capital    military helicopter flying over Yemen. The United Arab Emirates flatly denied allegations revealed   roast  and  spun  in  a  circle
            and much of the country’s    in an Associated Press investigation last week that its forces were running secret prisons inside Ye-  of  fire.Several  U.S.  sena-
            north.  It  is  also  part  of  the   men and torturing detainees, calling the report “completely untrue.”          tors  have  called  for  inves-
            U.S.-led  coalition  battling                                                             (AP Photo/Adam Schreck)   tigations  into  reports  that
            the  Islamic  State  group  in   Since  then  it  has  been   male  fighter  pilot  early  in   University.”They’ve  had  to   U.S.  military  interrogators
            Iraq  and  Syria,  and  backs   gradually  building  up  ex-  the campaign.            make deals with some un-     worked  with  those  forces.
            a powerful general in east-  perience and capabilities,   And  while  its  military  only   savory  characters  to  pro-  Defense  officials  told  the
            ern  Libya  who  rejects  a   sending  troops  to  Kosovo   numbers  in  the  tens  of   tect  their  flanks  in  places   AP  that  the  department
            U.N.-backed  government.     as  part  of  the  NATO-led   thousands,  it  spends  a   like Yemen, but in general   had  looked  into  reports
            Last  week  the  UAE  joined   peacekeeping      mission   whopping  6  percent  of    they’ve  proven  more  deft   of  torture  and  concluded
            other Gulf nations in a stun-  there starting in 1999, and   GDP  on  defense,  allowing   at  keeping  a  cleaner  im-  that its personnel were not
            ning move to boycott and     special  forces  to  Afghani-  it  to  acquire  advanced   age than, for example, the   involved  or  aware  of  any
            partially blockade Qatar     stan to support the U.S.-led   weapons   systems   from   Saudis,” he added.           abuse.
            The  growing  list  of  foreign   war against the Taliban.  France, Britain and the U.S.                            AFRICA
            commitments  is  drawing     Today, the UAE hosts West-   The Pentagon said a new,     YEMEN QUAGMIRE               The  UAE  has  been  build-
            increased  scrutiny  to  the   ern  forces  at  its  military   15-year  defense  coopera-  The  quagmire  in  Yemen,   ing up a long-term military
            federation  of  Gulf  monar-  bases, including American   tion  agreement  signed  in   and  the  recent  allega-   presence  in  Eritrea  at  its
            chies,  which  hosts  some   and  French  troops.  Jebel   May would “enable closer    tions  regarding  detainees   port  in  Assab,  according
            5,000  American  military    Ali  port  in  Dubai  serves  as   and  more  agile  collabo-  held by the UAE and its al-  to  Stratfor,  a  U.S.-based
            personnel, as well as fighter   the biggest port of call for   ration  against  a  range  of   lies,  could  undermine  that   private  intelligence  firm.
            jets and drones.             the  American  Navy  out-    threats.”                    image,  especially  as  the   Satellite images show new
                                         side of the United States.   “They’re trying to curry fa-  bloody  conflict  shows  no   construction  at  a  once-
            THE BUILDUP                                               vor with the U.S. by taking   sign of being resolved.     abandoned  airfield  the
            The  former  British  protec-  CLOSE WESTERN ALLY         on  more  and  more  roles   The  UAE  has  suffered  the   firm links to the Emiratis, as
            torate merged the smaller    The  UAE  was  one  of  the   in the region, to carve out   most  wartime  casualties   well  as  development  at
            forces  of  its  seven  sheikh-  most   prominent   Arab   their  niche  and  emerge   in its history in Yemen. The   the  port  and  the  deploy-
            doms  into  a  national  mili-  members  to  join  the  U.S.-  at  the  coveted  position   deadliest day came in Sep-  ment of tanks and aircraft.
            tary force that took part in   led  coalition  striking  IS  tar-  of   being   Washington’s   tember  2015,  when  a  mis-  q
              IS fighters launch counterattacks in west Mosul neighborhood

            By BALINT SZLANKO            Gen.  Mohammed  al-Kh-       early May.                   draw  away  attention  and  The  June  14  assault  was
            IRBIL,  Iraq  (AP)  —  Islamic  odari.The  attacks  came  “This  is  in  line  with  tactics  to  show  that  they  are  still  carried  out  by  more  than
            State  fighters  launched  a  as  Iraqi  forces  continue  to  we  have  seen  previously  strong,”  said  al-Khodari.  100 IS militants and killed 11
            string  of  counterattacks  in  move in on the last pocket  in  Samarra  (and)  Anbar,”  “This  attack  shows  that  Iraqi  policemen  and  four
            a western Mosul neighbor-    of  territory  the  IS  militants  he said. Both the Iraqi city  they will soon be defeated  civilians in clashes that last-
            hood  that  had  recently  hold  in  the  neighborhood  of  Samarra  and  the  west-   in Mosul.”                   ed hours.
            been declared free of the  known as the Old City.         ern  province  of  Anbar  Earlier     this   month,   IS  Iraqi  forces  launched  an
            militant  group,  setting  off  Al-Khodari  told  The  Associ-  had  been  liberated  of  IS  launched  a  large-scale  operation to retake Mosul’s
            clashes   that   continued  ated  Press  that  IS  sleeper  militants last year but have  counterattack   in   Mosul  Old  City  —  the  IS  group’s
            overnight, Iraqi officials said  cells set fire to houses and  seen  occasional  counter-  that  underscored  the  ex-  last stronghold there — just
            Monday.                      cars  on  Sunday  afternoon  attacks  by  the  extremist  tremist  group’s  resilience  over  a  week  ago,  more
            By  daylight,  the  situation  in  the  Tanak  neighbor-  group.                       in  the  city  despite  months  than eight months after the
            was calm and the fighting  hood  on  Mosul’s  far  west-  “When  they  sense  defeat  of heavy fighting with Iraqi  fight  to  retake  Iraq’s  sec-
            had  subsided,  according  ern  edge.  The  area  was  somewhere,  they  counter-      forces  backed  by  U.S.  air  ond-largest  city  officially
            to  army  spokesman  Brig.  declared  fully  liberated  in  attack  somewhere  else  to  power.                     began. q
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