P. 11
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 27 June 2017
Brazil leader defiant amid possible charges, mounting woes
By PETER PRENGAMAN of corruption scandals the
MAURICIO SAVARESE last three years.
Associated Press Few people showed up
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — at the reception at Bra-
Facing possible corrup- zil’s embassy in Moscow,
tion charges and tanking no top Norwegian officials
popularity, beleaguered welcomed Temer at Oslo’s
Brazilian President Michel airport and the country’s
Temer on Monday said his prime minister, Erna Sol-
government couldn’t be berg, gave Temer a public
toppled and Latin Ameri- lecture about the colossal
ca’s largest nation had no “Car Wash” investigation
“Plan B.” that has upended Bra-
Temer’s comments were zilian politics and could
his first since returning from even jail Temer. “We are
a trip to Russia and Norway very concerned about
last week that was filled the ‘Car Wash’ probe,”
with gaffes and mounting said Solberg, adding that it
bad news. “Nothing will was important for Brazil to
destroy us. Not me and not “cleanup” corruption.
our ministers,” Temer said To top it off, Norway an-
during the ceremonial sign- nounced a 50 percent cut
ing of a bill in the capital in funds it pays into Brazil’s
of Brasilia. Temer also said Amazon rainforest fund Brazil’s President Michel Temer waves as he exits after attending a ceremony at the Planalto
Presidential Palace, in Brasilia, Monday, June 26, 2017. Temer is expressing defiance in the face of
that Congress must con- because of increased de- possible corruption charges, the lowest approval rating for a Brazilian leader in a generation and
tinue with his proposed re- forestation. The increased calls for his resignation. He says nothing will “destroy” his government.
forms to the labor laws and deforestation began be- (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
pension system, deeply un- fore Temer took power last people from the problems being a disaster.” moved from office, now
popular measures aimed year, but environmentalists in politics,” said Mauricio Temer, who took over in also has the dubious dis-
at helping Latin America’s argue his policies are ag- Santoro, a political scientist May of last year after Presi- tinction of having the low-
largest economy recover gravating the situation. at the State University of Rio dent Dilma Rousseff was est approval rating of a
from a deep recession. “It was a trip to distract de Janeiro. “It ended up impeached and later re- president since 1989. q
“There is no Plan B. We
have to move forward,” Argentine:
said Temer.
Despite the optimism, Te- At least 15 die when bus flips, 21 hurt: officials
mer is facing risks to his
mandate on several fronts.
Attorney General Rodri- By A. CALATRAVA provincial health minister in the snow in the Andes not authorized to travel,
go Janot must decide by Associated Press Claudia Najul. mountains cordilleras on according to the National
Wednesday whether to BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Survivors told local news their way home. President Commission for Transport
bring forward charges of (AP) — A bus carrying stu- media that the bus was Mauricio Macri announced Regulation.
corruption, obstruction of dents, parents and teach- traveling at a high rate of two days of national Investigating Prosecutor
justice and being part of a ers from a dance school speed with about 50 pas- mourning for Tuesday and Florencia de Diego said the
criminal organization. flipped on a provincial sengers aboard when it ap- Wednesday. A presidency driver lost control of the ve-
If charges are brought for- highway in Argentina, kill- parently struck the side of a statement said that the hicle due to unknown rea-
ward, Brazil’s lower house ing at least 15 people, of- hill on a curvy road, caus- light-blue and white Argen- sons. She said that the route
of Congress will decide ficials said on Monday. ing the vehicle to turn over. tina flag will be flown at was in good conditions, the
whether to suspend Temer Nine adolescents and the The dance institute stu- half-staff at all public build- road signals worked and
from office to stand trial. driver were among those dents from Buenos Aires ings nationwide. there was good visibility.
Meanwhile, Temer’s trip killed Sunday in Mendoza province were returning “I’m shaken by this tragic A transport plane is expect-
last week to Russia and province, about 620 miles from a dance tournament accident,” Macri said on ed to land in the area in the
Norway ended up under- (1,000 kilometers) west of in the city of San Rafael in Twitter. “I want to stand next hours to transport the
scoring the president’s Buenos Aires. Another 21 Mendoza province. Local by the families and friends bodies back to Buenos Ai-
problems and Brazil’s di- people were hospitalized media published photos in their pain.” The bus had res province. Deadly high-
minished stature overseas with injuries in area clinics, of teenagers and children been taken out of circula- way crashes are frequent
thanks to a steady stream including four minors, said among the group playing tion in December and was in Argentina. q