P. 13
LOCAL Tuesday 27 June 2017
Renaissance Aruba Relaunches L.G. Smith’s Steak & Chop House
and hot tapa-style dishes,
soups, salads, and desserts
and unlimited mimosas.
Fully embracing the trend
of craft cocktails, L.G.
Smith’s mixologists have
concocted new signature
cocktails that embody
the elements: Water, Fire,
Smoke, Earth and Mist.
Each cocktail is carefully
crafted to perfection and
incorporates fresh organic
-Restaurant enhancements jestad’s downtown marina of toasted bacon, and the Paul Gielen, general man-
include elevated dining and bustling boulevard. delicate Fire is finished with ager of Renaissance Aruba
menus, signature crafted Already the #1 steakhouse a crème brulee rim. The Resort & Casino.” The idea
cocktails and extensive in Aruba according Tripad- unexpected presentation behind the redesign of L.G.
wine list. visor, L.G. Smith’s Steak & of each drink is what takes Smith’s & Chop House is
Chop House is well known the cocktails to the next to evolve the steakhouse
ORANJESTAD - Renais- for its USDA-inspected, level, incorporating all the mentality and introduce a
sance Aruba announces aged-prime steaks and trends of modern mixology. hip ambience that is both
the relaunch of LG Smith’s house specialties, including In addition to the new sig- elevated and entertain-
Steak & Chop House, of- rack of lamb and fresh lo- nature cocktails, the res- ing.”
fering an elevated din- cal seafood. The restaurant taurant provides guests Located within Renais-
ing experience including has added new appetiz- with a wide selection of sance Aruba Resort & Ca-
a new brunch concept, ers, entrees and desserts L.G. Smith’s cocktails, in- sino, L.G. Smith’s Steak &
a new food menu, craft to its menu and has taken cluding the classic Grey Chop House opening hours
cocktails that embody el- guests’ favorites and given Goose martini, Cosmopoli- have been extended from
ements such as earth, fire them a modern, Ameri- tan, Bellini; gin bar, aged 6-11 pm, with a DJ every
and water as well as an cana twist. Some of the whiskey, cognacs and ci- night from 6-9:30 pm. The
even more extensive wine chef’s favorite new dishes gars. With over 120 wines restaurant is now open on
list with selections from include Foie Gras Duo, juices, local Aruban aloe; to choose from, the wine Sundays from 11:00 am -
around the globe. The res- Wagyu Tenderloin and The premium whiskey, bour- menu conveniently lists red 2:30 pm for L.G. Smith-styled
taurant’s décor and overall Dome, which represent his bon, gin, port and co- and white wines based on brunch. To keep the party
look and feel has also been vision that “each dish on gnac; and/or herbs such its taste and body for easy going afterhours, entertain-
enhanced to reflect the the menu is thoughtfully as lavender, sage and pairings. ment and a select menu is
upscale location in which plated to accentuate the sweet bay leaf, among “Over the last year, we available at The Midnight
the restaurant resides, pro- flavors of the ingredients, al- other ingredients. The Mist have invested in the devel- Lounge until 6 am, which is
viding guests a sleek atmo- lowing the meats and sea- is like a complex, rich and opment of the resort’s food an extension of L.G. Smith’s
sphere to enjoy cocktails food to be the highlight of sweeter cocktail version of and beverage program that overlooks the Crystal
and a meal with music from the meal.” The restaurant’s red wine, while the Smoke and L.G. Smith’s is a prime Casino.
world famous DJs playing new brunch concept offers offers a hearty bourbon fla- example of the quality ser- For more information or res-
in the background and guests an all-you-can-eat vor infused with the smoke vice and gastronomy we ervations, visit http://www.
sweeping views of Oran- a la carte menu of cold are providing guests, “said