P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 27 June 2017

             44 people detained during Istanbul’s banned LGBT pride event

                                                                      event  for  a  third  year  run-  year in a row, citing safety  Council  of  Europe’s  Com-
                                                                      ning.                        and  public  order  grounds.  missioner for Human Rights,
                                                                      Anadolu  Agency  said  20  It  also  listed  “serious  reac-  Nils  Muiznieks,  said  in  a
                                                                      people    who     “reacted  tions by different segments  statement Monday.
                                                                      against”  the  march  were  of society” as a reason for  The commissioner also said
                                                                      among  those  detained  the ban.                          there  were  “worrying  re-
                                                                      Sunday.                      Police  set  up  checkpoints  ports  of  disproportionate
                                                                      Ultranationalist  and  reli-  to prevent people from en-  use  of  force”  by  police
                                                                      gious  groups  had  threat-  tering Istanbul’s main thor-  against  a  small  number  of
                                                                      ened the 15th Istanbul LGB-  oughfare  and  marching  peaceful demonstrators.
                                                                      TI+ Pride March in the week  en masse. Police also used  “By  banning  the  event,
                                                                      leading up to it.            tear gas and plastic bullets  the Turkish authorities have
                                                                      Organizers  said  25  people  on groups of participants.  failed to fulfill their positive
                                                                      who tried to go on with the  “Although a demonstration  obligation  to  guarantee
                                                                      banned  event  were  also  may  annoy  or  cause  of-     both  public  security  and
            Turkish  riot  police  detain  AP  journalist  Bram  Janssen  as   detained, including two mi-  fense  to  persons  opposed  the  freedom  of  assembly,
            he was working to cover a protest by LGBT lesbian, gay,   nors and  a  Danish  activist.  to  the  ideas  or  claims  it  to  which  everyone  is  en-
            bisexual,  trans  and  intersex  rights  campaigners,  after   They  were  released  after  seeks to promote, this can-  titled,  including  LGBTI  per-
            the gathering was banned by the governor, in Istanbul,    questioning.                 not serve as an admissible  sons  and  other  supporters
            Sunday,  June  25,  2017.  Smaller  LGBT  groups  made  im-  The   governor’s   office  ground  for  prohibiting  a  of  their  rights,”  Muiznieks
            promptu  media  statements  defying  a  ban  imposed  by   banned  Pride  for  the  third  peaceful  gathering,”  the  said.q
            the governor as police used tear gas to disperse activists
            and detained several people.
                                          (AP Photo/Mursel Coban)
            ISTANBUL (AP) — At least 44  state-run   news   agency
            people were detained dur-    reported  Monday,  while
            ing a march for LGBT rights  Europe’s  top  human  rights
            that the governor of Istan-  organization  criticized  the
            bul  had  banned,  Turkey’s  country  for  barring  the

              Battle resumes to extinguish
             fire near Spain national park

            BY CIARAN GILES              confine  two  of  the  three
            ARITZ PARRA                  blazes  raging  close  to  the
            Associated Press             area,  but  that  a  third  one
            MADRID (AP) — Spanish au-    closer  to  the  park  was  still
            thorities were hopeful Mon-  out  of  control,  mainly  due
            day  that  dropping  tem-    to  blustery  winds.Spokes-
            perature  and  favorable  man  Ignacio  Fernandez
            winds  would  help  firefight-  said  the  fire  “has  not  af-
            ers battling to extinguish a  fected the park at all” but
            forest fire on the fringes of  had  damaged  protected
            the Donana National Park,  areas nearby.Interior Minis-
            a celebrated conservation  ter Juan Ignacio Zoido said
            wetland  and  home  to  the  there  were  no  casualties.
            endangered Iberian lynx.     There  were  no  immediate
            “Today  is  a  key  day,”  An-  details on how much land
            dalusia  regional  president  had been scorched so far.
            Susan  Diaz  told  reporters.  The  government  said  600
            “Before  dawn,  (the  fire)  firefighters  had  been  de-
            advanced.     There   were  ployed  along  with  six  wa-
            moments of much difficulty  ter-dropping  planes  and
            and  it  was  out  of  control.  two  helicopters.  It  said
            Today  all  the  news  is  posi-  the  fire  was  “developing
            tive.”                       favorably.”The  blaze  start-
            Andalusia’s  forest-fire  pre-  ed  Saturday  about  30  ki-
            vention  department  said  lometers (20 miles) west of
            the  firefighters  had  man-  the  southern  coastal  park.
            aged  to  encircle  and  q
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