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A28    u.s. news
                  Diamars 13 OctOber 2020

                                     28 arrested, tear gas used in Wisconsin protests

                                                                                                   lice  advanced,  and  multiple  comply with the 7 p.m. cur-
                                                                      Protesters   have   gathered  people taken into custody.  few,  which  was  to  be  in  ef-
                                                                      every  day  since  prosecu-                               fect  again  on  Saturday  and
                                                                      tors  announced  Wednesday  Windows  were  broken  at  a  Sunday nights. The National
                                                                      that  they  would  not  charge  Snap  Fitness  center,  police  Guard  is  assisting  local  po-
                                                                      Officer  Joseph  Mensah  in  said.                        lice.
                                                                      17-year-old  Alvin  Cole’s  Police  said  two  of  Friday’s
                                                                      death. Mensah, who is Black,  28  arrests  were  for  felonies,  The  protests  in  Wauwatosa
                                                                      shot  Cole  after  a  foot  chase  one  was  for  a  misdemeanor  are just the latest in a series
                                                                      outside a Wauwatosa mall in  and  25  were  for  municipal  of  demonstrations  against
                                                                      February. The police depart-  citations.  Police  noted  that  police  racism  and  brutality
                                                                      ment’s tweets come as some  some  of  the  people  arrested  that  have  erupted  across  the
                                                                      have chastised authorities for  were  blocking  traffic,  others  country since George Floyd’s
                                                                      the  way  they  have  handled  had  tried  to  start  fires,  and  death. Floyd, who was Black,
                                                                      the  protests.  During  Thurs-  one  person  had  materials  to  died  in  May  after  a  white
                                                                      day  night’s  demonstration,  start  a  fire.  Another  person  police  officer  in  Minneapo-
                                                                      police  arrested  Alvin  Cole’s  in the group posted a picture  lis  pressed  his  knee  into  his
            (AP)  —  Police  used  tear  On Saturday, the Wauwatosa  mother,  Tracy  Cole,  and  his  of  himself  with  a  handgun,  neck as Floyd gasped that he
            gas on demonstrators and  Police  Department  posted  sisters. Family attorney Kim-    authorities  added,  though  it  couldn’t breathe.
            arrested  28  people  dur-   on  Twitter  that  people  have  berly  Motley  criticized  the  was not clear if he was among
            ing  a  third  straight  night  been  asking  valid  questions  way police treated the family,  those arrested.     The  co-founder  and  pub-
            of  protests  over  the  lack  about  the  police  response  noting Tracy Cole had to be                            lisher  of  The  Daily  Caller
            of  charges  against  a  sub-  over three nights of protests.  treated for injuries. In a tweet  Two  people  arrested  were  said two of his reporters were
            urban  Milwaukee  police  Police  posted  a  picture  of  addressing  the  police  chief  evaluated for minor injuries,  beaten and detained by police
            officer  who  fatally  shot  bottles they said were found  and mayor on Friday, Motley  police said.                in  Wauwatosa  on  Thursday
            a  Black  teen,  authorities  in  a  backpack,  including  a  said "due to your failed lead-  One of the arrestees was driv-  as they were videotaping Tra-
            said, as they took to Twit-  bottle of lighter fluid, noting  ership you have turned Wau-  ing  in  one  of  three  vehicles  cy  Cole’s  arrest.  Numerous
            ter on Saturday to outline  that the materials can be used  watosa into a war zone!'   that had come to the Wauwa-  journalists have been injured
            what they called an “esca-   to start fires.                                           tosa Police Department early  or  arrested  while  covering
            lation in force by the pro-                               About an hour after Friday’s  Saturday. The vehicle almost  protests nationwide in recent
            testers.”                    “Over  the  past  three  nights,  curfew went into effect, law  hit  an  officer,  according  to  months.
                                         we have seen an escalation in  enforcement  began  advanc-  police. The driver got into a
            About  100  people  gathered  force  by  the  protesters.  Our  ing toward the crowd. Police  second vehicle, and police ar-  Neil  Patel,  who  founded
            outside  City  Hall  on  Friday  law enforcement response is  said they used chemical irri-  rested the person after a short  the  conservative  news  out-
            past Wauwatosa's 7 p.m. cur-  in reaction to this escalation,”  tants,  which  they  described  chase, authorities said.  let with Tucker Carlson, said
            few and refused multiple or-  police  tweeted.  They  said  as tear gas, as well as pepper  “We  can  appreciate  the  an-  in a statement that reporters
            ders to disperse, according to  that on Friday night, protes-  balls and paint balls after bot-  ger and frustration that exists  Shelby  Talcott  and  Richie
            police. Police said they used  tors  had  Molotov  cocktails  tles and rocks were thrown at  among those closely affected  McGinniss  “were  brutally
            tear  gas  on  the  crowd,  after  and  other  fire  starting  sup-  them. Video posted to Twit-  by recent events,” police said  beaten with clubs for no rea-
            bottles  were  thrown  at  offi-  plies  and  guns  were  spotted  ter by local reporters showed  in a statement Saturday. They  son,” the Milwaukee Journal
            cers.                        in the crowd.                heavy smoke in the air as po-  asked  people  to  continue  to  Sentinel reported.

                              California GOP says it owns unofficial ballot drop boxes

              (AP)  —  California’s  Re-  zation  to  collect  and  return                         Party — well-versed in mak-  Californians to vote,” he said
            publican  Party  on  Mon-    groups of ballots.           Neal  Kelley,  the  county’s  ing  it  harder,  not  easier  for  in a statement.
            day  acknowledged  own-      “Democrats only seem to ob-  registrar  of  voters,  said  of-
            ing  unofficial  ballot  drop  ject to ballot harvesting when  ficial  drop  boxes  are  clearly
            boxes  that  state  election  someone else does it,” Bara-  recognizable  and  carry  of-
            officials said are illegal.  jas said.                    ficial  county  elections  logo.
            California  election  officials  The controversy surfaced af-  He  said  it  wasn’t  clear  how
            received  reports  over  the  ter  a  regional  field  director  many voters had used unoffi-
            weekend about the boxes in  for  the  state’s  GOP  in  Or-  cial boxes but after receiving
            Fresno, Los Angeles and Or-  ange County posed in a social  reports about them, he noti-
            ange counties.               media photo with one of the  fied the state and district at-
                                         unofficial boxes and wearing  torney’s office.
            On  Sunday,  the  secretary  of  a  face  covering  supporting  Fresno  County  Republicans
            state  issued  a  memo  telling  the  congressional  campaign  said  they  will  remove  the
            county  registrars  the  boxes  of  Michelle  Steel,  a  county  boxes that had been placed at
            were  illegal  and  that  ballots  supervisor  who  is  challeng-  party headquarters, a gas sta-
            must be mailed or brought to  ing Democratic Rep. Harley  tion and gun shops, the Sac-
            official voting locations.   Rouda for his seat.          ramento Bee reported.
            “In  short,  providing  unau-
            thorized,  non-official  vote-  There were also reports about  Ballots  will  be  turned  in  to
            by-mail  ballot  drop  boxes  is  similar  boxes  at  a  church  county   election   officials,
            prohibited  by  state  law,”  the  in  the  Los  Angeles  County  which  was  always  the  plan,
            memo said.                   community of Castaic and at  said  Fred  Vanderhoof,  chair
                                         various  locations  in  Fresno  of  the  Fresno  Republican
            State GOP spokesman Hec-     County.                      Party.
            tor Barajas said that the party  In  Orange  County,  the  dis-  California  Democratic  Party
            owns the boxes. He declined  trict attorney is investigating  Chair Rusty Hicks criticized
            comment on how many exist  at  least  two  unofficial  boxes  the placement of the unoffi-
            and  where  they  are  located.  in  two  different  cities,  said  cial ballot drop boxes.
            Barajas  said  the  state’s  law  Kimberly  Edds,  a  spokes-
            governing  so-called  ballot  woman for the district attor-  “Sadly,  this  is  par  for  the
            harvesting  allows  an  organi-  ney’s office.            course  from  the  Republican
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