Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201013
P. 30
A30 world news
Diamars 13 OctOber 2020
Flooding in central Vietnam kills 17 since last week
(AP) — Torrential rains The situation worsened over
have flooded central Viet- the weekend when Tropical
nam and killed at least 17 Storm Linfa, which weak-
people since last week, as ened to a depression when
the region braces for more it hit the country, brought
heavy rainfall, state media more rain to the region, the
reported Monday. newspaper said.
According to weather fore- Local authorities have evacu-
casters, water levels will keep ated almost 50,000 people
rising, swelling rivers and to higher ground, with the
submerging more communi- floods submerging over
ties in the region, the state- 100,000 households. Rain is
owned Tuoi Tre newspaper forecast to last until Tuesday.
UK unveils 3-level lockdown plan; Liverpool at highest risk
(AP) — The British gov- Under the new measures, ar- is not enough to save already tients once again in the com- But Calum Semple, profes-
ernment carved England eas in England are classified struggling businesses. ing weeks. sor of outbreak medicine at
into three tiers of coro- at medium, high or very high the University of Liverpool
navirus risk on Monday risk, and placed under re- Labour Party leader Keir England's deputy chief medi- and a member of the govern-
in a bid to slow a resur- strictions of varying severity. Starmer said he doubted the cal officer, Jonathan Van- ment’s Scientific Advisory
gent outbreak, putting the new measures would go far Tam, said Monday that while Group for Emergencies, said
northern city of Liverpool Areas in the lowest tier will enough to “get control of this northern England has the “most of the outbreaks are
into the highest risk cate- follow existing national re- virus, to protect jobs or retain highest infection rates, cas- happening within and be-
gory and shutting its pubs, strictions, including a 10 p.m. public trust.” es are on the rise across the tween households, and then
gyms and betting shops. curfew on pubs and restau- The U.K. has experienced country. Infections have risen after that, it’s in the retail and
rants and a ban on more than Europe’s deadliest outbreak, most rapidly among older hospitality sector.”
Prime Minister Boris John- six people gathering. In areas with an official death toll of teenagers and young adults,
son said the three-tier na- at high risk, members of dif- 42,875. Health officials say who generally suffer mild He said the new measures
tional system was designed to ferent households are barred Britain is at a tipping point in symptoms, but are spread- would take several weeks to
“simplify and standardize” a from meeting indoors. the outbreak, with strong ac- ing to older and more at-risk drive down the number of
confusing patchwork of local The “very high” risk tier will tion needed to prevent hos- groups. hospitalizations and deaths
rules, as the country faces a face restrictions including pitals being overwhelmed at “This is a nationwide phe- — if they were strong enough
“crucial phase” in which hos- closing pubs — apart from a time when they are already nomenon now," Van-Tam to make a difference at all.
pitals are now filling up with those that serve meals — and, at their busiest with flu and said. “The outbreak is a bit like a
more COVID-19 patients if local authorities want, oth- other winter illnesses. super-tanker,” Semple told
than in March, when he or- er venues such as gyms and Bar and restaurant owners the BBC. "You put the brakes
dered a national lockdown. casinos. Stephen Powis, medical di- say the government has not on, but it takes a long time
Liverpool was the only area rector of the National Health shared any evidence backing before you see the effect.”
“These figures are flashing put into the top category Service in England, said there up the claim that they are the
at us like dashboard warn- Monday, but Johnson said are currently more people major transmission sources The measures announced
ings in a passenger jet, and authorities were still talk- hospitalized with the virus of the virus. Monday apply to England.
we must act now,” he said. ing with other local leaders than there were when the Manchester City Council The rest of the U.K. is un-
Shops, schools and universi- across the north of England. country went into its national leader Richard Leese said data der similar, and sometimes
ties would remain open in all Pubs, gyms, leisure centers, lockdown in March. from the city’s public health tougher, restrictions. In
areas. Johnson told lawmak- betting shops and casinos in He said three temporary CO- officials “seems to demon- Scotland’s two biggest cit-
ers that the goal of the new Liverpool will close begin- VID-19 hospitals in northern strate that there is not a par- ies, Glasgow and Edinburgh,
system was to save lives and ning Wednesday. England that were moth- ticular connection between pubs have been closed for
prevent hospitals becoming balled when the outbreak bars and restaurants and the 16 days to suppress the out-
overwhelmed without “shut- Liverpool Mayor Joe An- receded over the summer are transmission of COVID.” break.
tering our lives and our soci- derson said local authorities being readied to admit pa-
ety” through a new national supported tougher restric-
lockdown. tions as long as they were
But pubs, restaurants and accompanied by improved
other hospitality businesses test-and-trace measures to
pushed back, with some in- suppress clusters of infec-
dustry leaders threatening tions — something he said
a legal challenge against the the government had agreed
rules and arguing that they to. “As well as protecting lives
are not to blame for rising in- and doing things to tackle
fections. the virus, we also need to
protect livelihoods, so we
After falling during the sum- argued really strongly for a
mer, coronavirus cases are stronger financial package,"
rising in the U.K. as winter said Anderson, a member of
approaches, with northwest the opposition Labour Party.
and northeast England seeing "Unfortunately, that wasn’t
the steepest increases. Liver- listened to." The government
pool has one of the country’s has announced a support
most severe outbreaks, with package to pay two-thirds of
about 600 cases per 100,000 the salaries of employees of
people, even more than the companies that are told to
hard-hit European cities of close, but many in the pub
Madrid and Brussels. and restaurant sector say that