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                                                                                         world news Diamars 13 OctOber 2020

                               India, China hold fresh talks on ending military faceoff

            (AP) — Senior Indian and  Singh said Monday that Chi-
            Chinese  military  com-      na  and  Pakistan  were  creat-
            manders  were  holding  ing conditions that suggest “a
            fresh talks Monday aimed  border  dispute  is  being  cre-
            at  ending  a  monthslong  ated under a mission.”
            standoff  along  their  dis-  Singh  made  the  remarks
            puted  border  in  the  re-  while  virtually  inaugurating
            mote  Ladakh  region.The  44 bridges in areas bordering
            talks  were  being  held  on  with China and Pakistan that
            the  Indian  side  of  the  officials say will facilitate eas-
            frontier  in  the  Chushul  ier  movement  of  the  Indian
            area. No details were im-    troops.
            mediately available.
                                         “You  are  well  aware  of  the
            The  negotiations  come  as  situation  created  along  our
            tens of thousands of rival sol-  northern  and  eastern  bor-
            diers on both sides backed by  ders," Singh said. “First Paki-
            artillery, tanks and fighter jets  stan, and now also by China,
            brace  for  a  harsh  winter  in  as if a border dispute is being
            the cold-desert region where  created under a mission.”
            temperatures  can  fall  to  mi-  The  standoff  began  in  May
            nus 50 degrees Celsius (mi-  and  escalated  in  June  to  the
            nus 58 Fahrenheit).          deadliest  violence  between
            India  and  China  have  held  the sides in decades — a clash
            several  rounds  of  talks  by  between soldiers using clubs,
            military,  diplomatic  and  po-  stones and their fists. Twenty
            litical officials, including ne-  Indian  soldiers  were  killed
            gotiations between their for-  and dozens of others injured.
            eign  ministers  and  defense  China is believed to have also
            ministers  in  Moscow  last  suffered  casualties  but  has   the first time in 45 years, rais-  trol  line  is  3,488  kilometers  tack each other with firearms.
            month.  Although  the  stand-  not given any details.     ing the specter of a full-scale  (2,167  miles)  long,  while  India  unilaterally  declared
            off  has  persisted,  the  talks                          military conflict.           China says it is considerably  Ladakh  a  federal  territory
            seem to have calmed the situ-  After  that  clash,  the  two                           shorter. The line divides the  and  separated  it  from  Kash-
            ation along the border as no  countries  partially  disen-  The  fiercely  contested  de  areas of physical control rath-  mir  in  August  2019,  ending
            new  military  aggression  has  gaged  from  the  site  in  La-  facto border, known as Line  er than territorial claims.  its  semi-autonomous  status.
            been reported for a month.   dakh’s  Galwan  Valley  and  at   of  Actual  Control,  separates  Relations  between  the  two  It  also  vowed  to  take  back
                                         least two other places, but the   Chinese-held  and  Indian-  countries  have  often  been  the  Chinese-controlled  Ak-
            Indian  soldiers  also  are  en-  crisis has continued in at least   held territories from Ladakh  strained,  partly  due  to  their  sai Chin plateau, which New
            gaged in nearly daily fighting  three  other  areas,  including   in the west to India’s eastern  undemarcated  border.  They  Delhi says is part of Ladakh.
            along  the  de  facto  frontier  glacial Pangong Lake.    state  of  Arunachal  Pradesh,  fought a border war in 1962  China  was  among  the  first
            with  Pakistan  in  disputed  Last month, the world’s two   which  China  claims  in  its  that  spilled  into  Ladakh  and  countries  to  strongly  con-
            Kashmir,  the  Himalayan  re-  most  populous  nations  ac-  entirety. It is broken in parts  ended  in  an  uneasy  truce.  demn the move, raising it at
            gion  dived  between  the  two  cused  each  other  of  sending   where the Himalayan nations  Since  then,  troops  have  international forums includ-
            archrivals  and  claimed  by  soldiers into each other’s ter-  of Nepal and Bhutan border  guarded  the  undefined  bor-  ing the U.N. Security Coun-
            both  in  its  entirety.  Indian  ritory  in  the  Pangong  area   China.              der and occasionally brawled.  cil.
            Defense  Minister  Rajnath  and firing warning shots for   According to India, the con-  They have agreed not to at-

                            Philippine Congress enters crisis over leadership standoff

            (AP) — A large faction of  a  turn  for  the  worse  when  bol of House authority.     he has the support of a ma-  would  serve  as  speaker  for
            Philippine  legislators  in  Velasco’s  supporters  gath-                              jority of the lawmakers, Cay-  the  remaining  21  months.
            the House of Representa-     ered in person and online on  “They’re  throwing  away  the  etano’s  camp  will  agree  that  Cayetano recently offered to
            tives elected a new leader  Monday  in  a  sports  club  in  constitution,  they  are  asking  he  get  the  speakership  in  a  step down but his camp said a
            Monday,  but  the  incum-    Quezon  City  in  the  capital  for  a  revolutionary  govern-  legal  House  procedure  after  majority of lawmakers voted
            bent speaker declared the  region,  declared  Cayetano’s  ment,” Cayetano said. “What  the budget is passed.        to reject his resignation. After
            vote a “travesty” in a tense  position  vacant  and  elected  happened  today  is  really  a                        Cayetano  steered  the  initial
            political standoff between  Velasco to replace him.       travesty.”                   “We’re  lawmakers.  We’re  approval  of  the  budget,  his
            two allies of the president.  The  club  was  arranged  to  Cayetano’s  camp  says  it  has  starting  to  become  a  laugh-  camp  abruptly  suspended
                                         look  like  the  House  plenary  the  backing  of  205  legisla-  ing stock because those who  congressional  sessions,  pre-
            President  Rodrigo  Duterte  hall,  with  a  giant  Philippine  tors. It asked Velasco to iden-  attended  there  are  showing  empting  Velasco’s  assump-
            warned  last  week  that  he  flag  displayed  on  an  LED  tify  the  186  lawmakers  his  they’re  law  breakers.  Let  us  tion of the speakership under
            would  intercede  if  the  lead-  screen.  Velasco  offered  to  camp  claims  voted  him  to  not  destroy  the  institution,”  the power-sharing deal.
            ership  row  between  House  meet Cayetano for an orderly  the speakership, along with a  Villafuerte told reporters.  Several  lawmakers  protested
            Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano  transition.                  new House secretary-general  Presidential spokesman Har-  that  the  suspension  blocked
            and Rep. Lord Allan Velasco  But  Cayetano  and  his  allies  and sergeant-at-arms.    ry  Roque  said  Duterte  does  them  from  scrutinizing  the
            threatens the passage of next  declared in a news conference                           not  want  to  get  dragged  in  budget, including crucial ap-
            year's budget. The 4.5 trillion  at the House that the vote for  Duterte has called for a spe-  the  dispute  but  stressed  the  propriations  for  the  Depart-
            peso  ($90  billion)  budget  is  Velasco violated the law and  cial  session  of  the  House  urgency for Congress to pass  ment  of  Health,  which  is
            crucial  in  helping  finance  the rules of the 300-member  starting  Tuesday  to  hasten  the budget.              spearheading  efforts  to  con-
            the  government’s  response  legislative chamber, which is  the  passage  of  the  national                         tain COVID-19 outbreaks.
            to the coronavirus pandemic  dominated  by  Duterte’s  al-  budget, but it’s unclear how  Duterte  brokered  a  pow-
            in a country with the largest  lies.  They  mocked  Velasco  that will occur with two rival  er-sharing  deal  last  year  in  The Philippines has reported
            number of confirmed infec-   and his supporters for hold-  speakers claiming the post.  which  Cayetano  would  as-  more  than  342,000  corona-
            tions in Southeast Asia.     ing a session in a sports club  Rep.  Luis  Raymund  Villa-  sume the speakership for 15  virus  cases,  including  6,332
                                         outside  Congress  and  said  fuerte  Jr.,  a  close  Cayetano  months until this month, to  deaths.
            The  dispute,  however,  took  they used a fake mace, a sym-  ally, said if Velasco can prove  be followed by Velasco, who
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