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LOCALWednesday 30 December

Fun & Sun at the Pelican Pier on Palm Beach!

PAL M BEACH - Pelican Ad-    Brunch Cruises, Sunset &     and much more. Our desks
ventures Tours & Waters-     Dinner Cruises, Holy Gua-    are located at Casa del
ports & Pelican Nest Bar &   camole Fiesta Cruise, Wet    Mar (pool deck), Playa Lin-
Seafood Grill are all under  & Wild Jeep tour and our     da resort next to the juice
one roof located at The      famous Beach & Cave          bar, Holiday Inn Desk and
Pelican Pier in Palm Beach.  tour, also a variety of wa-  at the Concierge & Pelican
We offer Sailing & Snorkel-  tersports such as wave run-  Pier desk located between
ing Cruises, Champagne       ners, parasailing, tubing    Holiday Inn hotel & Playa

                                                                                       Linda Resort.                  call 297-586-2259 from 11
                                                                                       Pelican Nest Restaurant of-    am.
                                                                                       fers an impressive selection   Our Captain’s Morgan Pier
                                                                                       of fresh seafood (caught       Bar offers a daily happy
                                                                                       daily by our own fleet), In-   hour from 4 till 6 pm.
                                                                                       ternational dishes and a re-   Last but not least our Pizze-
                                                                                       laxing atmosphere. Open        ria del Mar that offers a va-
                                                                                       daily for dinner reservations  riety of pizzas.q
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