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WORLD NEWSWednesday 30 December

Amid Cuba opening, Havana quinceanera biz booms 

Daniela Santos Torres, 15, waits in a classic American car with her father Ivan Santos to ride  businesses for events such     nesses that document 15th
                                                                                                as girls’ 15th birthdays.      birthdays line the door-
to her quinceanera party in the town of Punta Brava near Havana, Cuba. Daniela left Cuba        The complicated networks       ways of decrepit Havana
                                                                                                connecting Cubans in Mi-       buildings and advertise-
when she was 3, returning in December for her quinceanera photos and party. She now lives       ami and Havana feed the        ments abound on web-
                                                                                                growth: Camila learned         sites such as,
in Glendale, Arizona, where her father runs a home remodeling business. She said returning      about Marbella Studio,         an underground Cuban
                                                                                                the business she hired,        Craigslist. Many studios are
to Cuba for her celebration was “a dream,” allowing her to include her extended family and      from another girl in Florida   run by former state sec-
                                                                                                who had her photos taken       tor professionals who pur-
friends on the island. 						                                   (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)       there.                         chased cameras with the
                                                                                                Marbella Studios in Gua-       help of U.S. relatives and
C. ARMARIO                      gowns to a neon green bi-       taping. “But I’m from here.”    nabo, a 30-minute drive        have found taking pictures
Associated Press                kini.                           Such voyages back to            from Havana, is located        far more profitable than
HAVANA (AP) — Up a              Camila lives in Miami, the      Cuba are becoming in-           in an Art Deco-style home      the average monthly gov-
winding flight of stairs at a   daughter of a truck driver      creasingly common for girls     and employs 12 photogra-       ernment salary of $20.
beachside Havana home,          who left Cuba when she          who find that marking the       phers, stylists and videog-    Alberto Gonzalez, owner of
Camila Lopez Rivas lies on      was a baby. She doesn’t         milestone on the island is      raphers. There are more        Aladino photo studio, said
the tile floor, smiling mis-    remember the island, but        both appealing and eco-         than 500 outfits to choose     he saw an equal number
chievously into a video         wanted to return for the        nomical. Cuban reforms          from in three dressing         of clients from Cuba and
camera circling overhead.       photographs and videos          permitting small-scale, pri-    rooms and a calendar full      abroad over the summer.
Tossed around her are lay-      that Latin American girls       vate businesses and the re-     of appointments with cli-      “This year, more came
ers of a blue and aqua taf-     typically take for their 15th   establishment of U.S.-Cu-       ents. Owner Sarah Medina       than any other,” he said of
feta dress, the first of nine   birthdays.                      ban diplomatic relations        Vigor said about 60 per-       the visitors.
outfits the 14-year-old will    “I left very young,” Camila     have encouraged new             cent of the 500 or so girls    But the daughters of work-
pose in, from colonial ball     said between a halt in the      photo and event planning        her studio photographs         ers in Cuba’s emerging pri-
                                                                                                each year travel here from     vate sector are also help-
                                                                                                other countries, with July     ing fuel business. With the
                                                                                                and December being the         economic reforms, many
                                                                                                peak months.                   families on the island now
                                                                                                Celebrations known as          have extra cash to spend
                                                                                                “quinceaneras,” marking        for quniceanera celebra-
                                                                                                a girl’s 15th birthday and     tions.
                                                                                                recognizing her transition     They include 14-year-old
                                                                                                to womanhood, date back        Dachely Silva, who sat at
                                                                                                centuries in Latin America.    Aladino one afternoon be-
                                                                                                Some vestiges of the older     fore a gold-rimmed mirror
                                                                                                celebrations remain, with      as a makeup artist layered
                                                                                                Latin American girls per-      mascara onto her eyelash-
                                                                                                forming traditional waltzes.   es. Her mother, Mayelin
                                                                                                But in Cuba, photographs       Alfonso, recalled posing in
                                                                                                are the main focus.            just one dress for her own
                                                                                                Signs for new photo busi-      15th birthday.
                                                                                                                               Now, her husband has a
Central American nations reach Cuban migrant deal                                                                              business driving tourists
                                                                                                                               around in a restored clas-
JAVIER CORDOBA                  week of January from Cos-       The two governments did         trying to reach the United     sic American car. Without
Associated Press                ta Rica to El Salvador, from    not immediately release         States, where favorable        the business, “we would
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica            where they will continue by     further details, citing some    migratory policies toward      not be able to afford this,”
(AP) — Central American         bus toward Mexico, Costa        nations’ desire for discre-     Cubans mean nearly all         Alfonso said.
nations have reached a          Rica’s Foreign Ministry said    tion on what has become         are allowed to stay and        Quinceanera packages at
deal to let the first of thou-  in a statement.                 a diplomatic flashpoint         apply for residency.           most studios start around
sands of stranded Cuban         The Guatemalan govern-          between Costa Rica and          On Sunday, Pope Francis        $150 and include profes-
migrants continue their         ment, which hosted a dip-       neighboring Nicaragua.          called for their plight to be  sional hair and makeup
journey north toward the        lomatic meeting earlier in      The number of Cubans            resolved. Costa Rican For-     artists, scenic Havana
United States next month,       the day to consider the is-     stranded in Costa Rica          eign Minister Manuel Gon-      backdrops and multiple
officials said this week.       sue, described it as a “pilot”  has reached at least 8,000      zalez said the measure will    wardrobe changes — a
The humanitarian transfer       program and said a work         since Nicaragua closed its      be available only to Cu-       bargain compared to simi-
will airlift an unspecified     group has been tasked           border to them weeks ago.       bans who are already in        lar services in the U.S. that
number of Cubans the first      with coordinating logistics.    The islanders say they are      Costa Rica.q                   typically start at about
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