Page 9 - atoday
P. 9
Wednesday 30 December
Includes a glass of wine
From: 6.00 – 10.00 pm. + t a x e s
*local and hotel taxes are
payable upon check in
The Mill Resort Aruba
J.E. Irausquin BLVD. #330Palm Beach, Aruba +297 526 7700
Turkey’s Erdogan meets king in Saudi Arabia for Syria talks
A. AL-SHIHRI an agreement that would In this picture released Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2015, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan , left,
SUZAN FRASER remove Assad from power.
Associated Press The state-run Saudi Press and Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, right, pose for a photo during their meeting in
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) Agency said Erdogan’s
— Hours before he ar- talks with Salman were at- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Erdogan is in town for talks focused on the civil war in Syria. Turkey and
rived in Saudi Arabia on tended by other senior
Tuesday, Turkish President Saudi royals and officials, Saudi Arabia are strong backers of the Syrian Sunni opposition fighting to oust the Iranian-
Recep Tayyip Erdogan including the kingdom’s
accused Syria’s president crown prince, the deputy backed Syrian President Bashar Assad from power. (Saudi Arabian Press Agency via AP)
of “mercilessly” killing hun- crown prince, and the min-
dreds of thousands of peo- isters of finance, foreign af-
ple and criticized Russia for fairs and information. Erdo-
backing him. gan’s delegation to Saudi
Erdogan was speaking to Arabia includes the coun-
reporters before depart- try’s ministers of economy,
ing for Saudi Arabia, where energy and foreign affairs.
he met King Salman for The two sides were expect-
talks focused on the Syrian ed to discuss energy coop-
civil war and energy coop- eration as Ankara works to
eration. Turkey and Saudi diversify its supplies follow-
Arabia are strong back- ing a rift with Moscow over
ers of the rebels fighting to the downing of a Russian
overthrow Syrian President plane.
Bashar Assad, who is sup- The Saudi Press Agency
ported by Russia and Iran. confirmed the two lead-
Erdogan said his govern- ers discussed the conflicts
ment and Saudi Arabia in Syria and Iraq, as well
are working “in solidarity developments in war-torn
and consultation” to find Libya and Yemen, where
a political solution for Syria, Saudi forces are battling
as both countries push for Shiite rebels.q
Suicide bombing kills 26, wounds
over 45 in northwestern Pakistan
RIAZ KHAN man opened fire and killed
Associated Press a guard upon being asked
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) to stop for checking. Then
— A suicide bomber blew he exploded his suicide
himself up outside a gov- jacket,” he said. Wazir said
ernment office in a north- if the attacker had man-
western Pakistani city on aged to enter the govern-
Tuesday, killing at least 26 ment office, he might have
people and wounding 45 killed many more people.
in an attack claimed by a Mohammad Qasim told
breakaway Taliban group. The Associated Press from
The bombing took place his hospital bed that he
in the city of Mardan, out- went to the office to re-
side the regional office of ceive his national identity
the National Database card, which is issued at
and Registration Author- age 18.
ity, or NADRA, which issues “I was in a very happy
identity cards, accord- mood today. I told my
ing to senior police officer family and friends that I
Saeed Khan Wazir. Wazir would receive my national
told The Associated Press identity card, but I didn’t
that some of the wounded know that I would become
were in critical condition the target of a bombing,”
at a hospital in the nearby said Qasim, who had ban-
city of Peshawar. “A gun- dages on both legs.q