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WORLD NEWSWednesday 30 December
Russian investigators indict 4 men for Nemtsov’s murder
MOSCOW (AP) — Russian er this year. Nemtsov, a top ment in the killing, but it and expect to formally in- regional leader, Ramzan
investigators on Tuesday opponent of Russian Presi- has remained unclear who dict the fifth one shortly. The Kadyrov.
filed an indictment against dent Vladimir Putin, was ordered the attack. The committee said the probe A separate probe is ex-
four men accused of in- shot late at night on Feb. Investigative Committee, is expected to wrap up in pected for the fugitive
volvement in the murder 27 as he was walking across Russia’s top investigative January. Among those in- suspected organizer, Rus-
of opposition leader Boris the bridge just outside the body, said in a statement dicted was the suspected lan Mukhudinov, who had
Nemtsov, a brazen killing Kremlin. Five Chechen that investigators have filed triggerman, Zaur Dadayev, worked as a personal driver
which sent shockwaves men have been arrested the final indictment against a former officer in the se- of senior Chechen police of-
among the opposition earli- on charges of involve- four of the five suspects curity forces of Chechnya’s ficer Ruslan Geremeyev.q
Israel’s Olmert to become first leader to go to prison
JOSEF FEDERMAN Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert speaks to the press in a reminder of what might Palestinians.
Associated Press the Supreme Court after the court reduced his sentence from have been had he man- In a recent interview
JERUSALEM (AP) — Former six years to 18 months in prison in the Holyland corruption case aged to complete his term broadcast on Channel 10
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2015. before the scandal forced TV, Olmert said his politi-
who claimed to be on the him to step down in early cal transformation began
cusp of a historic peace (Debbie Hill/Pool Photo via AP) 2009. while he was mayor of Je-
deal with the Palestinians Olmert was a longtime fix- rusalem during the 1990s
just a few years ago, now his original prison sentence relieved Olmert told report- ture in Israel’s hawkish right and early 2000s. He said
is set to become the first Is- from six years down to 18 ers. “I said in the past, I was wing when he began tak- the wide gaps between
raeli leader to go to prison ing a dramatically more the city’s Jewish and Arab
after the Supreme Court months. He is set to report never offered and I never conciliatory line toward neighborhoods led him to
upheld a bribery convic- the Palestinians as deputy conclude that the contin-
tion against him Tuesday. to prison on Feb. 15. took a bribe. And I say that prime minister a decade ued occupation of millions
The decision capped a ago. He played a leading of Palestinians was unsus-
seven-year legal saga that “A stone has been lifted again today.” role in Israel’s withdrawal tainable.
severely undermined the from my heart,” a visibly But it nonetheless served as from the Gaza Strip in 2005. A gifted orator, Olmert
last serious round of peace He became prime minister broke a series of taboos
talks and propelled hard- in January 2006 after then- while in office — warning
line Prime Minister Benja- Prime Minister Ariel Sha- that Israel could become
min Netanyahu to power. ron suffered a debilitating like apartheid South Africa
In some ways, Tuesday’s stroke — and subsequent- if it continued its occupa-
decision was a success ly led their newly formed tion of the Palestinians and
for Olmert. The five-judge Kadima Party to victory in expressing readiness to re-
panel dismissed the most parliamentary elections on linquish control of parts of
serious bribery charge a platform of pushing fur- the holy city of Jerusalem
against him and reduced ther peace moves with the under a peace deal.q
Norway proposes stricter asylum rules for refugees
STOCKHOLM (AP) — Nor- it more difficult for refugees Progress Party, noted that’s quoted as saying by Nor- ber of asylum-seekers who
way’s center-right govern- to bring family members to one of the highest num- wegian news agency NTB. are entitled to protection,”
ment on Tuesday proposed Norway and raising the re- bers in Europe in relation to Refugees are entitled to Andreas Furuseth, of the
tightening the country’s quirements for permanent population size. many of the same welfare Norwegian Organization
asylum rules to avoid what residence permits. She said 10,000 to 100,000 benefits as Norwegians. for Asylum Seekers, told
the immigration minister The move comes after people are expected to The government’s propos- NTB. The coalition govern-
described as “violent con- more than 30,000 asylum- apply for asylum in Norway als met fierce criticism from ment also called for restric-
sequences” for the coun- seekers sought shelter this in 2016. “If we are any- refugee rights advocates. tions on who can get refu-
try’s welfare system. year in the wealthy coun- where near the latter num- “It is very serious that poli- gee status, which comes
The measures, which try of 5.1 million people. ber it could have violent ticians are using punitive with more rights and ben-
would need parliamentary Immigration Minister Sylvie consequences for our wel- measures that would make efits than other forms of
approval, include making Listhaug, of the right-wing fare society,” Listhaug was life more difficult for a num- protection.q