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                                                                                       Wednesday 30 December

S. Ford Home Furnishings Celebrates 2-Year Anniversary

                               eled to provide customers      ry a wide variety of styles     happiness.
                               with an expanded product       ranging from classic design,    You can work with our ex-
                               selection.                     contemporary looks and          perienced design staff to
                               “We are thrilled to bring our  coastal island, you can find    create a look that’s perfect
                               customers an even wider        it all in our showroom.         for your vacation home or
                               variety of products like cus-  The highest quality furni-      a permanent residence in
                               tom window treatments,         ture manufacturers such         Aruba. We can help you
                               light fixtures, area rugs,     as well-known brands like       redesign your entire living
                               mattresses and more” said      TUI Lifestyle, Mobital, Bas-    space, or help you to re-
                               Steven Ford.                   sett and Norwalk are part       invent your dining room,
                               “Whether you need a            of the upscale range of         bedroom, or living room
                               piece to accent the fur-       furniture our store has to of-  with an elegant, casual,
                               nishings you already have      fer. We pride ourselves on      and sophisticated style.
                               or a complete turnkey furni-   having the best value and       Step into our showroom
                               ture package, we can do it     customer service in Aru-        and you will find a collec-
                               all”. Store manager Gwen-      ba, with a dedicated and        tion of quality furnishings &
                               dolyne Hart said. “We car-     knowledgeable staff and a       unique accessories unsur-
                                                              commitment to customer          passed on the island.”q
ORANJESTAD - Just a little
over 2 years ago Steven
Ford opened his S. Ford
Furnishings & More store at
the Schotlandstraat. It all
started 10 years ago when
Steven fell in love with Aru-
ba and decided to buy a
house on our beautiful is-
land. However, finding the
right furniture was quite a
challenge, which inspired
him to open his own furni-
ture store in 2013. Recently
the store has been remod-

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