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                                                                                                                                      Wednesday 30 December

                               LIFE is Beautiful

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Attorneys: Cops in boy’s shooting reacted on what they knew

MARK GILLISPIE                 acted differently if they’d    place where gang mem-            Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty answers questions
JOHN SEEWER                    been given that informa-       bers gathered, his attorney      during a news conference in Richfield, Ohio. McGinty said
Associated Press               tion, said Michael Maloney,    said.                            Monday, Dec. 28, 2015, that a grand jury declined to indict
CLEVELAND (AP) — The           Garmback’s attorney.           “It’s against this backdrop      Timothy Loehmann, a white rookie police officer, in the killing of
two police officers cleared    The November 2014 shoot-       that he got this call,” Malo-    12-year-old Tamir Rice, a black youngster who was shot while
Monday of criminal charg-      ing is one of several across   ney said.                        playing with what turned out to be a pellet gun.
es in the fatal shooting of    the  U.S. that have fueled     On Monday, county Pros-
a 12-year-old black boy        the “Black Lives Matter”       ecutor Tim McGinty an-                                                                      (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)
reacted based on what          movement protesting the        nounced that the two of-
they knew at the time, that    treatment of African-Amer-     ficers wouldn’t be indicted      should face administrative     said. “When they act for
a “guy” was waving a gun       icans by law enforcement.      because of “indisputable”        discipline. The attorney for   the safety of the commu-
and pointing it at people,     The man who called emer-       evidence that Tamir was          Loehmann, Henry Hilow,         nity, they’re vilified for it.”
their attorneys said Tues-     gency dispatch service told    reaching for what the of-        said critics have created      Both attorneys said the of-
day.                           the call-taker that a “guy”    ficers thought was a real        a national dialogue about      ficers weren’t available
It was not until after the     was pulling a gun out of his   gun tucked in his waist-         the shooting that don’t        for interviews because of
shooting, with the gun on      waistband and was point-       band. McGinty said Tamir         match the facts about          a pending federal law-
the ground, that police        ing it at people outside a     was trying to hand the           what the officers knew.        suit filed by Tamir’s fam-
learned that the boy, Tamir    city recreation center. But    weapon over to police or         “Police are mostly criticized  ily against them and the
Rice, was playing with a       the caller also said it could  to show them it wasn’t real,     for not responding,” Hilow     city.q
replica firearm that shoots    be a juvenile and the gun      but the officers had no way
nonlethal plastic pellets,     might be a fake.               of knowing that.
the lawyers said. And it was   The call-taker didn’t relay    Maloney said Garmback
not until later that they re-  that information to the dis-   was relieved by the grand
alized he 12 years old, they   patcher who sent Loehm-        jury’s decision, which
said.                          ann and Garmback to the        Tamir’s family has con-
Frank Garmback, the train-     recreation center.             demned. The two officers
ing officer who drove the      Garmback, a veteran offi-      are not allowed to return
cruiser that day, and Timo-    cer, knew the area around      to patrol duties as the city
thy Loehmann, the officer      the recreation center          conducts an internal re-
who shot Tamir, might have     could be a dangerous           view to determine if they

Chicago Officer Pleads Not Guilty

CARLA K. JOHNSON               misconduct in the death        Police Superintendent Gar-
Associated Press               of 17-year-old Laquan Mc-      ry McCarthy and a broad
CHICAGO (AP) — A white         Donald. The officer, wear-     federal civil rights investiga-
Chicago police officer         ing a dark suit and blue       tion of the Police Depart-
charged with murder in         striped tie, appeared in       ment’s practices and how
the 2014 fatal shooting of     court Tuesday as his lawyer    allegations of officer mis-
a black teenager pleaded       entered the plea on his be-    conduct are handled.
not guilty Tuesday.            half.                          Over the weekend, Chi-
Jason Van Dyke is “hanging     Judge Vincent Gaughan          cago police killed two oth-
in there” and wants to tell    set the next hearing for       er people, a 55-year-old
his side of what happened      Jan. 29.                       woman who was shot ac-
so he’s not seen “as this      Cook County prosecu-           cidentally and a 19-year-
cold-blooded killer,” de-      tors were not available        old man police described
fense attorney Dan Herbert     for comment after the ar-      as “combative” before he
said after the court hear-     raignment. Public outcry       was shot. Both were black.
ing. Herbert added that        has been furious since a       Police have not released
they haven’t ruled out ask-    dashboard camera video         the race of the officer or of-
ing for a change of venue.     was released last month        ficers involved and will not
The case is in Cook County     showing the veteran offi-      say how many officers fired
Criminal Court in Chicago      cer shooting McDonald 16       their weapons or what the
where demonstrators have       times. The teenager, armed     man and woman were do-
staged marches protesting      with a knife, was veering      ing before they were shot.
the shooting and how it’s      away from officers when        A series of police killings of
been handled.                  Van Dyke opened fire.          blacks across the coun-
Van Dyke, 37, faces six        The footage sparked days       try has given rise to the
counts of first-degree mur-    of street demonstrations,      Black Lives Matter protest
der and one of official        the forced resignation of      movement.q
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