P. 11

                    Thursday 14 June 2018
                                                                                                 Tired Lion

                                                            During Joe’s consultation I realized Joe was a  Herbal support like DG Licorice is added to sup-
                                                            tired lion and explained that many people suffer  port the adrenals because DG Licorice is simi-
                                                            from adrenal exhaustion and they don’t know  lar to the hormones produced by our adrenal
                                                            it. Adrenal exhaustion is also known as adrenal  glands.  Licorice Root has been used for thou-
                                                            fatigue  and  is  a  21st  century  stress  syndrome.  sands of years to treat ulcers, colds, skin disor-
                                                            It has been estimated that 80% of adults suffer  ders, and as a tonic for the heart and spleen.
                                                            some sort of adrenal fatigue and 95% of visits to  I prescribe acupuncture for adrenal exhaustion.
                                                            our clinic are a direct result of stress.  Nearly all  Immediately Joe feels a difference and realizes
                                                            of our patients admit to being stressed out by  that  he  does  not  have  to  start  with  the  anxi-
                                                            their work, as well as their family obligations  ety medication and sleeping pills he has been
                                                            As easy as the diagnosis of adrenal exhaustion  prescribed. After evaluating Joe’s blood tests,
                                                            is, developing an individualized treatment plan  I  recommend  additional  dietary  supplements
                                                            can be very challenging. One of the symptoms  to  replenish  vitamin  and  mineral  deficiencies,
                                                            of adrenal exhaustion, excessive fatigue, stimu-  protect cells from the damaging effects of free
                                                            lates the production of the hormone cortisol. As  radicals,  increase  Joe’s  energy  production,
                                                            a beneficial hormone, cortisol can greatly en-  and support a healthy digestive system,
                                                            hanced your body’s ability to convert carbohy-  The acupuncture treatments and dietary sup-
                  By: Dr. Carlos Viana                      drates to what it will eventually use for energy.   plements  will  support  a  healthy  hormonal  sys-
                                                            Cortisol  also  aids  your  body  in  turning  off  im-  tem, promote a healthy nervous system, boost
                                                            mune reactions like allergy and inflammation.  Joe’s  immune  system  function,  allowing  him
            When  Joe  started  his  executive  position  in  his  While this is helpful in an emergency situation,  to maintain mental and emotional well-being,
            mid- thirties, he quickly was recognized as the  over the long term, continuing exposure to the  that  encourages  calmness  and  lessen  stress.
            corporate  problem  solver.  Looking  forward  hormone  because  of  continuous  stress  results  Joe  will  have  increased  mental  alertness;  will
            every  morning  to  his  job,  Joe  attacked  every  in a suppressed immune system. Byproducts of  maintain more normal blood sugar levels. With
            problem at work as a challenge and enjoyed  Cortisol depress brain activity and act as seda-    ongoing treatments and medical evaluations,
            the test of overcoming difficulty preventing his  tives and cortisol itself blocks serotonin, contrib-  Joe will be able to maintain total body health.
            company from reaching their production goals.  uting to a feeling of depression and increases  Feeling  better  physically,  Joe  will  make  some
            Life at home also reflected an easy interaction  addictive behavior.                            lifestyle changes. Joe now realizes how impor-
            with his wife and children.  Life was good; chal-  This  stress  hormone  also  stimulates  the  break-  tant  is  getting  eight  hours  of  sleep.  With  the
            lenging exciting, and rewarding.                down of muscle and bone to supply the body  dietary  supplements  and  acupuncture  treat-
            Now,  in  his  late  forties,  life  has  taken  a  down  with energy needed for fight-or-flight reactions.  ments, a good night’s sleep your adrenal glands
            turn. Feeling tired all the time, the same prob-  It can also interfere with your hormone levels,  are restored and repaired. Joe now exercises
            lems at work that were a challenge before now  allowing  further  bone  breakdown.  Over  the  to relax. Walking, YOGA, deep breathing, and
            make  our  executive  feel  stressed-out  or  anx-  long-term,  bone  and  muscle  can  be  broken  stretching are great stress reducers.  Vigorous or
            ious and Joe has started having panic attacks.  down faster than it is replaced, leading to os-  aerobic  exercise  can  deplete  the  adrenals.  If
            Worse, Joe has lost interest in the bedroom and  teoporosis.                                    your symptoms are severe wait until you feel a
            is worried that he is developing an erectile dys-  Medical  tests  are  needed  to  find  out  exactly  little stronger to do these.
            function. Instead of being embarrassed with his  where Joe is in his stress cycle. With the constant  Nutritionally  Joe  realizes  skipping  breakfast  is
            loss of virility, he fights with his wife to escape  production of cortisol the adrenal organs cause  particularly bad, as it is a sure fire way to gain,
            having to perform while his wife has developed  hormone deficiencies. In clinic I use results from  not lose, weight. If you start each morning with
            a greater interest in sex. When forced to think  hair tests that show an unhealthy abundance  a good breakfast your blood sugar won’t take
            about the “bedroom problem”, he blames his  of  calcium  and  copper,  but,  a  deficiency  of  any sharp dips. You’ll feel more rested and en-
            wife’s weight gain and not looking like she did  magnesium.  I  automatically  supplement  Joe  ergetic. Skipping meals is one of the worst things
            when she was twenty four years old.             with magnesium.                                 you can do for your body. When you’re hungry,
            Joe realizes that these are not all his problems.  Two  out  of  three  Americans  and  Arubans  are  your blood sugar drops, stressing your adrenal
            He  avoids  many  people  because  he  knows  deficient in magnesium, mostly because of our  glands and triggering your sympathetic nervous
            he has a reduced resistance to infection and  diet.  Supplementing  with  Magnesium  to  over-  system. That causes light-headedness, cravings,
            catches  every  cold  and  flue  that  is  going  come this deficiency can be especially impor-  anxiety and fatigue.
            around. Gaining weight around his waist, start-  tant  for  those  with  adrenal  fatigue  syndrome  Get the point! Realistically, family, job, financial,
            ing  to  suffer  from  allergies,  Joe  came  in  for  a  because of its role in helping to: maintain blood  and relationship stress are factors that cannot
            consultation when he realized that his anxiety  pressure  within  normal  limits;  maintain  healthy  be eliminated. My role is to help you increase
            attacks were getting more frequent and he ad-   blood  sugar/glucose  levels;  support  energy  your resiliency making you be able to recover
            mitted  he  was  suffering  from  headaches  and  production;  encourage  calmness  and  lessen  quickly from life’s stressors. By working together
            depression.                                     stress and relax muscles.                       you too can be a lion reborn.
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