P. 12
CLASSIFIED Thursday 14 June 2018
Dr. Pieterse M.
Tel. 583 3330
San Nicolas
Dr. Vis
Marriott Surf Club GREAT DEAL Tel. 584 9700
2 Br Gold Garden View $6000 Reduced from U$595,000 EMERGENCIA 911
2 Br Gold Ocean View $7000 to U$485,000
2 Br Gold Ocean side $8000 Beautiful house 4 rooms,
2 Br Gold Ocean Front apartment , pool, two blocks
$14,000 from ritz and Marriott hotels,
3 Br Gold Ocean View $14,500 fully furnished. renovated, POLICE 100
Call;630-1307 modern kitchen, 4 cars garage ORANJESTAD 527-3140 whatsapp (507)67277101 NOORD 527-3200
________________________________209654 Ph 630 9882 STA. CRUZ 527-2900
SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
Town House For Sale FIRE DEPT. 115
Editor at 655 ft. from eagle Beach FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
Caribbean Speed Printers N.V. 2 bedr, 2 bath DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Aruba Bank N.V. Acc. #332668 Price: $290.000
Caribbean Mercantile Bank N.V. anual tax $925 AMBULANCE 582-1234
Acc. #23951903
RBC Royal Bank Acc. #1330772 Maintenance fee: $350 RED CROSS 582-2219
per month
Assistant Director Call : 592 24431 Women in Difficulties
Xiomara Arends email: PHARMACY
Editor in Chief _________________________________209656 Oranjestad:
Oduber Tel. 582 1780
Linda Reijnders House For Sale San Nicolas
Pos Abow San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
Editor 5 Min From Beach
Richard Brooks 3 Bedroom 2 Bath maid room INFORMATION 118
swimming Pool $350 K TAXI-TAS 587-5900
This photo made available by the Clearwater Marine Aquarium Sales esmeralda 4 Bedroom 3 Bath PROF. TAXI 588-0035
shows rescued seahorse "Frito" in a tank at the aquarium, Sun- Linda Reijnders swimming Pool TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
day, June 10, 2018, in Clearwater, Fla. ( 425K Call:630-1307 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
Associated Press Marijke Croes A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
A seahorse named Frito Mary-Ann Oduber Divi Village CruIse shIP
is on the mend in Florida ( 2 Br Town House
Rachelle Danje
Wk 24 room # 3402
Distribution and Collection 39 weeks remain expire 2034
Old contract $10,000
Associated Press to be rehabilitated at the aruba divi Phoenix
June 20
CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) — aquarium. Cheeto — a studio wk 24 room # 662 Monarch
A woman snorkeling in the bright orange seahorse Social / Website 32 weeks remain $6500 Freedom of the seas
Gulf of Mexico rescued a — was found last year, fol- Jeancarlo Trinidad Call:630-1307
tiny seahorse that was tan- lowed by Funyun. Aruba Airport 524-2424
gled and trapped in fishing All three snack-sized sea- Weststraat 22 ________________________________209654 American Airlines 582-2700
T: 528-7800
line in a pile of garbage, horses were discovered E: Aruba Airlines 583-8300
and now the creature is a in the waters off Pinellas W: Marriott Ocean Club Jet Blue 588-2244
webcam star at a Florida County, which is west of @arubatoday 1 Br Gold Ocean View $5000 Surinam 582-7896
aquarium. the city of Tampa.q 1 Br Gold Ocean Front $8500 Venezolana 583-7674
The inch-and-a-half (4 2 Br Gold Ocean View $8500 Aruba Foundation
centimeter) seahorse was 2 Br Gold Ocean Front For those Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582-5051
rescued by the snorkeler $14,500
Sunday. She carefully un- Call :630-1307 AL-ANON group
tangled the line, put it in a Sabana Liber #8, Noord
Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
water bottle and rushed to _________________________________209654
Clearwater Marine Aquar- T- Share Resales FUNDACIONS
ium, made famous in the Local experts 32 years Respetami
Dolphin Tale movies, about experience Tel. 582-4433
a rescued dolphin without Want 2 sell yours now? Centro Diabetic Arubano
a tail.The seahorse was giv- *Free appraisal Tel. 524-8888
en a name — Frito — and *Free Listing
placed in a tank. It's brown *Free Marketing Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583-8989
and does resemble a Frito *sure sale!
chip. It's a female, and the Call now :630-1307 QUOTA Club
aquarium hopes she makes Tel. 525-2672
a full recovery so she can Women in Difficulties
return to the Gulf. _________________________________209654 Foundation
Marine experts say fishing Tel. 583-5400
line threatens a variety of Bloodbank Aruba
creatures small and large Tel. 587-0002
in the sea. Mobility Equipment Hire
Frito isn't the only seahorse Tel. 568-5165