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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Thursday 24 sepTember 2020
             Americans load up on candy, trick or treat - or not

            By DEE-ANN DURBIN                                                                                                   market  is  going  to  cele-
            Americans  may  not  know                                                                                           brate a little bit differently,"
            if  trick  or  treating  will  hap-                                                                                 LeBel said.
            pen  this  year  because  of                                                                                        CVS  Caremark  says  it's  re-
            the  pandemic,  but  they're                                                                                        duced the number of large
            buying  a  lot  of  Halloween                                                                                       and  giant  bags  of  candy
            candy  while  they  wait  to                                                                                        stores  will  receive.  It's  also
            find out.                                                                                                           expanded its assortment of
            U.S.  sales  of  Halloween                                                                                          "instant  consumable"  sized
            candy  were  up  13%  over                                                                                          candy  and  gum  that  par-
            last year in the month end-                                                                                         ents  can  pick  up  to  treat
            ing  Sept.  6,  according  to                                                                                       themselves.  Target  says  it's
            data from market research                                                                                           cut  back  its  assortment  of
            firm  IRI  and  the  National                                                                                       Halloween  candy  in  an-
            Confectioners      Associa-                                                                                         ticipation of a reduction of
            tion.  That's  a  bigger  jump                                                                                      trick or treating this year.
            than  the  usual  single-digit                                                                                      Still, online sales could give
            increases.  Sales  of  Hallow-                                                                                      candy companies a boost
            een  chocolate  alone  are                                                                                          as the pandemic changed
            up 25%.                                                                                                             shopping  habits.  Digital
            Earlier  Halloween  displays                                                                                        sales  more  than  doubled
            at  some  chains,  like  dollar                                                                                     at  Easter,  LeBel  said,  and
            stores, Meijer and ShopRite,                                                                                        that  could  happen  again
            likely  helped  boost  sales.   In this Oct. 31, 2018 file photo, a local convenient store worker, hands out candy to trick or treaters   at Halloween.
            But  Americans  may  also    on Halloween in Brooklyn Borough of New York.                                          Companies have also shift-
            be in a mood to celebrate                                                                          Associated Press  ed  their  marketing  in  re-
            after  months  of  pandemic                                                                                         sponse  to  the  pandemic.
            anxiety.                     by  Christmas  and  Easter.  in the state. But some cities,  gust  and  found  that  52%  Mars  is  launching  a  Treat
            Cassandra Ambrosius, who  Valentine's Day is a distant  like  Springfield,  Massachu-  planned to buy less candy  Town  website  that  will  let
            lives  in  central  Wisconsin,  fourth.                   setts,  and  Antigo,  Wiscon-  this  year  than  they  usually  people trick or treat virtual-
            was  surprised  to  see  bags  Ferrara  Candy  Co.,  which  sin,  have  called  it  off.  Big  do.  Just  11%  planned  to  ly and earn credits toward
            of Halloween candy at the  makes Brach's Candy Corn,  Halloween  events  at  plac-     buy more.                    real  candy.  Hershey  has  a
            grocery  in  early  Septem-  says it saw online demand  es like Disney World and Sa-   Candy  companies  have  map showing COVID risk by
            ber; her husband snapped  three  months  earlier  than  lem,  Massachusetts  aren't  been making some chang-        county on its website.
            one up. She expects to buy  usual.  Some  stores  also  happening.                     es  to  deal  with  all  the  un-  Miranda  Leon  of  Albany,
            more  bags  as  Halloween  asked  Ferrara  for  earlier  Ben Reed, of Arlington, Tex-  certainty  around  Hallow-   Georgia,  still  plans  to  buy
            gets  closer,  because  she  shipments.                   as, takes pride in giving out  een. Hershey is selling fewer  Halloween  candy  in  mid-
            thinks people in her neigh-  But while early demand are  full-size candy bars for Hal-  large   Halloween-themed  October  and  make  treat
            borhood will figure out how  strong, sales in late October  loween. He usually buys be-  bags  of  candy  and  shift-  bags  for  her  three  kids'
            to trick or treat safely.    could suffer if the coronavi-  tween 160 and 200 candy  ing more candy to smaller,  classrooms.  There's  no  of-
            "I'm  sure  people  are  just  rus clamps down on trick or  bars.                      everyday bags that can still  ficial  word  on  Halloween
            excited for a little sense of  treat.  Fifty-five  percent  of  "This  year  I  have  no  idea  be  sold  after  the  holiday,  in her city, but she plans to
            normalcy," Ambrosius said.   Mars  Wrigley's  Halloween  how many to purchase," he  said  Phil  Stanley,  Hershey's  take her kids trick or treat-
            That  enthusiasm  is  good  candy  sales  usually  hap-   said. "I do not want to dis-  global chief sales officer.  ing and hand out candy.
            news  for  candy  compa-     pen  in  the  last  two  weeks  appoint the kids, but on the  Mars  is  customizing  bag  "So  much  has  been  taken
            nies,  which  rely  on  the  10-  of October, says Tim LeBel,  other  hand,  I  do  not  want  sizes.  A  place  like  Los  An-  from  our  kids  this  year  —
            week Halloween period for  the  company's  chief  Hal-    to be stuck with too many  geles  County,  which  is  dis-  classes  cut  short,  sports
            nearly  14%  of  their  annual  loween officer and head of  and  add  more  COVID  couraging trick or treating,  cancelled, summer camps
            $36 billion in U.S. sales. Hal-  U.S. sales.              pounds to myself."           may  get  smaller  bags,  for  cancelled,"  she  said.  "I  re-
            loween  is  the  biggest  holi-  New  York's  governor  re-  Numerator,  a  market  re-  example.                   fuse  to  take  away  the  joy
            day  of  the  year  for  candy  cently announced that he  search firm, surveyed 2,000  "We're  trying  to  cover  all  of trick or treating from my
            makers,  followed  closely  won't  ban  trick  or  treating  consumers  in  early  Au-  the  bases  because  each  kids."q

              Wells Fargo CEO apologizes

              for comments about diversity

              By KEN SWEET                memo  to  employees  was  workers,"  said  Rep.  Alex-
              AP Business Writer          written  in  June,  but  be-  andra  Ocasio-Cortez  of
              NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Wells  came public this week.       New York, on Twitter.
              Fargo CEO Charles Scharf  The  comments  and  simi-     Scharf   on   Wednesday
              apologized    Wednesday  lar  statements  made  in  a  said  in  a  prepared  state-
              for  comments  he  made  Zoom  meeting,  reported  ment  that  his  comments
              about the difficulty of find-  by  Reuters,  led  to  an  in-  reflected "my own uncon-
              ing qualified Black execu-  tense  backlash  in  Wash-  scious bias."
              tives.                      ington  and  on  social  me-  "There is no question Wells
              Scharf said that "there is a  dia.                      Fargo has to make mean-      In this March 10, 2020 file photo, Wells Fargo CEO and Presi-
              very  limited  pool  of  Black  "Perhaps  it  is  the  CEO  of  ingful progress to increase   dent Charles Scharf is seated before he testifies during a hear-
              talent  to  recruit  from"  in  Wells  Fargo  who  lacks  diverse   representation,"   ing of the House Financial Services Committee, on Capitol Hill,
              corporate  America.  The  the talent to recruit Black  he wrote. q                   in Washington.
                                                                                                                                          Associated Press
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