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Thursday 24 sepTember 2020 LOCAL
Elements restaurant reveals dining renovations
New offerings for thriving vegan scene
cal distancing was already the Bucuti Wing refresh in
EAGLE BEACH — The the norm at the romantic, 2020.
rare downtime this adults-only enclave. Cou-
spring allowed Bucuti & ples can also enjoy a spe- Vegan menu expands by
Tara Beach Resort to in- cial 6-course meal for 2 with demand
vest in renovations and a bottle of Champagne or Elements restaurant goes
refresh its acclaimed El- wine included, in a private beyond one full menu and
ements restaurant and beach palapa where they offers complete menus
to create innovative will experience an array of for vegan/vegetarian,
new items on its popu- flavors accompanied by gluten-free and world cui-
lar vegan menu. The pastel skies transitioning to sine offering prized steaks
Caribbean’s healthi- bright moonlit stars. and sustainable seafood.
est and safest vacation The most notable invest- Aruba’s blossoming veg-
can be enjoyed with a ment is the all-new dining an and vegetarian scene
View to Dine For at the deck along Eagle Beach, has become a Caribbean vegan menu weaves in tele.
award-winning dining aptly named one of the food destination anchored flavors of the world. From “After months of research
destination. “Dream Beaches of the in large part to Elements the likes of classic comfort and testing, my talented
World.” The Caribbean’s restaurant for its innovation foods given a modern twist culinary team and I im-
Michelin-trained Chef most eco-certified resort and equal consideration to a zesty nod to Latin fa- proved the flavor and
Marc Giesbergs, director of to include being its only for those seeking a fulfill- vorites and Far East staples, healthfulness of both tra-
food & beverage at Bucuti carbon-neutral hotel, care- ing plant-based nourish- the team relishes relation- ditional and modern fare,
& Tara, and his team quick- fully selected an innovative ment. While Chef Marc’s ships with local farmers and and are very proud of our
ly seized the unexpected blend of 95% recycled ma- high-end steak and sea- procures as much on island new vegan menu at Ele-
quiet time to reimagining terials. The earth-friendly food dishes continuously such as its microgreens. A ments restaurant,” shares
the Eagle Beach dining ex- manufacturing process re- earn high praise, admira- sampling of the full menu Chef Marc Giesbers, direc-
perience. They put on their coups factory waste and tion along with increased includes: tor of food & beverage at
design hats in the front-of- eliminates the use of harm- requests for his innovative • Layered Roots of the An- Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort.
the-house and turned the ful chemicals. and satiating healthy se- des: Towering layers of truf- Elements restaurant is
back-of the-house into a Luxury resort designer lections prompted the ex- fle potato, sweet potato adults-only and available
test kitchen. Dada Designs of Miami led pansion the restaurant’s mash, basil-marinated red to both resort guests and
the aesthetic component existing standalone vegan beets along with chunky offsite guests, alike. Reser-
Refreshed and stylishly so- of the renovations. The menu. seasoned avocado served vations are highly recom-
cial distanced same team masterminded From dedicated vegans to with carrot chips accom- mended. The SandBar is re-
Elements restaurant has the concepts resulting in guests who occasionally panied with roasted red served exclusively for resort
long featured mostly seat- laidback luxury of the Tara seek a healthy, flavorful pepper pulp. guests.
ing for two, so safe, physi- Wing revisions in 2017 and alternative, the extensive • Gado-Gado Entreé Sal-
ad: Elements adaptation Bucuti & Tara: The Ca-
of this classic Indonesian ribbean’s Healthiest
dish composed of Tem- and Safest Vacation Ex-
peh, beansprouts, green perience
beans, carrot, bell pepper, As the region’s most-
cilantro, pickled cabbage, eco certified hotel,
complemented with a di- Bucuti has long had a
vine peanut sauce atop a heightened awareness
bed of rice noodles. for the health and safe-
• Range-free Steak: A nod ty of both guests and
to the West, this ground len- the planet. Its new CO-
til patty is served with roast- VID-19 safety protocols
ed vegetable gravy and were developed within
partnered with a mosaic of Center for Disease Con-
squash, glazed carrots and trol guidelines, World
classic fondant potatoes. Health Organization
• Agave and Cardamom- recommendations and
infused Pineapple Quinoa in-person evaluations
Margarita: Latin America by practicing ICU (in-
inspired, this agave nectar- tensive care unit) doc-
infused quinoa is crowned tors and nurses who
with a slow simmered lime were hosted onsite this
and pineapple chutney spring at Bucuti & Tara.
laced with cardamom and With its new touch-free
clove, finished with a touch experience combined
of strawberry sauce. with the new hospi-
A fine dining restaurant vet- tal-grade, high-tech
eran, Chef Marc recently health safety protocols
received on Elements’ and Aruba’s Health &
behalf the coveted Wine Happiness Code seal,
Spectator 2020 Award of guests can confident-
Excellence for his diverse, ly relax into vacation
sustainable wine list that mode. To learn more,
exceeds the expectations visit
of the resort’s global clien-