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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 24 sepTember 2020
             EU proposes new asylum system to help frontline nations

            By LORNE COOK                                                                                                       tion proposal.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  catch  is  that  the  plan
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The  Euro-                                                                                       involves  "flexible  forms  of
            pean  Union  announced  a                                                                                           support,  starting  off  on  a
            major  overhaul  of  its  asy-                                                                                      voluntary  basis."  Stricter
            lum  system  Wednesday  in                                                                                          requirements  to  help  out
            hopes  that  more  countries                                                                                        would  only  be  imposed  in
            will  finally  share  responsi-                                                                                     crisis  situations  like  Greece
            bility  for  people  landing                                                                                        saw in 2015, when hundreds
            on Europe's shores seeking                                                                                          of thousands of Syrian refu-
            sanctuary or better lives.                                                                                          gees made the short — but
            The  move  comes  after                                                                                             sometimes  deadly  —  jour-
            years  of  chaos  and  dis-                                                                                         ney across from Turkey.
            pute  among  the  bloc's  27                                                                                        So far, voluntary EU migra-
            nations  over  the  handling                                                                                        tion management schemes
            of  migrants  and  refugees                                                                                         have tended to fail.
            amid a recognition that the                                                                                         EU Migration Commissioner
            current EU system for decid-                                                                                        Ylva  Johansson  ruled  out
            ing whether they should re-                                                                                         the use of mandatory quo-
            ceive protection or be sent                                                                                         tas  for  sharing  migrants.
            home has failed.                                                                                                    When asked whether more
            "The  old  system  to  deal                                                                                         effort  would  be  made  to
            with it in Europe no longer   European Commissioner for Promoting our European Way of Life Margaritas Schinas, speaks dur-  save  people  in  the  Medi-
            works,"  European  Commis-   ing a media conference on the New Pact for Migration and Asylum at EU headquarters in Brussels,   terranean,  she  said:  "Not
            sion  President  Ursula  von   Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020.                                                           according  to  our  propos-
            der  Leyen  told  reporters  in                                                                    Associated Press  al. It will be the opposite, I
            Brussels,  adding  that  the                                                                                        guess."
            "New  Pact  for  Migration  mission  says.  Turkey,  Leba-  prepared  for  deportation.  lows  countries  with  anti-  Johansson  said  this,  com-
            and  Asylum"  offers  Europe  non and Jordan have had  Both  procedures  would  migrant  governments  to  bined  with  swift  screening
            "a fresh start."             to cater to far more.        take 12 weeks and the mi-    become  "the  bouncers  of  and    return   procedures,
            The  arrival  in  2015  of  well  EU nations have responded  grants could be held in de-  Europe" but she raised con-  should make people "think
            over  1  million  migrants,  in various ways, from erect-  tention.                    cerns about the legal status  twice  before  paying  a  lot
            mostly refugees fleeing war  ing razor-wire border fenc-  From  there,  EU  members  of people in the process.      of money to the smugglers
            in Syria, sparked one of the  es  to  ignoring  emergency  could choose to help ease  "Those put in a border pro-   and before risking their lives
            EU's biggest political crises.  calls  from  overcrowded  the  load  on  countries  that  cedure, it will be as if they  going into these very dan-
            EU  nations  have  fought  smugglers'  boats  in  the  have  seen  the  most  mi-      have never entered EU ter-   gerous boats."
            since  over  who  should  Mediterranean.  Some  mi-       grant arrivals by sea — like  ritory,"  she  said.  That  legal  The  proposals  suggest  the
            take  responsibility  for  the  grants  have  been  left  to  Greece,  Italy,  Malta  and  limbo  allows  authorities  to  EU will continue holding un-
            migrants,   with   front-line  languish on ships for weeks  Spain — by taking in some  quickly  put  people  on  a  authorized  migrants  in  the
            Mediterranean  nations  like  rather  than  being  allowed  refugees or providing other  plane or a boat home.      Greek islands until they can
            Greece,  Italy,  Malta  and  into   safe   harbors.   Aid  support.                    Austrian Interior Minister Karl  be  sent  away.  Earlier  this
            Spain  demanding  more  groups  and  European  citi-      Those not willing to do that  Nehammer cautiously wel-    month,  a  blaze  destroyed
            help  from  their  EU  neigh-  zens face criminal charges  could  take  charge  of  de-  comed  the  plan,  saying  it  the  squalid  Moria  refugee
            bors.                        for their efforts to save lives.  porting  people  whose  ap-  "goes  in  the  right  direction  camp  on  the  Greek  is-
            The  arguments  rage  on  The new plan hinges on the  plications  are  refused.  This  in very important areas." He  land of Lesbos, where over
            even  though  the  number  fast-track  screening  of  mi-  option  might  suit  Austria,  stressed the need for the EU  12,000 people lived in facili-
            of  unauthorized  migrants  grants  arriving  at  Europe's  the  Czech  Republic,  Hun-  to  conduct  deportations  ties built for 3,000.
            has dwindled sharply in re-  borders without permission.  gary, Poland and Slovakia,  "faster,  more  strongly  and  Von der Leyen said the EU
            cent  years.  Some  140,000  It  would  be  completed  who are all reluctant to ac-    more  efficiently,"  the  Aus-  has agreed to set up a joint
            people  arrived  last  year,  within 5 days. People would  cept refugees.              tria Press Agency reported.  pilot project with Greek au-
            compared to around 2 mil-    then be sent into an asylum  Hanne  Beirens,  Director  of  Czech  Interior  Minister  Jan  thorities to manage an im-
            lion  migrants  who  entered  track if they qualify for pro-  Migration  Policy  Institute  Hamacek  said  his  country  migrant  reception  center
            legally, the European Com-   tection,  or  they  would  be  Europe, said this option al-  was  open  to  the  deporta-  on Lesbos.q

             China blasts U.S. House bill, denies forced labor in Xinjiang

            BEIJING (AP) — China on Tuesday  "The  so-called  problem  of  forced  na, one of the world's top produc-    chain is free of materials that have
            lashed out at the passage of a bill  labor  is  totally  a  lie  fabricated  by  ers of the fiber, as well as tomatoes  been produced with forced labor.
            by  the  U.S.  House  of  Representa-  some organizations and personnel  and manufactured goods.             The U.S. has banned imports made
            tives that threatens sanctions over  in the United States and the West,"  Members  of  Congress  say  the  with forced labor since 1930 to en-
            the alleged use of forced labor in  Wang  told  reporters  at  a  daily  measure is needed to press China  sure  fair  trade.  Enforcement  has
            China's Xinjiang region, calling the  briefing.  The House voted 406-3 to  to stop a campaign that has result-  increased in recent years and U.S.
            accusation a lie.                   declare that any goods produced  ed in the detention of more than 1  Customs  and  Border  Protection
            Foreign  ministry  spokesman  Wang  in Xinjiang are presumptively made  million Uighurs and other predomi-   has  blocked  shipments  by  eight
            Wenbin  said  the  bill  "maliciously  with the forced labor of detained  nantly Muslim ethnic groups under  companies  and  entities  operat-
            slandered  the  human  rights  situa-  Uighurs and other ethnic minorities,  brutal conditions.              ing in Xinjiang over the past year.
            tion in Xinjiang" and sought to curb  and therefore banned from being  Some companies and trade groups  The bill passed Tuesday would go
            development  and  progress  in  the  imported to the U.S.               oppose  a  Xinjiang-wide  declara-   further,  shifting  the  burden  to  any
            region while stirring up ethnic divi-  If enacted into law, it could force  tion because it puts the burden on  company that operates in Xinjiang
            sions  and  interfering  in  China's  in-  companies to avoid a region that  private  enterprises  to  ensure  that  or buys goods from there to prove
            ternal affairs.                     products 80% of the cotton in Chi-  an  often  complex  global  supply  their goods are not tainted.q
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