Page 9 - aruba-today-20200924
P. 9
LOCAL Thursday 24 sepTember 2020
A cry for help: Aruba’s creative industries in need
ORANJESTAD — Around but that there is no mention the Aruban Government
the world, along with the of a national strategic plan website: “on March 31,
tourism industry, cultural to help this industry sustain 2020, FASE received 5700
and creative sectors are the impact of COVID-19 on personal applications, 744
among the most affected a short term or long term business registrations, and
economies by the current scope. more than 15 thousand
coronavirus (Covid-19) cri- calls” (Government of Aru-
sis. This is not an exception How is Aruba helping the ba, 2020). The private sec-
for Aruba. Since August 3rd Creative Industries? tor, entrepreneurs, and self-
2020, a rise in (local trans- Aruba is facing hard and employed people (ZZP’ers)
missions) registered cases difficult times due to the could apply for FASE while
caused new guidelines emergence of COVID-19. the funding was available.
that devastated the Aruban This pandemic has de- Since Aruba could not offer
Cultural and Creative In- stroyed Aruba’s financial this assistance on their own,
dustries. These procedures and economic develop- the Aruban Government
included but were not lim- ment. The financial circum- had no choice but to ask
ited to: obligatory use of stances of the island don’t The Netherlands for help (in VID times. This project was not much has been done
masks, no dancing, no Dj/ provide much room for as- accordance with the King- executed for the months for the cultural and cre-
Band performances, no ag- sisting families that have dom Constitution). of May and June 2020 and ative sectors on the island.
glomeration at bars, and 4 no income or let alone in- was a total success. A total Besides the lack of a Na-
people max at a table in vesting in programs that Besides the social assis- of 25 cultural project grants tional Cultural Policy or a
a restaurant, just to name could still stimulate socio- tance fund, specifically were awarded. Each ap- Creative Industry Policy for
a few. The reaction of the economic development. related to the Aruban Cul- plicant is granted AWG Aruba, policy-wise there
community, especially The Aruban Government in tural and Creative Indus- 2000.00 for their project, has been no information of
professionals in the Aru- solidarity with the Aruban try, UNOCA (local cultural meaning AWG 50.000,00 how the Aruban Govern-
ban Cultural and Creative people has introduced grant agency) in the heat was invested so far in the ment is going to assist the
Industry (CCI), were not a program called FASE, of the COVIG-19 pandem- Aruban Cultural and Cre- Aruban Creative industry
positive. In the meantime, an Emergency Social As- ic introduced a funding ative Industries. The project (with a contingency plan)
the criticism and the disap- sistance Fund. Applicants project called “UNOCA was so successful that the during and post COVID-19.
pointment of this industry is that meet all requirements CARES” with the hopes of organization announced
not that the Government of can receive AWG 950.00 stimulating the develop- the second round of grants
Aruba has imposed these monthly for a maximum ment of cultural and cre- in September 2020. How- Continue on Page 10
guidelines and measures, of 3 months. According to ative content during CO- ever, besides this initiative,