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A4   U.S. NEWS
              Thursday 24 sepTember 2020
            Judge: Eric Trump must testify in NY probe before election

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Eric                                                                                            so  "simply  on  the  grounds
            Trump must testify in a New                                                                                         of personal inconvenience
            York  investigation  into  his                                                                                      to the witness." He argued
            family's  business  practices                                                                                       that  the  typical  compli-
            before the November pres-                                                                                           ance deadline courts have
            idential  election,  a  judge                                                                                       found  is  reasonable  is  five
            ruled  Wednesday,  reject-                                                                                          days.
            ing  his  lawyers'  claims  that                                                                                    Eric  Trump's  lawyers  had
            his  "extreme  travel  sched-                                                                                       proposed  four  dates  for
            ule"  on  the  campaign  trail                                                                                      him  to  testify,  the  earliest
            warranted a delay.                                                                                                  being  Nov.  19,  which  they
            State  Judge  Arthur  En-                                                                                           contended  was  just  after
            goron  said  President  Don-                                                                                        James'  office  is  scheduled
            ald  Trump's  middle  son,  a                                                                                       to  interview  other  witness-
            Trump Organization execu-                                                                                           es in the investigation. Eric
            tive,  must  comply  with  a                                                                                        Trump  switched  lawyers  in
            subpoena to give a depo-                                                                                            mid-July, Futerfas said, con-
            sition  under  oath  no  later                                                                                      tributing to the need for a
            than  Oct.  7,  adding  that                                                                                        delay.
            the court is not "bound by                                                                                          Eric  Trump  did  not  partici-
            the timelines of the national                                                                                       pate in Wednesday's hear-
            election."                                                                                                          ing, which was held via Sky-
            New York Attorney General                                                                                           pe. Eric, the third of Trump's
            Letitia James went to court                                                                                         five  children,  was  sched-
            to enforce Eric Trump's sub-  Eric Trump, the son of President Donald Trump, greets supporters at a campaign rally, Tuesday,   uled  to  appear  Wednes-
            poena  after  his  lawyers   Sept. 17, 2020, in Saco, Maine.                                                        day at a campaign event
            abruptly  canceled  a  July                                                                        Associated Press  in Glendale, Arizona, called
            interview  with  investigators                                                                                      "Evangelicals  for  Trump:
            in her office's probe, which  dictate  how  or  when  our  poena,  but  that  he  could  James'  office  is  seeking  as  Praise,  Prayer,  and  Patrio-
            is  focused  on  whether  the  investigation  will  proceed  do  so  only  after  the  Nov.  part of the civil probe.   tism."
            Trump  Organization  lied  or set the parameters of a  3 election. Beside schedul-     "As   the   world   knows,  James  went  to  court  to
            about the value of its assets  lawful investigation," James  ing  conflicts  related  to  his  there's  an  election  going  compel  Eric  Trump  and
            in order to get loans or tax  said.  "The  court's  order  to-  father's  reelection  cam-  on  in  about  four  weeks  in  other business associates to
            benefits.                    day  makes  clear  that  no  paign, they said they want-  this  country,  maybe  five  testify and turn over docu-
            Eric  Trump,  the  company's  one  is  above  the  law,  not  ed "to avoid the use of his  weeks,"  Futerfas  argued.  ments  as  part  of  a  civil  in-
            executive  vice  president  even an organization or an  deposition  attendance  for  "Eric Trump is a vital and in-  vestigation  into  whether
            of  development  and  ac-    individual  with  the  name  political purposes."         tegral part of that, and he's  the  family's  company,  the
            quisitions,  was  first  served  Trump."                  At  Wednesday's  hearing,  traveling  just  about  seven  Trump  Organization,  lied
            with the subpoena in May.  A  message  seeking  com-      Futerfas  said  they  were  days a week."                 about  the  value  of  assets
            James, a Democrat, said in  ment on the ruling was left  "happy for him to sit down  Matthew Colangelo, a law-      including  a  suburban  New
            a statement after the ruling  with  Eric  Trump's  lawyer,  and be deposed," but that  yer for the attorney gener-  York City estate.
            that "justice and the rule of  Alan Futerfas.             they  needed  more  time  al's  office,  countered  that  Investigators  have  yet  to
            law prevailed today."        In  a  court  filing  last  week,  before  he  testified  to  re-  Eric  Trump's  lawyers  didn't  determine  whether  any
            "To  be  clear,  no  entity  or  his lawyers said he was will-  view with him thousands of  have a legal basis to seek  law was broken, James' of-
            individual  is  allowed  to  ing to comply with the sub-  pages  of  documents  that  a  delay  and  were  doing  fice has said.q

            eBay workers who sent spiders to couple to plead guilty

            BOSTON (AP) — Four former eBay Inc. employees have agreed to plead  name on them to their neighbor's house, planned to break into the cou-
            guilty to their roles in a campaign of intimidation that included sending  ple's garage to install a GPS device on their car, and posted the couple's
            live spiders and cockroaches to the home of a Massachusetts couple  names and address online, advertising things like yard sales and encour-
            who ran an online newsletter critical of the auction site, federal prosecu-  aging strangers to knock on the door if the pair wasn't outside, officials
            tors said Wednesday.                                                    said.
            "Four former employees of #eBay are scheduled to plead guilty on Oct. 8  The suspects engaged in a "systematic campaign fueled by the resourc-
            at 2pm via zoom in federal court in #Boston," according to a tweet from  es of a Fortune 500 company to emotionally and psychologically terror-
            the official account of the U.S. attorney's office in Massachusetts. "The  ize this middle-aged couple in Natick," U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling said
            defendants are charged w/ participating in a cyberstalking campaign  at a news conference when charges were announced in June.
            that targeted a Massachusetts couple."                                  An internal investigation was launched after San Jose, California-based
            The four expected to plead guilty are Brian Gilbert, 51; Stephanie Popp,  eBay was notified by law enforcement of "suspicious actions by its secu-
            32; Stephanie Stockwell, 26; and Veronica Zea, 26, according to The Bos-  rity  personnel,"  company  officials  wrote  in  a  prepared  statement.  The
            ton Globe.                                                              employees were ultimately fired, the company said.
            All live in San Jose, California, except for Stockwell, who lives in Redwood  Popp was a senior manager of global intelligence at eBay; Gilbert was
            City, California.                                                       senior manager of special operations for eBay's Global Security Team;
            They are among seven former eBay employees charged in the case, in  Stockwell was manager of eBay's Global Intelligence Center; and Zea
            which the Massachusetts couple had other disturbing items sent to their  was an eBay contractor who worked as an intelligence analyst in the
            home, including a funeral wreath and a bloody pig Halloween mask.       Global Intelligence Center. Authorities say they were working at eBay at
            They are all charged with conspiracy to commit cyberstalking and con-   the time of the alleged harassment.
            spiracy to tamper with a witness. Their lawyers either declined to com-  Court  documents  say  the  couple  was  targeted  after  their  newsletter
            ment or didn't immediately return emails seeking comment Wednesday.     published an article in August 2019 about a lawsuit filed by eBay accus-
            The  employees  also  sent  pornographic  magazines  with  the  husband's  ing Amazon of poaching its sellers.q
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