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U.S. NEWSThursday 17 September
Republican Candidates Square Off in 2nd Debate
Continued from front
The race has seen another Republican presidential candidates, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, right, and Donald Trump both speak during the CNN
unlikely surge, as soft-spo- Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015, in Simi
ken retired neurosurgeon Valley, Calif.
Ben Carson has leapt into
second place, according (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
to polls. As Fiorina argued
with Trump about who had wife into a political debate. stood by his criticism of and said it’s important to behind in national polls
a better business record, Bush’s wife is an American Bush for answering some speak Spanish to commu- did not qualify for the main
New Jersey Gov. Chris citizen born in Mexico, and questions from reporters in nicate with immigrants who event and were relegated
Christie broke in to say that Trump has suggested Bush Spanish. He said people may become Republican to an earlier debate: Loui-
Americans really wanted is too soft toward immi- in the United States should voters. He recounted sto- siana Gov. Bobby Jindal,
to know what a Republi- grants because of his mar- speak English. ries of his grandfather, a South Carolina Sen. Lindsey
can president would do to riage. Bush said he shows respect Cuban immigrant whose Graham, former Pennsyl-
improve their lives. Trump refused to apolo- to people who speak both English was shaky but who vania Sen. Rick Santorum
“You’re both successful gize, said his words have languages. Florida Sen. idolized Ronald Reagan. and former New York Gov.
people. Congratulations,” been misconstrued and Marco Rubio jumped in Four candidates lagging George Pataki.q
Christie said.” The middle
class in this country who’s
getting plowed under by
Barack Obama and Hillary
Clinton, let’s start talking
about those issues tonight
and stop this childish back-
and-forth between the two
of you.”
Both Bush and Walker took
early swipes at Trump. Bush
said Trump made dona-
tions to him the past be-
cause he wanted casino
gambling approved in Flor-
ida when Bush was gover-
nor. Trump denied that.
Bush has become one of
Trump’s favorite targets.
Generally a low-key, pol-
icy-focused candidate,
Bush has grown visibility ir-
ritated by Trump’s jabs.
Bush said Trump needed to
apologize for bringing his
As Republicans debate, Biden knocks climate change doubters
Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the Solar Power International LOS ANGELES (AP) — Vice peratures. for their second televised
Trade Show in Anaheim, Calif., Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015. President Joe Biden on “I think if you pushed them, debate on Wednesday
Taking aim at his potential political opponents, Biden railed Wednesday took aim at they’d probably deny night. Addressing a solar
against Republicans who “deny climate change” and want potential 2016 presiden- gravity as well,” Biden said. power summit in Anaheim,
to shut down the federal government over funding for Planned tial campaign opponents, The vice president is deeply Biden offered a prediction
Parenthood, and pleaded with them to “just get out of the way.” rallying against Republi- immersed in deliberations that viewers would hear
cans who “deny climate with his family and advis- more skepticism about
(AP Photo/Christine Cotter) change and pleading with ers about whether to enter climate change from the
them to “just get out of the the 2016 presidential race. pack of Republican can-
way.” In recent days, Biden has didates participating in the
Biden came to California, opened a window into debate.
a national leader on clean those deliberations, de- As he considers a late en-
energy, to tout solar tech- scribing his lingering doubts trance into the 2016 presi-
nology and ramp up pres- about whether he has dential race, Biden has
sure on the U.S. and other the emotional strength to started to speak out more
nations as the Obama ad- mount a viable campaign directly against the Repub-
ministration presses for a just months after his son, lican candidates he would
successful finish to global Beau, died from brain can- face if he won his party’s
climate talks. cer. nomination.
Yet his visit was infused with The California swing Addressing Hispanics at
2016 overtones, and he brought Biden to the same a reception on Tuesday
playfully mocked Repub- corner of the state as the night, he lashed out at
licans who reject main- pack of Republican presi- Republican front-runner
stream climate science dential candidates, who Donald Trump and said his
that says humans are con- descended on the Ronald “sick” message of xeno-
tributing to warmer tem- Reagan Presidential Library phobia “will not prevail.”q