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U.S. NEWSThursday 17 September

Texas Muslim teen held over homemade clock                                                                                      Colorado braces
                                                                                                                               for day of tax-free
Irving MacArthur High School student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, poses for a photo at his home in        at MacArthur High School.
                                                                                                Boyd considers the case          marijuana sales
Irving, Texas. Mohamed was arrested and interrogated by Irving Police officers on Monday after  closed.
                                                                                                In a matter of hours, the      KRISTEN WYATT
bringing a homemade clock to school. Police don’t believe the device is dangerous, but say it   clock made Ahmed a             Associated Press
                                                                                                star on social media, with     DENVER (AP) — An ac-
could be mistaken for a fake explosive. He was suspended from school for three days, but he     the hashtag #IStandWith-       counting error in Colorado
                                                                                                Ahmed tweeted nearly           is paying off for marijuana
has not been charged. 			      (Vernon Bryant/The Dallas Morning News via AP)                   600,000 times by Wednes-       consumers Wednesday,
                                                                                                day afternoon.                 when a quirk in a state tax
DAVID WARREN                   made clock that teach-        class Monday and taken             In a tweet, President          law prompts the state to
Associated Press               ers thought resembled a       to a detention center after        Barack Obama called            suspend most taxes on rec-
DALLAS (AP) — A 14-year-       bomb.                         showing the digital clock          Ahmed’s clock “cool” and       reational pot.
old Muslim boy became a        Police declined to seek any   to teachers at his suburban        said more kids should be in-   The one-day pot tax holiday
sensation on social media      charges against Ahmed         Dallas high school.                spired like him to enjoy sci-  means Colorado won’t col-
Wednesday after word           Mohamed, but that did lit-    Irving Police Chief Larry          ence, because “it’s what       lect 10 percent sales taxes
spread that he had been        tle to tamp down criticism    Boyd said the clock looked         makes America great.”          on pot. The state is also sus-
placed in handcuffs and        of how authorities handled    “suspicious in nature,” but        Groups including the           pending a 15 percent ex-
suspended for coming           the matter.                   there was no evidence the          American Civil Liberties       cise tax on marijuana grow-
to school with a home-         Mohamed was pulled from       boy meant to cause alarm           Union rights group con-        ers.
                                                                                                demned what they called        The tax break is happening
                                                                                                heavy-handed tactics by        because Colorado under-
                                                                                                school officials and police.   estimated overall state tax
                                                                                                “Instead of encouraging        collections last year. Un-
                                                                                                his curiosity, intellect and   der the state constitution,
                                                                                                ability, the Irving (school    the accounting error trig-
                                                                                                district) saw fit to throw     gers an automatic suspen-
                                                                                                handcuffs on a frightened      sion of any new taxes — in
                                                                                                14-year-old Muslim boy         this case, the recreational
                                                                                                wearing a NASA T-shirt         marijuana taxes voters ap-
                                                                                                and then remove him from       proved in 2013.
                                                                                                school,” Terri Burke, execu-   Retailers are hoping for big
                                                                                                tive director of the ACLU in   crowds, rolling out bargains
                                                                                                Texas, said in a statement.    to attract shoppers. The
                                                                                                The White House also           state had no estimate on
                                                                                                weighed in.q                   how many shoppers might
                                                                                                                               turn out.
Oklahoma:                                                                                                                      The taxes revert to 25 per-
                                                                                                                               cent on Thursday.
Court halts execution of man who claims innocence                                                                              Wednesday’s break comes
                                                                                                                               a day after Colorado made
SEAN MURPHY                    the Oklahoma City mo-         nal Appeals agreed to              sented an affidavit from       final its accounts for the fis-
Associated Press               tel where Glossip worked.     reschedule the lethal in-          an admitted metham-            cal year that ended in June.
McALESTER, Oklahoma            Motel handyman Justin         jection for Sept. 30. Glos-        phetamine dealer who           The final tax numbers cov-
(AP) — An appeals court        Sneed admitted robbing        sip’s lawyers said they ob-        said he frequently saw         ered the first full fiscal year in
halted the execution of an     and beating Van Treese        tained a signed affidavit          Sneed  use  the drug and       which adults over 21 could
Oklahoma man with just         with a baseball bat, but      from another inmate, Mi-           trade stolen items for it.     legally buy both marijuana
hours to spare Wednes-         said he did so only after     chael Scott, who claims he         The court said it granted      and alcohol. Alcohol ex-
day after his attorneys said   Glossip promised to pay       heard Sneed say “he set            the last-minute request “in    cise tax collections were up
they had uncovered new         him $10,000.                  Richard Glossip up, and            order for this court to give   2.4 percent, to about $42
evidence, including a fel-     Prosecutors alleged Glos-     that Richard Glossip didn’t        fair consideration” to Glos-   million. Marijuana-specific
low inmate’s claim that he     sip was afraid Van Treese     do anything.”                      sip’s new claims.              taxes came in at about $70
overheard another man          was about to fire him for     His attorneys also argued          Glossip attorney Don           million. The figures don’t in-
convicted in the case ad-      embezzling money and          that Glossip’s trial attorneys     Knight said he was in-         clude a statewide 2.9 per-
mit he acted alone.            poorly managing the mo-       didn’t present enough evi-         side the prison speaking       cent sales taxes. In other
Richard Eugene Glossip         tel. Glossip, 52, was sched-  dence to discredit Sneed,          to Glossip when a prison       words, alcohol likely still
was twice convicted of         uled to be executed at 3      who was sentenced to               official informed them         produces more overall tax
ordering the killing of Barry  p.m. Wednesday, but the       life in prison and testified       the execution had been         money than pot, though the
Van Treese, who owned          Oklahoma Court of Crimi-      against Glossip. They pre-         stayed.q                       state doesn’t keep data on
                                                                                                                               how much general sales tax
                                                                                                                               comes from alcohol.q
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