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                                                                                                                                    Thursday 17 September

Obama calls on business leaders to apply budget pressure 

KEVIN FREKING                   President Barack Obama speaks to business leaders at the quarterly meeting of the Business      “If we close the tax loop-
Associated Press                                                                                                                hole, we could double
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-        Roundtable in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015, to renew his calls for increased spending  the number of workers
dent Barack Obama urged                                                                                                         in America’s job-training
Congress on Wednesday           in infrastructure, education and scientific research.		      (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)           programs, we could help
to avoid another conten-                                                                                                        another 4 million more
tious budget showdown           Parenthood, a nonprofit        potential revenue source      some types of private in-          students afford college,”
and warned that the U.S.        organization that provides     to pay for some of the in-    vestment funds who pay             Obama said.
economy would surely            reproductive health and        creased investments he        a lower tax rate on their          This approach “is an ex-
take a hit if the govern-       other services for women,      wants in infrastructure, ed-  income than do many indi-          ample of how we can
ment shuts down again.          and take other steps, to       ucation and scientific re-    viduals. He noted, without         maintain fiscal responsibil-
Obama blamed Repub-             reach a deal.                  search — taxing so-called     naming them, that some             ity while at the same time
licans for the shutdown         Obama used his speech          “carried interest” as ordi-   Republican presidential            making the investments
two years ago and made          to members of the  Busi-       nary income rather than       candidates, primarily Don-         that we need to grow,” he
clear he would so again if      ness Roundtable to turn up     as a capital gain, which is   ald Trump and Jeb Bush,            later added.
it comes to that.               the pressure on lawmakers      taxed at a lower rate. The    have voiced support for            Obama also tried to por-
“You’ll recall two years ago    to reach a budget agree-       proposed change is aimed      increasing taxes on carried        tray an improving econo-
Republicans shut down the       ment. He also pointed to a     primarily at managers of      interest.                          my that has come a long
government because they                                                                                                         way while he’s been in
didn’t like Obamacare. To-                                                                                                      office. He said it’s doing
day, some are suggesting                                                                                                        better than those coun-
the government should be                                                                                                        tries who have embraced
shut down because they                                                                                                          spending cuts to climb
don’t like Planned Par-                                                                                                         their way out of tough eco-
enthood,” Obama said.                                                                                                           nomic times and that “pe-
“That’s not good sense,                                                                                                         rennial gloom and doom”
and it’s not good  busi-                                                                                                        descriptions are perpetu-
ness.”                                                                                                                          ated by the presidential
A partial shutdown will                                                                                                         campaign that will deter-
occur Oct. 1 unless law-                                                                                                        mine his successor.
makers provide money                                                                                                            “America’s winning right
to keep the federal gov-                                                                                                        now. America’s great right
ernment functioning. The                                                                                                        now. We can do even bet-
Republican-led Congress                                                                                                         ter,” Obama said.
must overcome opposition                                                                                                        The  Business  Roundta-
from some conservatives                                                                                                         ble is made up of chief
who want to block fed-                                                                                                          executives from large
eral funding for Planned                                                                                                        corporations.q

Obama, Netanyahu to meet
 after months of cooling ties 

NANCY BENAC                     to see Netanyahu in March
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-        when the Israeli leader ap-
dent Barack Obama and Is-
raeli Prime Minister Benjamin   peared before a joint meet-
Netanyahu, after months of
chilly relations, will meet at  ing of Congress and harshly
the White House on Nov. 9
to talk about the Iran nucle-   criticized the U.S.-negotiat-
ar deal that Israel’s govern-
ment has harshly criticized     ed nuclear deal with Iran,
and tried without success to
block.                          Israel’s enemy. U.S. lawmak-
White House press secretary
Josh Earnest said the lead-     ers had arranged Netanya-
ers also would discuss efforts
to counter the Islamic State    hu’s appearance without
group’s activities in the Mid-
east. He called the meet-       White House input.
ing a demonstration “of the
deep and enduring bonds         Congressional       Republi-
between the United States
and Israel as well as our un-   cans have failed to block
precedented cooperation
to further enhance Israel’s     the deal from going for-
It will be the first formal     ward. The international ac-
meeting between Obama
and Netanyahu in months.        cord backed by the United
Obama pointedly refused
                                States, Iran and five world

                                powers would curb Iran’s

                                nuclear program in ex-

                                change for relief from sanc-

                                tions that have undercut

                                Tehran’s economy.

                                The United States has com-

                                mitted to provide more than

                                $7.18 billion in security aid

                                to Israel over the next year,

                                and officials have floated

                                the possibility of signing a

                                new 10-year agreement

                                about U.S.-Israeli security

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