P. 13
Wednesday 25 July 2018
Fluoride Spin
facts about fluoride to influence the public so the public water supply, or prescribed as con-
they believe that fluoride is good for them – this trolled-dose supplements, delivers no discern-
is called “putting a spin to the problem”; the lat- ible health benefit, and causes a higher inci-
est buzzword for lying to the public. For nearly dence of adverse health effects. This is not new
50 years, the U.S. government and media have information; yet, with the continuing medical
been telling the public that fluoride is safe and use of fluoride, we should be questioning what
beneficial -- it is supposed to reduce cavities, the real motives are.
especially in children. Manufacturers add it to The solution? Read the label of any food prod-
toothpaste; municipalities put it in the public’s ucts you bring into the house. Start using bak-
drinking water. Pollution problem solved by ing soda as toothpaste or start using natural
spending no money and making money for in- oral care products for periodontal health with-
dustry that gets to sell its pollution to the phar- out fluoride. We use natural care products that
maceutical and food industries. contain Xylitol. This plant based sugar-alcohol
The truth is that raw hazardous pollution trapped has been shown to support sinus and lungs and
in scrubbers of the industries listed above is sold dental health. Remember it is a bacterium that
as fluoridation. Pretty neat solution for the politi- causes cavities in your mouth.
By Dr. Carlos Viana cians and industry; however, using of fluoridat- Get The Point! The only people who question
ed toothpastes and dental products or inges-
the safety of fluoride, says the United States
Imagine you are a government official trying to tion of fluoridated water directly or used in food government, are quacks. Interestingly, the
decide what to do with the oldest and biggest processing dramatically raises levels of lead in word “quack” was first used as a derogatory
toxic industrial pollutant. Nationwide, in the Unit- children’s blood. These high toxic levels cause term describing the first dentists that started us-
ed States fluoride remains one of industry’s larg- learning disorders and brain damage. Want ing mercury “quaksilver” in people’s mouths.
est pollutants. By the Environmental Protection some no-nonsense proof? Read the FDA fluo- If telling people the truth and offering alterna-
Agency’s (EPA) last estimate, at least 155,000 ride toothpaste that you are using “WARNING: tives to products that are know to be detrimen-
tons a year were being released into the air by Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of tal makes me a quack, so be it. I am looking
U.S. industrial plants. Emissions into water lakes, age. In case of accidental ingestion, seek pro- forward to working with you so you can find
rivers, and ocean have been estimated to be fessional assistance or contact a Poison Control out more about what you can do for a healthy
as high as 500,000 tons a year. Recent EPA data center immediately”. And you are still using this mouth and body; we can quack- quack
indicates that fluoride is currently the 6th most stuff? Fluoride is a poison that there is enough in together.q
emitted Hazardous Air Pollutant in the US, al- one standard tube of fluoridated toothpaste to CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is an Oriental Medi-
though total air emissions are now considerably KILL a 20 pound/ 9 kilo child. cal Doctor (O.M.D.) having studied in Shang-
lower than 155,000 tons. Professionally, I used to think that we were im- hai, China; a Board Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
mune to fluoride problems here in Aruba. Unfor- (C.C.N.), a fellow member of the Board Certified
Our air is contaminated by fluoride emissions tunately, I have been seeing fluorosis in our clin- Association of Addiction Professionals (C.Ad.),
from the production of iron, steel, aluminum, ic. The ingestion of fluoride causes a condition the Chairperson of the Latin American Commit-
copper, lead and zinc; phosphates (essential marked by mottling, yellow patches or spots on tee of the International Academy of Oral Medi-
for the manufacture of all agricultural fertilizers); the teeth and damage to the bones; especially cine and Toxicology (IAOMT), a Rejuvenating
plastics; gasoline; brick, cement, glass, ceram- bones that are still growing. We are ingesting Cell Therapist and specializes in Anti-Aging
ics, and the infinite other products made from fluoride from dental products, reconstructed Medicine, has a weekly radio program, writes
clay; electrical power generation and all other juice with fluoridated water and processed and lectures extensively. For information: VI-
coal combustion; and uranium processing. foods that contain fluoride. On our last trip to ANA NATURAL HEALING CENTER NV, Kibaima 7,
Our water is being polluted with fluoride by the Curaçao we heard that, frighteningly, our sister Aruba, TEL: 585-1270, Web Site:
producers and processors of glass, pesticides island is putting fluoride in their water.
and fertilizers, steel and aluminum, chemicals, As a member of the International Academy Dr. Viana’s Award Winning BOOK: Prescriptions
and metals. The metal processing industries in- Of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) I from Paradise, Introduction to Biocompatible
clude copper and brass, as well as titanium, su- am privileged to review the Academy’s data Medicine – Available at local Bookstores, Hotel
per-alloys, and refractory metals for military use. on ongoing examination of the toxicological Gift shops and Boticas. Signed copies at Viana
So, like any other deceptive politician you take data on fluoride, the Academy has made sev- Healing Center, EBooks: Amazon kindle, Nook,
your pollution problem, which is going to cost a eral preliminary determinations over the last 18 Itunes check for Events at:
lot of money to get rid off, and manipulate the years, each concluding that fluoride added to nahealingcenter.